Transmigrated to Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. Death lurks behind every corner. It may have not seemed like that in the TV, but living in Sunnydale is more like a survival game, really.
It was an old counter in a bar. No like "in the cowboy movies" old, but really old.
I just slowly opened my eyes and didn't know any better than to stare at the figure behind it.
"Hi, please take a seat."
I did. What else there was to do?
"You died a virgin, right?
"Don't worry, there is a blessing for people like you."
Sounds good.
Not wanting to do anything badly I just waited for her to speak again,
while she cleaned the glass.
"You know the thing about them becoming wizards, right?"
"Yes. Yes, I do."
You would expect alcohol from someone like her. I mean, just look at her mysterious clothes and all.
"Well, it"s a lie."
"Like, virgins won't become wizards. They will become holy priests."
"And… that's worse… maybe?"
"It depends. You get this holy magic energy you can train in any way you want.
But… it vanishes if you have on your own will a sexual intercourse before marriage."
"The whole <priest> thing is the reason. Some say with great power comes great responsibility, but with great power actually comes also a great cost."
"I am… waiting for more information?"
"Oh, yes. You saw Buffy the Vampire Slayer, right? I will send you to Sunnydale. You will get <skill menu> to help you be aware of what you know. You will have your own house and enough money to comfortably live till the end of university, starting as high schooler."
"Will the events proceed as in the series?"
"Oh, you know, the TV series was based on the reality. This reality. So there's no way it will be totally the same."
It won’t go as cannon. Since the power levels are higher in this “reality” than the series and it would be boring as well to proceed like that. Which means the MC won’t be exploiting any “plot knowledge”.
The MC will start weak and slowly build up skills. But the world will be a lot stronger. If he were to solve all the issues in the series by himself he would fail.
No ecchi or harems or anything like that.