
Hollywood RE:CODED

Don't be too serious while reading this fic. New Cover Credited to LordValmar. ~~~ A man suffering from pancreatic cancer lay in his bed weakly. Believe that he will never survive, he made a wish on his birth/deathday to become the best filmmaker and become rich on his next life if there is. A normal boy, who wanted live a genuine life, carrying a mysterious past and future. Suddenly they woke up in the one body and one mind in year 1980. Watch him as he becomes the greatest filmmaker and the King of Hollywood ~~~ PS: I only own my OC's and I own nothing any of the copyright, name, and products that I mentioned in my story. Any similarities are inevitable because I use real person, event, and trademarks and just hope I won't get sued in this non-commercial fiction. ~~~ Support me on patreon : https://www.patreon.com/bukanorang Type directlly on your browser for further chapters. or You can donate me on paypal.me/igdtj Any donation meaningful for me. Any suggestion or discussion, find me in: Discord https://discord.gg/HRQFNjFEr6

BukanOrang · Real
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129 Chs

Chp 60 : Date?

Hello, the new chapter update would be on whether Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, I'm trying to write a lot of chapter but I just got a writer block... so I'm stuck with 2 to 3 chapter a week, you can check my patréon for further chps,

So enjoy my new chapter! Happy reading!


Al took the script that Tom gave him and checked out the content. There were some scenes in the script he had never seen in the movie before, maybe they deleted some content when editing the movie.

When he read the script, he suddenly knew what was wrong with Toby since yesterday. He sighed and shook his head, he should have expected it.

He finished reading the script and he saw everyone still focused on reading it, except Charlie Sheen who stole a hate glance at him at some point.

And few girls who were looking at him hazily, and is that a heart shape in their eyes? he thought they need to go to the ophthalmologist in case something wrong with their eyes.

After everyone has finished reading the script, John Hughes asked them a question, "Okay everyone, how about the script?" The room became silent.

Al still looking at the script and realized nobody was answering John, he looked up and saw that everyone had their eyes on him.

He was stunned, oh, John's question wasn't meant for everyone it seemed, but for him. And it must be Al's fame gave the impression of him to be a controlling celebrity.

"It was good Mr. Hughes, but more importantly is that, if there was anybody who had a problem with the script? I mean, it supposed to be a team discussion right? Everybody, if you have something to say go ahead, and Mr. Hughes, if you need something for me to do, I will try my best to follow it." He said while smiling at them.

That put them at ease, especially John Hughes and Tom Jacobson. Turned out Alphonse was a humble person, not demanding anything out of them or asked them to change the script.

They spent their morning reading out loud the script and impersonating their characters. Al thought Matthew Broderick was good in that role, but he could do this better than him. He got an idea to make the 4th wall break took a step further, maybe like Deadpool doing the 4th wall break.

Luckily, Deadpool comic was created in 1991, so his portrayal would be originals.

He and the other cast shared and discussed some idea they had in their minds.

A few moments later,

Ned Tanen who had just called by board directors came back to the table reading room, and before he opened the door, he heard everyone's loud laughter came from that room.

He opened the door and saw Al and Alan were standing at the table and singing and dancing to a song that he knew was The Beatles' song 'Twist and Shout', while everyone cheered and clapped their hands on them.

Only a few of them didn't join him, that included Charlie Sheen and Jennifer Grey.

They heard the door was being opened and saw the one who just entered the room was Paramount Picture's president, Ned Tanen. Everyone immediately stopped and went back to their seats.

Everyone was thinking that they were like students in the class when their teacher was absent, but suddenly a principal came to their classroom. They were very happy when doing it.

As for John Hughes, he smiled widely. Alphonse was an actor he was looking for and matched with Ferris Bueller's temperament.

Al who was still standing at the table jump off and landed on the ground, then he greeted Ned Tanen. Ned replied to his greeting, he rubbed his temples and let everyone continued what they were doing before and left the room again.

When Ned closed the door, he heard the racket again, he shook his head and head back to his office to drink an aspirin, maybe casting Al was a double-edged sword, he will get a nice box office figure but he won't know what kind of trouble he was going to face.

He knew this situation before, about unruly teenagers who tried to do anything they wanted, and everyone let them because they made them money.

But this time will be harder because this teenager, got some serious backing, so Ned Tanen will be needed to devise some plans for this kid and warned him a little about who owned Hollywood, yep the seniors.

Whilst in the room, after the party pooper was gone, they continued to play some scenes on the script and ended up making a ruckus, again.

When they finished doing the table reading, someone from the event organizers came in and told them that it was already noon and their next schedule was an interview by reporters.

They were then led to the conference room where dozens of reporters and paparazzi from different kinds of media gathered.

They let Al seated at the middle of the table, between him was John Hughes and Ned Tanen. As for the rest of the cast, they were seated in the corner of the table and even some of them standing at the door entrance.

Al glared at Tanen, he again did something like this to divide them, by differentiating the treatment of him with the other cast.

Maybe he just met them moments ago and he knew little about their characters, but didn't they just have fun together a moment ago? Then Paramount, or whoever was it, did this?

So he stood up from his chair and gave it to the organizer. Reporters saw this and confused, then one of them gave him a question out of their session.

"Mr. Brandt, why did you stand up?" The reporter who asked this felt this could be hot news for the showbiz column tomorrow.

He took the mic from the table and moved it close to his mouth, "There's no problem, I have sat for too long before and now my arse is flattened, it felt that the squat that I did every morning was in vain." He said it with a smug face.

The conference room suddenly became silent, suddenly the sound of laughter was heard from behind him, then followed by everyone else in the room.

John Hughes who was sitting, now also standing up following what Al did, so as everyone else in the room. The only left sitting was Ned Tanen and some other old guys from Paramount Pictures executives.

Ned Tanen clenched his ass, he should've expected it. Al was in Steven Spielberg's faction, so of course, he also had the same attitude as him.

A long time ago, there was a young genius emerging director and he tried to break the tradition of Hollywood, but Hollywood's fossil had broken this guy's spirit and youth, and this youngster's name is Steven Spielberg.

These youngsters always love to break the tradition, he needed another plan to make Alphonse submitted to Hollywood's law, but not at present time. Alphonse must have increased his vigilance after his first conspiracy failed.

While standing, John Hughes as the director explained to the reporters about their upcoming film with Al starred in it.

"Yes, this film would be called <Ferris Bueller's Day Off>, and we planned to release it in summer next year. Also, the shooting will begin from late July to early September, right on time when the summer vacation ended."

After doing some explaining, finally, they opened to a question and answer session.

"Excuse me, Mr. Brandt, what made you want to star in this film?" A woman who said her name was Angela from the New York Times asked him.

"It's a good script! The first time I saw the script, I think this was a different kind of film ever created, and I'm sure it will be a game-changer and a breakthrough for Hollywood films."

"Is there any conflict between you and the Paramount or the other cast?"

"Nonsense, we are working together happily, even we tried some scenes in the script and ended up making a ruckus." After he said it, there was a cheer and applause from some of the cast.

Reporters could see that the cast was in harmony with each other. Then a reporter asked about a character that he played and he explained it to them.

The pers conference continued, Al even handed over the mic to Mia Sara or Alan Ruck and asked them to tell reporters about the characters they will play.

The press conference ended at 4 PM, after saying farewell to the reporters, the rest of the cast were disbanded and went home.

Ari parted with Al because he had something to do with his other client.

He sneaked to his car with John Mick, afraid that reporters or paparazzi would bother him. The press conference ended without the satisfaction of reporters, they had so much to question for them.

On their way to leave the Paramount Pictures HQ, He saw a familiar face standing on the roadside.

He asked John to pull over near that person, and opened his car window.

As for the person who was standing on the roadside sighed, 'Not again, this time I'll rude to them, who do they think am I? Just because I'm standing here waiting for a taxi doesn't mean I'm a hooker!'

But how surprised she was when she saw the one who pulled down the car window was someone she idolized.

"You are Kristy, right? Kristy Swanson?"

Kristy was speechless, it was the boy who flirted with her when she was introducing herself, and he even remembered her name.

She just got an insignificant role in this movie because John Hughes liked her audition but unfortunately, no character in the film matched her, but John Hughes felt bad and compensated her by creating a small role for her.

Who knew the main lead, Alphonse Brandt and she would meet at a moment like this.

He saw that Kristy Swanson didn't reply to his question and thought that maybe he was too direct. "Uhm... Ms. Swanson? Am I too rude to call you by the first name? Or is it about the last morning when I tried to flirt with you? If you were offended, then I apologize."

She realized that she was rude for not replying to his question because she was too shocked. And not only that, she made him apologized to her.

'What a gentleman...' She thought of him dreamily, "No, no you are not, Mr. Brandt, I'm just too shocked meeting you here."

He got out of his car and approached her. "What are you doing out here alone? Oh, just call me Al like everyone else."

"Then please call me Kris, Al. And I'm waiting for a taxi here."

"You didn't have a ride or anyone to take you home?"

"No, Al, I'm still 16 so I can't have a car yet, and I am used to using a taxi whenever I'm going out, my parents were busy."

"Well, do you want to hop on? I want to get some dinner first, then I can take you to your home."

"C-Can I?" She was shocked at his offer.

"Of course, why not? And don't worry, although you are really beautiful, I won't kidnap you."

Her face reddened after he complimented her, Al then opened the door for her, she gladly entered the car.

She sat beside Al in the backseat, then she looked around the car's interior, she thought it must be cost a lot to have this car.

This was a BMW 733i car, that he bought last year and it cost $45,000 with some add-ons and a bulletproof window. That was why Kristy was so amazed at this car's luxuries.

Al told John to move and they hit the road again, "Do you like Mexican food Kris?"

"Whatever you like Al, I'll just follow your arrangements." She said shyly.

When Al heard her saying "whatever", suddenly he was brought into a dilemma, he heard this before. Every time a girl said whatever there must be some hidden message from them.

Did she not like Mexican food? Or did she thought he was forcing her to have dinner? Or did she regretted that she followed him to the car? Or is the earth flat? Is flat justice?

"Al! Are you okay? You are absent-minded for a moment there?" She asked in concern.

"No, I'm just thinking if a girl said whatever, there must be something wrong." He decided to be truthful to her.

"Pfft, really Al? Are you trying to be sexist?" She laughed. "It's not that. I mean I will follow your arrangement, besides it's a date right? Didn't usually boys need to take the lead?"

"Oh now is your turn to be a sexist!" He smiled at her, and then said, "Yes, if you really want this as a date, then yes, it's a date, Kris." Both of them then smiled.

They were having interesting conversations while searching for a Mexican restaurant nearby.

They found a good Mexican restaurant called El-Cholo, over there, Al ordered every food he could get, he had a big appetite.

Even Kristy flabbergasted after seeing Al could devour all the food. Then, Al challenged her to eat the spiciest food in the restaurant and she accepted it.

In the end, both of them unable to finish it and ordered different food.

He felt that the night was still young so he suggested to her about extending their dates, she accepted it and he took her for the lookout around LA and even visited where the Hollywood sign was located.

"Wow, it must be fun having so many brothers and sisters." She said

After they were having so much fun wandering LA, they realized their curfew and decided to call it a night.

On their way to Kristy's home, Al talked about his family in the orphanage.

"It is, and I really love them." Al then turned his sight to the scenery outside of the car.

Kristy smiled, "Yeah, I wish I had siblings too, if I do, I would love them, but maybe fight with them a little. My friend said that she can't stand her little brother, always picking a fight with her. But in the end, they made up and forgive each other, and she still loves him very much."

Speaking about siblings, he also had a little complication about his', and he will make sure to clear it with him tonight.

They arrived in some middle-class neighborhood where Kristy's house was located, he got off the car with her and accompanied her to the front door of her house.

Then they said farewell to each other, "Thank you, Al, this is the best night I ever had in my life."

"Me too Kris, I hope sometimes we can do this again, see you Kris, goodbye."

"Goodbye Al."

"Goodbye."; "Goodbye."

""Goodbye."" Then there was awkwardness happened between them and finally, they laughed at each other.

They closed their distance and began to kiss, she could feel his tongue entered her mouth and they started to taste each other's flavor.

Sweet, soft, fragrant, and they also felt the after-taste of the Mexican food they ate before but they didn't mind, even became more addicting for them.

They finally stopped their kiss after they felt that they were out of breath, Al said goodbye again with a smile, hopped on the car, and drove away.

Kristy saw his car faded with the darkness of the night with a dreamy look on her face.

John smirked and stared at him via the rear-view mirror and said, "Are you serious with this one, sir?"

He looked at John, shook his head,d and sighed, "No, I won't give up a forest for a tree John..." He paused for a second, "But maybe, maybe someday I'll find my Yggdrasil."

1.00 AM, Hope Institute Orphanage,

Toby came to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and poured a glass of milk. When he drank it, he heard a voice behind him, "I've been waiting for you, Mr. Toby!

He spurted the milk from his mouth in surprise, he turned around to see Al was wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat and coat, used a magnifying glass, while there were Bella and Lola, sitting on his left and right side.

"We need to talk, little brother."

To Be Continued...

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