
Chapter 21: Destiny


In which Steven has an epiphany and Blue must face the music

They hadn't meant to waste so much time simply locking lips. Not that either of them cared in the heat of the moment, but when one of them found the sense to glance at the time, they realized they had to depart. It was a little past dinner time, and Blue wondered where her reminder had gone. She didn't hear it, nor did she feel it in her bag or on her person.

"You probably left it at Connie's," Steven said, pulling her toward the kitchen area. He was a little hungry himself. Slipping out his phone, he sent his friend a quick text before resuming his search around the kitchen. "We can get it tomorrow if she has it."

Opening the fridge, he found leftovers, but not enough for both of them. "Hmm, we could have eggs and bacon—do a little reverse breakfast." The joke was lame, and even he knew that. Still, he looked over his shoulder for some sort of reaction, but Blue wasn't by the bar.

A quick look around revealed Blue taking out a cookbook from the shelf next to the sink. She flipped through it and then showed him the page she wanted. "I have yet to try this," she informed him.

He leaned over to look at the recipe: Alfredo shrimp pasta. Quick and easy to make, except for one problem.

"We'll switch the shrimp with chicken," he said, smiling as he took the book. "You're allergic to crustaceans," he reminded her.

He'd never forget the time she tried shrimp at a restaurant during one of their dates. She had turned an alarming shade of red and broken out in hives. It had been both awkward and terrifying, but thank goodness the restaurant was stocked with epinephrine. He remembered bombarding Blue with questions about whether she was allergic to anything else afterward. She hadn't even known what an allergy was until she ate the shrimp.

With a few epinephrine injectors on hand, Steven had her test the common allergens like nuts, wheat, milk, and soy. Thankfully, she was fine with all of them. She even discovered her go-to favorite snack: a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread. No jelly—not because she was allergic, but simply because she didn't like jam. Steven didn't mind, but ever since that incident, he'd been more cautious about what Blue ate, as she seemed willing to try anything without thinking.

It amazed him how much Blue could actually eat if given the chance. She looked so skinny and petite, yet her appetite was surprising.

"I would like to try the preparation process," Blue said, watching as he took out some meat from the fridge. It had been left out to thaw but somehow ended up back in the fridge during the chaos of their earlier rush. Steven smiled, knowing Blue had never cooked a day in her life and was now trying to take the initiative.

"Okay, so what we're going to do is…" He began by showing her how to thaw the meat under warm water. Once mostly thawed, he set it on a cutting board and guided Blue in front of him. Handing her a knife, he placed his hand over hers to help her cut the meat.

"And that's mostly it. You do that while I get the seasoning," he said, turning to rummage through the cabinets.

Behind him, Blue began to hum. He recognized the tune—it was a song he had once sung to her. Smiling, he started humming along, their voices blending into a beautiful, harmonious duet.


There were surprisingly no major bumps. Nothing caught on fire, and Blue didn't try any shortcuts using her powers. She followed instructions exactly, and they sang and had fun as they cooked together. In the end, dinner turned out great. Sure, the meat was cut smaller than Steven had expected, but other than that, it was perfect.

"Perhaps we should start searching for music for the wedding," Blue remarked before stuffing her face with the delicious meal they had made together.

Steven was still chewing when she spoke. Admittedly, he also had a big appetite, so it was doubtful there would be any leftovers—not like the Gems needed to eat. Sure, Amethyst could eat, but she'd put literally anything in her mouth, unlike Blue, who at least stuck to things that were edible. Amethyst, on the other hand, had eaten actual cans before, food still inside and all.

"Blue," Steven said, trying to sound stern, though it came out more like a choked whine.

The younger hybrid giggled. "I know, 'a break.' But what's the harm?"

In truth, this was her way of wanting to spend time with her mate. He wanted her to take a break, so she would—but only with him. They'd just been singing moments ago, so what harm could there be in bringing up music now? Perhaps they could even compose a song for the wedding instead. Bonding while being productive—just like in the kitchen. It wouldn't even feel like work, which was exactly her intention.

"We enjoy singing. Would you prefer we come up with a song for the wedding? That way, we'd be bonding too," she added.

Her mate squinted suspiciously at her. He knew what she was up to. Blue responded with a sweet smile, trying to win him over.

"Our future then? When we're of age?" she suggested innocently.

His eyes went wide. He sure as hell hadn't expected that. Was she already planning their wedding too? Did Sapphire give her a peek into the future? Or was this a trick? Hmm… Most likely a trick. She was capable of humor.

He smiled back, playfully rolling his eyes in surrender. "Okay, you win."

Slurping up the last bit of pasta, he quickly placed his dish in the sink and headed upstairs to grab his guitar and her harp. When he returned, Blue was standing by the door, staring outside.

He'd let her have her way—for now. But after this? If they were still up, it'd be movie time. Or maybe a board game. More kissing wouldn't be bad, either.

He sets the instruments down on the couch, calling out to his girlfriend, telling her he got their stuff. Except she doesn't respond. He looks over at her, still standing and staring outside.

"Are the others back?" he muses, walking forward. No, Sapphire said 2 a.m., and it's only 7 p.m. The closer he gets, the better he understands—it's snowing. Guess it's a good thing the wedding wasn't today, like the original plan. He whistles in astonishment. When it snows, it snows hard here in Beach City. By tomorrow, Blue will have no choice but to take a break because Sapphire predicted seven inches.

He opens his mouth to tell her as much, but his words catch in his throat when he sees her expression. Her eyes are so wide, he can actually see the snow reflecting in her blue irises, like tiny stars.

"Snow," she mumbles, sounding like she's second-guessing herself as she moves closer to the door.

She's seen rain before at the zoo, and despite having Sapphires, they don't often produce ice. Unlike the Sapphire here on Earth, the ones back home are less emotional—at least around her. The sole reason Blue has any concept of snow is because Steven had mentioned it once before, saying it was "like rain, but cold and semi-solid."

Steven grins, realizing this is Blue's first snow. Perfect. While she's distracted, he hurries upstairs and grabs coats for both of them, though he makes a mental note to buy her a proper one later. Maybe they can go shopping tomorrow, and he can get her an entirely new wardrobe just for Earth. Yeah, that actually sounds pretty good.

He returns to Blue, who's now holding her harp. They put on their jackets, and he leads her outside, where the snow has yet to stop. Steven regrets not putting on his boots and makes another mental note to buy some for Blue, too. He's careful with her as they head down the steps.

Wow, it's already three inches.

He shivers from the cold but continues onward, determined to show her a fun time—even if it's just for less than five minutes. Blue shivers too, squeezing his hand as he leads her away from the decorations.

Perhaps she could summon a barrier around the entire field and have Ruby use her powers to help melt the place faster once everything is done.

Steven stops and lets go of her hand, bending down to pile up some snow and form a ball. Blue is taken aback by this.

"Sometimes we would throw these at each other. It's called a snowball fight." He squashes the ball and throws the remains into the air.

"How curious," she utters, bubbling her harp. Then, she bends down to mimic what he did. "How does one know the winner?" she asks, turning the icy ball this way and that in fascination. Her fingers feel slightly numb.

Steven laughs. "There is no winner or loser. It's just a game," he tells her.

Then, a rather large snowball smacks him right in the face—so hard, he stumbles backward.

The sound of giggling makes him look up. His girlfriend hovers over him, smiling gleefully.

"Let us commence then. No limit, powers included," she ecstatically urges him on.

He grins in return, sitting up, grabbing a fistful of snow on his way, and throwing it at her. It lands on her face and in her hair. Maybe they'll regret this later, but she's having fun now. She scoops up some snow and throws it back, missing by a curly inch of his hair.

Steven summons a barrier and starts piling up ammunition. Because his shield is pink and translucent, Blue can see what he's doing and summons her own shield, mimicking him. That's when the snowball fight truly begins. They use their shields as cover, running around each other, sneaking up, tackling, laughing, and enjoying the moment.

Steven eventually slumps onto the snow, arms and legs spread out, laughing for no other reason than the genuine, overwhelming joy he feels. Blue joins in, probably laughing the hardest she ever has, holding her sides as tears form at the corners of her eyes.

"What joy this is," she manages to say between contagious giggles.

"I know, right?—Ooh, look. This is called a snow angel." Steven starts swiping his arms and legs side to side in the snow, then stands up to proudly show her his masterpiece.

Her eyes sparkle with mirth as she eagerly copies him. Her snow angel, however, isn't as successful—Blue spreads her limbs so wide that her snow angel looks more like a snowball than something you'd throw.

Blue stares at it, mildly disappointed but still smiling.

"It's okay. We can try again," Steven says, only to sneeze moments later. Blue looks up at him curiously as she presses a finger into the snow within the dent she created.

"I'm gonna go in and make hot cocoa. Wanna sit in front of the fire?"

Her finger moves, creating a line. "In a moment. I wish to try something out here first."

Steven watches her for a moment, then nods. "Okay." He starts walking back toward the house.

Blue looks down at what her hand has instinctively created: a diamond—the Diamond Authority logo, with all four represented as one. She grimaces, knowing she can't run away forever. A fleeting moment of fun, at most. She sits down, pulling her harp from the bubble. Her gaze shifts from the symbol to Steven's snow angel, then to the uneven, destroyed snow from their playful fight.

Blue's Song

"Ever since I came that day,

And I saw you. And I heard you,

I didn't know what I wanted, and then I knew.

I wanted you.

Now I rest and play in the snow,

Learning everything you know,

And enjoying the things you do.

I see you.

I hear you.

I feel you.

I love you."

Blue's thoughts begin to drift.

White has been in solitude for eons. Yellow was no help when it came to healing gems—she didn't care to try. Watching how easily Steven speaks with his guardians, how Connie talks to her mother, Blue aches to have that ease. But she can't.

If she told Yellow the truth, would she even listen? Or would she dismiss it because it involves Earth—the planet Yellow loathes most in this galaxy? Would Blue be punished for lying in the first place? Would Yellow even believe her if she told her that Pink Diamond had created an offspring just like the original Blue Diamond?

"Sometimes I'm still confused a bit,

Sometimes I just want to quit.

And then I look at you.

Everything feels okay,

Even when I feel astray.

I thought that I could get away,

Even if temporarily.

Nearly done, and now you want a break,

And there's no clarity.

I thought if I pretend I'm not who I am,

I could be more human.

I see you.

I hear you.

I feel you.

I love you."

Blue sighs, feeling torn. She knows she can't delay forever. White needs to understand reproduction and regeneration—and that they never vaporized any gems, only corrupted them. It's why she threw herself into wedding planning. Why she doesn't want a break.

But Steven's warmth could only help so much. Maybe he should come with her back to Homeworld. Maybe he can prove what his gem truly is.

"I have to look ahead, right the wrong instead.

Perhaps I always knew.

This is my destiny,

And yours too.

I see you.

I hear you.

I feel you.

I love you.

And you love me too."

Her breath was visible in the crisp, cold air. Blue wiped away the snow, erasing the symbol she had drawn. As she stood up, she didn't get a chance to turn around before a blanket was gently draped over her shoulders. A hand rested on her back—barely noticeable through the many layers she wore.

Her mate stepped into view, looking down at her with a small smile.

"Want to come up with songs for the wedding?"

Unable to return the smile fully, she nodded, appreciative nonetheless.

The warmth of the house greeted them both, the fireplace crackling and hot cocoa waiting on the table. They shed their many layers of jackets, leaving Blue and Steven in their usual attire, now surrounded by pillows and blankets.

Steven held his guitar, while Blue cradled her harp. Music soon filled the cozy silence, though no lyrics had come to them yet.

"Steven," Blue said softly, setting her harp aside and reaching for her cup. The mug was pink with hearts on it—a humorous choice at the time, but the humor had faded for the moment.

"Would you… perhaps want to come back with me to Homeworld? Once this wedding is completed?"

Steven had been half-expecting this. After hearing her song—especially the ending—he'd wondered if she would ask him outright or attempt to return alone to whatever task awaited her on Homeworld.

"I'll come if you want," he said earnestly.

Still, he couldn't ignore the challenges such a decision would bring. The first time he was taken from Earth had left deep scars, and he doubted the Gems, his dad, or even Connie would easily accept him leaving again.

"But I have to talk to the Gems first," he added.

Blue nodded, understanding completely. She didn't blame him for his reluctance; his previous experience on Homeworld had been far from ideal.

"Of course," she replied.

The corrupted Gems weren't going anywhere. Things back on Homeworld weren't going to change overnight, either. And then there was White.

Blue had made her decision. She would try to talk with White, even if her Zircon, her Pearl, or anyone else warned against it. She had to.

At the very least, she owed it to herself to try.