
Honey, I Hate You: Married To A Beguiler

She will do anything to escape her death, including marrying the man that she detested the most. Dayton Katherine, who thought true love, and happiness prevails all things, was led to her doom by that thought. Marrying the man she truly loved was her dream, but it turned out to be a nightmare she never saw coming. On her wedding day, after she lost everything including her position, and wealth, she was murdered by the man she loved dearly. It turned out he deceived her, and made her know that what she thought existed was only a fantasy which deluded her. After being killed, she was granted a second chance– a chance to redeem her mistake. Katherine woke up a day before the day she died. Now, she is desperate to run away from her mysterious fate, but they are bound to happen. For her to escape the fate of dying on her wedding day, and being killed by the man she loved, she decided to marry Jaylen Eric. She wanted to believe all men weren't the same, but she was mistaken. She caught Eric kissing her cousin an hour before their wedding. She had no choice but to marry him in order to protect herself, she is bent on hating the beguiler she got married to. This time, she won't waver for this man, nor will she allow her mind to be clouded by thoughts that will delude her. What if he turns out to be the most supporting, caring, loving, and reliable person she ever met? What if his feelings were genuine towards her? What if he began to make her waver, and her life got endangered? Will she be able to cope with what lies ahead of her? Allow the pressure from her in–laws, cousin, and her fate swallow her? Or come out strong from it? Except; “Do you think you can keep hating me?” His question made Katherine turn to face him. She hesitated before she replied, “Yes, I will never waver for you, Honey.” A teasing smile playing on his lips, Eric took a few steps closer to her. “Wifey, do you think that wall of hatred won't melt down if I try seducing you?” Seeing the determination in his eyes, she can't help but laugh. “Try, and see.” (I will be updating two chapters per day except Sundays.)

Muhammed_shafa · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Unexpectable Death

"You look beautiful, ma'am," one of the stylists complimented Katherine as she tried on her bridal gown.

A sly smile formed on her lips as she admired herself in the mirror. Turning to the stylist, she confidently declared, "I'll go with this one."

"Alright, ma'am. The makeup artist will dress you an hour before your wedding," the stylist informed her.

Katherine nodded and left without saying a word. She got into her car, then zoomed off to the Dayton residence.

Since they think she can't do anything without their assistance, she'll prove them wrong.

'Since they think money is what real happiness is, I am going to show them the only genuine happiness that exists is being loved,' she thought before she alighted from her car.

Katherine exhaled deeply, unsure if she would be able to execute her plan.

She glanced at the magnificent building with a pale expression. Even though she was happy, she felt sad about leaving the house which was where she had all the memories of her life, including both good and bad.

"Katherine, you can do this," she reassured herself before stepping inside.

Inside the magnificent living room which exuded an expensive aura, her father, Mr. Maxwell, and his niece, Annabella, were engrossed in their favorite TV show.

They pretended not to notice Katherine's presence until she voiced out.

"Good day, dad."

Mr. Maxwell raised his gaze to stare at Katherine, who he thought came for either of the two; to beg him for assistance and acceptance, or to accept the idea of marrying the Jaylen family youngest son.

"What is good about the morning? Besides, why are you here?" He asked harshly.

She smiled faintly before she began. "I came for my luggage and to also inform you that happiness is not about money, but true love."

Annabella, who had been quiet, burst into laughter at her words.

"True love? Happiness? Katherine, don't be deluded. No one will ever love a person like you, so give it up."

Annabella's statement provoked Katherine, but she buckled her anger in before she took a few steps closer to her, "Bella, you can't know what true love and happiness are because you have no one to give it to you aside from your uncle. So give up trying to lecture me," she replied before she headed into her room.

She dragged out her luggages before she loaded it into her car and drove off to the hotel.

She brought out her phone and dialed Asher's number.

He picked up almost immediately when she called:

"Sweetheart, is anything the problem?"

She smiled at how sweet his voice sounded over the phone before she replied. "No. I just called to ask how everything is going with the wedding preparation? Are they done with the decorations, and when are we going to officially be husband and wife?"

"You ask too many questions," from his response, it was obvious that he was provoked. "Everything is going well. Just make sure to be here in two hours," he added.

"Oh… oh… sure…" She stuttered out of excitement before she hung up.

She stood up from the couple-sized bed before she walked into the bathroom. She took her bath shortly after, then applied her skin lotion before dressing up.

After she was done, she drove back to the fashion home to get dressed up.

She put on her gown before they began to apply the makeups on her. She stared at the mirror once the stylist was done.

"Wow, I can't believe I look like a doll. Asher will be so astonished to see this side of me," she stated with a pretty smile which added to the beauty of her face.

Even though she was among the popular top ten most beautiful ladies in the city, she wasn't classic or care about dress.

"Miss, everything is okay apart from the slight injury caused by my pin on your neck. I am sorry," the stylist informed her after the final touch on her hair.

Katherine, who didn't feel any pain due to her over-excitement, chuckled at the stylist's words before uttering, "It's alright. As long as my face isn't torn apart."

She stared at herself in the mirror one more time before she headed to her car. She got in and drove off to the hall they rented.

She decided to surprise Asher by going to the hall thirty minutes before their wedding began. She just couldn't wait to officially be his wife.

It took her thirty minutes before she was able to arrive at the location of their wedding hall. The exterior part of the hall looked disappointing, but she cared less. What she cared about is that their wedding should be held in an outstanding place. If the interior part is astonishing, who cares about the exterior part?

'If he likes it here, who cares?' She thought inwardly, a faint smile on her face.

She headed into the building, still it was the same until she arrived at the entrance of the hall, which wasn't as bad as she thought. Just when she was about to enter, a statement from Asher made her stop in her tracks.

"I am done with that dumb lady. Katherine is the real catch. I already got the money from her, so I will wrap up everything here."

Maybe she heard that wrong, but she didn't. It was obvious that statement was a cut-off of his phone conversation.

Her heart sank as she watched him slide the phone into his pocket after smiling at it with satisfaction.

Unable to hold back the anger and sadness she felt, she walked up to him.

"Asher, tell me what I just heard… your conversation over the phone… isn't true, right?" She asked sadly.

Asher, who couldn't hide his intention any longer, chuckled at her behavior, "And so? Oh, you expect me to marry a dullard like you? I forbid it!"

Hearing his words, her heart shattered into pieces. "What do you mean? So all those times you said you love me, and I was your whole world, was just a lie? So you were deceiving me all this while?" Tears streamed down her cheeks as she questioned with her hands tightly holding his shirt.

Asher pulled her hands away from his shirt before he raised his gaze to stare at her, "This is why you are a fool! Do you think I really mean those words? Oh shit!"

"You said what? I am a fool?" The question escaped her shivering lips.

He did not allow her to utter a word before he brought out the knife in his pocket. "Katherine, I don't have time for your noise. Let's end this now," he said before closing the gaps between them, and stabbed her. He stabbed her continuously until he watched her fall to the ground, then walked out.

Katherine, who couldn't believe what was happening to her, let her clustering tears pour down.

No matter how much she tried to be conscious, it was obvious that she was going to die due to the loss of blood.

Laying helplessly on the ground, she couldn't think of anything aside regrets and second chance. Even if she doesn't believe in reborn or second chance, she couldn't help but hope for one.

"Heaven, please save me. Give me a second chance to redeem this mistake, no, in my next life, don't let me make this mistake… please," more tears streaming down, she cried out as she desperately wished for a second chance– a second chance to live as a brilliant person, and not as a foolish dullard everyone knew her as.

I hope you enjoy the book, and support it.

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