
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Derivados de juegos
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280 Chs

Chapter 176: "Go to Elysia Realm"

Meanwhile in another place, Thea, who had left the sanatorium, immediately contacted Gray Serpent spy to guide her somewhere.

Thea wants to visit Elysia Realm, a place that is a memory tomb for 13 heroes from the previous era, and is also a place that can grant the heirs of their will in this era.

Within her own memory fragments, all the memories regarding the Elysia Realm were just minimal random fragments, and were also not neatly arranged.

She knew that Elysia Realm was very important in the main plot. But, Thea didn't know why that could be said to be important.

Why is Mei called the successor of Flame Chaser?

Where did the Herrscher of Origin's power come from?

And who exactly is the pink-haired Jesus? Why are people on the internet saying that this person is a lesbian?

All these things made Thea very interested, because these things were not in her memory at all.

Just like people who play the Honkai Impact story until the end, but immediately skip the Flame Chaser arc. A hole appeared in the middle of her memory which made Thea confused.

Whether this was because her previous self was too lazy to read this arc because it had turned into a long visual novel, so she didn't know, or whether she had completely forgotten this memory, just like the rest of the memory fragments.

After all, she had already forgotten many things from her past. Forgetting some things is normal.

Both of the above possibilities could occur.

For other reasons?

Well, Mei seems to get the power of Herrscher of Origin here. A power that can cut fate. If it was really there, then Thea would ask Granpa Kevin to get that power for her. She wanted to analyze how this thing worked.

Sorry Mei...


"Hello grandpa, long time no see!"


Entering the wide hall with a dark atmosphere gripping under Gray Serpent's guidance. Thea could see Kevin sitting on his throne like a centuries old ice statue.

His eyes stared blankly ahead, as if he was competing with the darkness in the room, who was the quietest and most deadly.

But what's actually happening, Kevin is just daydreaming. Just like he always did, going through these boring days with a blank mind, or thinking remembered the past.

"Granpa, I want to enter the Elysia realm! Can you give me permission to enter?"

"Hm, go, down the hall to your right."

Kevin gave Thea permission to enter the Elysia Realm very easily.

"Can you also give me the power of Herrscher of origin?" Thea said innocently, as if it was a trivial matter.

This time, Kevin's head moved, and he looked at Thea with eyes that were as deep as an ancient well thousands of years old.

"If she wants to give it to you, then take it. You deserve it."

"Who she?"

"You'll know if you go in."

Trying to get information from Kevin by talking friendly and spoiled to him, just like a filial niece. Thea didn't get any useful information except the humming sound hm, hm, hm, which had different octave pitches.

She could only sigh in disappointment.

She might have forgotten about the plot in Elysia Realm. But if she really wanted to know, she could have read Kevin's memories left in Kaslana's stigmata space.

What Kevin knows, Thea will know too.

There are no secrets at all. Closing your mouth is useless.


Seeing Kevin, who was still sitting quietly in his place, as if trapped on his throne, not moving an inch. Against the strongest creature under the last Herrscher, Thea chose to surrender.

Let's ask for his permission first before reading his memories later.

Never act impolitely towards older people. It is not good.


"Kid, the man named Otto that you mentioned before is still not found. Can we move forward, and ignore him, I can---"

"Goodbye grandpa! I'll go first!!!"

Kevin: "...."

Seeing Thea who immediately turned, entered the hallway with fast footsteps as if she was running away from him. Kevin covered his mouth back, and he sighed slightly.

It seems that the only way for Thea to work together with him to save MEI is to find the man named Otto first.

If Otto is found, MEI can be saved.

Therefore, he had to find this man as quickly as possible.

"Gray Serpent, how about him, have you found him?"

"Not yet, master. But, we have mobilized all existing units and information agents to look for him. It is estimated that he will be found soon."

"Then do it quickly."

"Alright master."

Gray Servant nodded his head obediently.

Just like the 238th time today.

Nodded his head, and didn't make the master anxious, he was already an expert in this field.


Elysia Realm...

Walking down the long hallway, and also dark. Thea who was walking alone in the dark this time, snapped her fingers to create a burning fire light on her fingertips.

Continuing to walk in the dark, and calculating her own location every second, intending to find the location of Elysia Realm on the world map. When Thea saw the light at the end of the hall, she knew immediately that her observations were coming to an end.

Speeding up her footsteps, and passing through the light. When Thea entered, she was not greeted by the pink-haired guide, or the other members of the Flame Chasers. Here it's still as quiet as a dead zone.

Thea was confused: "Why is this place still dark? I went the wrong way?"

Someone answered: "Because there is damage to the recording machine. So for the time being this place will carry out maintenance for a while before restarting."

Thea: "....?"

Adding to her power, the flames on her fingers grew brighter. With the broadening of perspective, Thea lowered her head, and she could see a curly green-haired Elf Puppet in a white robe, looking at her with a languid look.

Klein, who was an Elf puppet weapon created by Mobius from a previous era, and now had the task of looking after the operation of Elysia Realm, could only raise her short head, to look at the face of this foreign comer.

"Experimental subject, I don't know what brought you here, but you came at a very inopportune time. Please come again another time, and when you leave please tell the Gray Serpent not to allow anyone to come here again."

"Thank You."

"Wait a minute!"

Turned around, but was suddenly held back by Thea. Klein looked at this white-haired girl with an unfriendly gaze.

"What's wrong? Need anything?"

Thea coughed: "So are you the administrator of Elysia Realm? Can you explain to me why the machine suddenly broke down?"

Klein replied: "Sorry, I still don't know about this. But this will be corrected as soon as possible. Please do not disturb the treatment process."

Ignoring Klein's less than friendly answer. Thea thought for a moment, and she asked once again.

"Does this happen often? You seem to be used to it."

Klein took a deep breath: "Usually Elysia Realm is very rare to experience something like this. However, there will always be exceptions. Maintenance could have happened when Vill-V made a new creation, especially for the Kevin killer series. maintenance time to fix the results of this experimental mess is expected to take more than 3 months or more."

Thea pouted: "Then my trip here could only be in vain."

Found that the Elysia Realm is currently still under repair. Thea, who didn't want to take any losses, suddenly lifted Klein's body from the ground.

"W-What do you want!? Let me go!"

Seeing a small pair of legs hanging in the air, and struggling quickly in front of het. Thea smiled a little inside the darkness.

"If I'm not mistaken your name is Klein, right? Gray Serpent once told me about you before. He wants me to greet you if I meet you."

"By the way, are you interested in having a tea ceremony and eat sweets cake with me? I want to know more about Elysia Realm from you."

Seeing Thea's face smiling gently, but also full of danger. The reasoning system within her body screamed frantically.

"No, I don't want that! I have to go to work! Doctor Mobius will be angry with me if she finds out about this!"

Thea hugged Klein like an adorable doll: "Then let her get angry. Come on Klein, let's go out. I don't want to hear say no."

"No!!! let me go!!!"

Klein became extremely panicked.


In a slightly dim control center room...

A communicator screen appeared in front Klein who was currently lying on the ground, and two monitor screens instantly appeared in her eye.

One screen showed Thea carrying [Klein] out of this place while humming a funny song, and another screen was trying to communicate with the Gray Serpent.

"No... Don't let it out... It's not me..."

Klein, groaned in a weak voice.

Waited in silence, and discovered that she was currently connected to the Gray Serpent network. Klein's dim eyes suddenly shone with a final struggle.

Doesn't matter whether the other side hears her voice or not. Klein immediately shouted.

"Herrscher... Elysia Realm already...!"

"Sssstt... Klein~ don't be a bad girl~"

Seeing a pair of slender hands, closed the screen of her communicator. Klein, whose body was already badly damaged, raised her head in fear.

"Don't tell them okay~? It's still not time for us to show up~"


When the protagonist gets stronger, the enemy will also get stronger.

OK, what if the next enemy is Flame Chaser?

This must be interesting, right?

By the way I know that my grammar and my writing these days are getting really bad. If there is a sentence that is uncomfortable, you can tell me to fix it.

Thank You.

ah, there's something else. can you all tell me another name from Elysia Realm? I'm pretty sure the introduction at the beginning is not this name. grave, or sanctuary, or something?

Tell me if you know.


My grammar is completely out of whack today... huh...

KayokoDaaacreators' thoughts