
Chapter 722: Prophecy

As the old Rebel God continued to read the ancient texts, he became even more intrigued by Gabriel's mysterious past. The revelation about his connection to Chaos and Ezekiel, two of the most powerful beings in the Realm of Gods, raised more questions than answers.

Unfortunately, the Book didn't mention anything else about that child. It only said that Chaos took the child to some unknown Lower World before returning single handedly. 

The old man put the book back and continued his search, hoping to find more in the other books. Albeit that doesn't happen. Other than that book, there was not a single mention of a child of unknown origins.

But there was one book that he found which made him gasp once more. It was a book that he never heard about. It was the Book of Prophecies. The name of the author was nowhere on the book but one thing was certain. The book wasn't written by the Divine Author.