

Nancy and Dickson walked together to the gym with Nancy feeling as fulfilled as possible that day. She however could see that Dickson was a bit troubled by what she could not exactly pin point.

"What is it?" Nancy asked Dickson as they walked.

"Oh! nothing, just, eh…nothing." Dickson said.

"Tell me, you seem like someone who is thinking a lot." Nancy hoped it had nothing to do with them having sex.

"It is not right for a man to share his problems with a woman." Dickson said jokingly.

Nancy laughed and said, "Ok, break the norm then."

Dickson smiled, stopped walking and told her, "The owner of the gym usually pays us as per the clients we get to coach. But for the last few days, he has not paid me despite me having coached several people. Right now, as we speak, I do not even know what I am going to eat tonight. Our work is physically demanding and without eating well we become unproductive."

Nancy looked at him and asked him, "So, your problem is food, nothing else?"

"Yes, for today, it is." Dickson said.

"Ok." Nancy said. She reached for her phone as she had not carried liquid cash. She went to Mpesa and sent Dickson Kshs 2,300.

Dickson's phone buzzed with a text.

"Oh! that wasn't necessary, I just told you my problem." Dickson said while smiling, "Anyway, I am grateful, God bless you."

"I never fail to help someone who is in genuine need. That is all I can afford for now, besides, I have probably milked you the whole day and I cannot imagine you going to sleep hungry after jumping up and down with us in the gym." Nancy told Dickson.

"Alright." Dickson said.

"I am not going to demand back that money, just go, buy yourself some food items and get something to eat." Nancy told Dickson.

Dickson laughed and told her, "I will buy."

Dickson and Nancy got to the gym together. Nancy went to the changing room and changed ready for her workout with Dickson getting into the gym and greeting a few guys.

During the session, Nancy was all smiles. She really admired Dickson's energy as he instructed them. She just could only marvel at how he managed to stay strong despite doing very strenuous exercises.

That day, Dickson had a group of people with 5 ladies and 2 men. All wanted to lose weight, tone up and get more energetic.

After they were done with their session, Dickson began giving them nutritional tips on how to maintain their bodies.

"For you men, avoid fatty foods, eat a lot of natural foods. When you go to buy meat avoid fatty meat too. Get also nutritional supplements for those who cannot access enough natural foods in town. You can also try nutritional super foods like Moringa, Ginseng, Mondia etc. I am sure even your wives will like it when you improve where it matters most." Dickson told them. That made the ladies laugh.

"Is that what you eat?" one lady asked Dickson.

"Yes. I do not want to be a weak man. But this too is for the ladies." Dickson said.

"And I can see your muscles are so visible…" a fat man said.

"Lowering your fat percentage is what makes them so visible. If you want your abs to be visible your fat percentage must be lower than 10%, or 15% if you have large abs. for me, I am at 5% body fat." Dickson told them.

"No wonder your muscles are so pronounced." Another lady said lusting for him.

"Dickson, let me now go back home, we shall communicate." Nancy told Dickson while picking her items.

"Nice evening and thank you." Dickson told Nancy.


That evening, Nancy prepared some supper instead of buying food from the hotel. She then sat with her daughter and taught her a few things and left her doing some homework.

"No watching TV until you are done!" Nancy told the little girl.

Nancy bought 2GB data bundles from Safaricom and tethered her phone with her laptop to get online. She had not logged to her social media accounts for a while. When she got to her Facebook account, she found a lot of messages and notifications and most were from men who were lusting for her.

Some men had insulted her for not honoring her promise to go visit them after they sent her some bus fare. She did not bother replying to them. She instead went for new targets. She approved some friend requests she had received all from men, she never bothered approving a request from a lady.

As soon as she approved the requests, some men got to her inbox and began chatting with her.

Nancy saw one of the men who was chatting with her had a photo of him standing next to a range rover. He went by a name Odino Odin on Facebook.

Odino went to Nancy's inbox and began to brag.

ODINO: If I would get a beautiful lady like you, I would take her to Seychelles for a holiday and treat her like a queen.

NANCY: Oh! really? Make me believe you.

ODINO: I am saying the truth. I have money, what else do I need if not a beautiful woman to enjoy life with?

Nancy concentrated on him seeing he was an obvious target.

NANCY: And whose car is that?

Odino was tall and dark, had a large tummy. He was wearing specs on that photo and a brown suit.

ODINO: Do I look like someone to pose with someone's car? That is my car.

NANCY: Wow! nice car.

ODINO: Nice figure you have there.

NANCY: So, you want to take me to Seychelles for a holiday? Prove to me you can.

ODINO: How do I prove yet you are far? I would have taken you to Villa Rosa for a night.

NANCY: I am about to sleep hungry, for today, buy me supper.

ODINO: Give me your digits, that is something small for me.


Nancy quickly sends him her number.

ODINO: Expect anything from now.

NANCY: What do you do for a living?

ODINO: I am a business man. Some of the business I do is importing cars from Japan.

NANCY: That means I am expecting you to buy me heavy supper, just like you.

ODINO: I don't deal with small things, wait and see.

Nancy waited as Odino briefly went offline.

Nancy received Kshs 20,000 from Odino. She knew it was him since the name Odino was there among the names.

ODINO: I can see you are in Mtwapa, tomorrow I am in Mtwapa. Will I get you for a hug?

NANCY: Of course! Wow! thank you, received.

ODINO: That is too little compared to what I will do for you if you accept to go with me for holiday. If you have a husband, tell him you are going on a business trip.

NANCY: I am a single mother.

ODINO: The better. Money can buy anything and those who think it cannot do not know how to shop. Don't let me down.

Nancy continued chatting with Odino. She learned that he was married and he was 46 years old. He had a wife and three children all in Nairobi and he was into living large and extravagantly since he had money.

Nancy thought: this man is in for fun and nothing else, I can give him a chance and see what he can do.

Odino later logged off promising to call Nancy the following day, at around 11 am.

The following day, at exactly 10 am, one hour earlier than agreed, Odino called Nancy through her number.

NANCY: Hi, are you already in Mtwapa?

ODINO: Yes, where do I pick you? Or rather come and meet me at Danca.

NANCY: Give me like 30 minutes and I will be there.

ODINO: Take your time.

Nancy showered fast. She then wore a short red dress, some red sandals and red shades. She wanted to make an impression.

When she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt selflove for herself.

Nancy called a Tuktuk guy she knew who took her all the way to Danca. When she got there, she immediately recognized Odino.

"Wow! that is my baby!" Odino said standing up to hug Nancy. He was taller than she had thought. He stood at 6 feet 3 inches in height and had a large frame. He even had to lean a little in order to give her a hug.

"You look stunning!" Odino told Nancy.

"You too." Nancy told him. He wore a pair of brown shorts, a white T shirt. He had black open leather shoes. In front of him was a laptop.

The waiter went to take their orders.