
Hollywood Hunting

The mainland director who is from the future unexpectedly returned to Hollywood in 1986, and since then began his legendary journey to control the world's largest film and television industry and create his business empire step by step. I am just editing it to make it more readable. I am not the writer. It is written by the author of "I am in Hollywood" Link:https://www.ptwxz.com/html/9/9326/

Blacksilver74754 · Real
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33 Chs

Chapter 024 Simon's Flaws

Jonathan Friedman frowned in surprise as he listened to Simon tell about his nine-month treatment in a mental hospital.

In Hollywood, a vanity fair that can easily make people ups and downs, many stars are suffering from mental problems. There are even more stars who often enter the nursing home for addiction treatment under the banner of treating mental problems.

Few of them, however, were severe enough to require up to nine months of treatment in a mental hospital like Simon's.

After Simon finished speaking, Jonathan Friedman looked at the boy opposite and asked, "So, Simon, you are all right now, right?"

Although the other twelve consciousnesses fell silent, the memories of these people But still in his mind. In all fairness, Simon doesn't know if he will have problems in the future.

Jonathan noticed the hesitation in Simon's expression and probably understood something. He is also very clear that mental illness is usually very difficult to completely cure.

Moreover, Jonathan can also understand why Simon would take the initiative to mention this to him today.

Hollywood does not have any prejudice against people with mild mental illness in the circle. As long as it does not affect the work, everyone may only think that this person has some eccentricities. However, for serious mental patients, Hollywood, and even the whole society, although most people have no lack of sympathy, they inevitably show a discriminatory attitude of staying away.

As far as Simon is concerned, through the performance of this teenager in recent times, Jonathan does not doubt that he will have some achievements in Hollywood in the future.

Therefore, if Simon's past is used by people with intentions and publicized in the media in the future, it is likely to have a serious impact on his image. Even if Simon's mental problems recur, the results will be even worse.

With this concern, Jonathan asked again: "Simon, since you took the initiative to bring this up today, do you already have your plans?"

Simon nodded and said: "Joe, the first thing, I hope you can help me block the public events and possible interview invitations from the media that Fox arranged for the promotion of "Butterfly Effect" in the next period, It's better to appear in the public eye later."

"It's no problem, I will try my best to help you block these things," Jonathan nodded in agreement, remembering the contents of the newspaper, and smiled, "So, you should change your name. It's also because of this, right? However, it's a bit of a misstep to use an original word like 'Westeros' as a surname, it's too conspicuous."

Simon just smiled and said nothing.

Jonathan didn't pursue it either, but he couldn't help feeling that the boy opposite should still be hiding a lot of secrets.

Thinking of this, Jonathan asked again: "Simon, you just said the first thing, then, what about the second thing?"

Simon said: "I want to go back to San Francisco and get my previous medical records back."

This is Simon's main intention to suddenly come to see Jonathan.

Simon has always been a little fortunate that this body 'suffered' from schizophrenia(having delusion), not Multiple Personality Disorder.

If Simon showed a state of split personality at that time, twelve souls from more than 30 years later took turns taking over this body, saying some random words and doing some things when they couldn't understand the situation.

Then, even if Simon is not sent to any messy research institute, even if he can still leave the mental hospital smoothly, the words and things he has said and done will become the cause of Countless unpredictable hidden dangers.

While the truth is better than the worst, even so, Simon, who was once in a state of schizophrenia, with a dozen other consciousnesses crammed into his mind, inevitably behaves in certain words and deeds Come up with some flaws that are enough to make people think of something.

Many of these flaws were recorded in his medical records.

Of course, Jonathan couldn't know Simon's true intentions to get back his medical records, but he also agreed with Simon very much.

As long as the medical record file is taken back and destroyed, even if there are people who want to talk about Simon's past in the future, in the absence of the most solid evidence, Simon will have too much room to manoeuvre.

Thinking of this, Jonathan quickly said: "Well, Simon, I'll ask Owen to accompany you to San Francisco tomorrow."

Hearing Jonathan says this, Simon shook his head and refused: "Joe, I want to go there alone, As long as you can lend me a car. I'll set off immediately, and if everything goes well, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon."

Jonathan wanted to say something else, but seeing Simon's resolute expression, he didn't say any more, got up and said: "Then, come with me."

After leaving the office, Jonathan and Owen Wright said a few words, took back a bunch of car keys and handed them to Simon, and then took him out of the WMA headquarters building.

The two came to the parking lot together. Jonathan pointed to an ordinary grey Ford sedan and said, "This is Owen's car. It's good for you to drive there. I won't lend you my car."

Simon Nodding naturally understood Jonathan's intentions.

Jonathan's car is a Mercedes-Benz 500SEC, the latest model of this era. Simon left Watsonville in poverty for just over a month and suddenly drove back in a luxury Mercedes-Benz.

After Jonathan finished speaking, he motioned Simon to get in the car, he also opened the door of his Mercedes-Benz, and said to Simon again, "Follow me."

Simon drove behind Jonathan's Mercedes-Benz, left Camino Street, and was between the streets of Beverly Hills. After walking for a few minutes, he stopped in front of a bank again.

Jonathan just asked Simon to wait for a while, walked into the bank by himself, came back again after a while, got into the Ford sedan and the co-pilot handed two stacks of bills to Simon, saying, "This is $20,000, I think you should need it."

When Simon saw Jonathan parked the car in front of the bank, he probably understood the agent's intention. He originally planned to refuse, but after thinking about it, he still accepted the money.

Saying goodbye to his agent, Simon drove the grey Ford sedan west through downtown Los Angeles, onto California Highway 1, and north along the coast.

Driving a private car on the road is much faster than the original bus.

However, it took Simon more than five hours to travel from Los Angeles to Watsonville, south of San Francisco.

It was nine o'clock in the evening when I checked into a motel in the small town of Watsonville.

Before leaving Los Angeles, Simon had called to make an appointment.

After a night of rest in Watsonville, Simon arrived at the mental hospital on the outskirts of the small town at ten o'clock the next morning.

As a public mental hospital that requires federal financial subsidies in most cases, the Watsonville Mental Hospital, which has been built for some years, still looks cold and cold.

Simon waited patiently outside the office of the original attending physician, Dr. Henry Chapman when the nurse informed him that he could enter.

Dr. Chapman was surprised that Simon came back so soon, and asked Simon what was wrong as soon as they met.

Naturally, Simon had no problem. He simply exchanged a few words with Dr. Chapman. He felt a tinkling voice in his ears, and asked, "Henry, is their renovation recently?"

Dr. Chapman saw Simon's words. He didn't show any strangeness, he calmed down, shook his head and explained softly: "Last Wednesday, a patient put up the bed and hung himself up, which happened to be discovered by other patients, and two more patients learned from it a few days later. Do this. Three people have died in a row, and the hospital is nailing all the beds to the floor."

Simon was a little silent when he heard the words.

The patients in the mental hospital are very sympathetic, but as a doctor, especially a doctor in this kind of public mental hospital, the pressure is also very high.

The patient's suicide was not suitable to be casually confided to one of his visitors. When Dr. Chapman said this, he regarded Simon as a friend but also mixed with some desire to talk in this repressive environment.

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment, but Dr. Chapman opened his mouth first and asked, "Simon, since you have no problem, why are you here today?"

Simon organized the wording a little and said, "Henry, it's like this, If possible, I hope I can take my original medical records."

"Oh," Dr. Chapman responded, but he didn't feel any strangeness in his expression, just said: "Simon, do you have $500? "

Simon was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, but he quickly pulled out $500 from his backpack and handed it to Dr. Chapman.

"Then, wait here for a while."

Dr. Chapman took the money, put it in his pocket, gave Simon an order, and left the office.

Simon watched Dr. Chapman leave, still a little puzzled.

However, Simon did not question Dr. Chapman's intention to ask for $500 from him. He still had full confidence in the character of Dr. Chapman. This kind middle-aged man also took a half-day leave during the process of his name change and drove him to the local court to attend the hearing of the name change.

Before he came to Watsonville, if the agent hadn't lent him $20,000, Simon would have only planned to bring some of the change he had saved during this period for travel expenses.

A few minutes later, Dr. Chapman came back and handed a very thick portfolio to Simon, and said, "Simon, take it."

Simon took the portfolio in his hand, but he couldn't help but look at the already turned middle-aged doctor who sat down again after arriving at the desk.

Dr. Chapman noticed Simon's puzzled expression, smiled, and said, "I won't ask you why you took these things. You are not the first person who wants to do this. The $500 just now It's for Wesley in the archives. So even if someone asks him later, he'll say the file is lost."

Simon rubbed the edge of the vellum paper in the portfolio and said, "Henry, won't there be a problem?"

Dr. Chapman shook his head, made a reassuring look, and said, "Simon, in a public mental hospital like ours, the situation is worse. No one will care if you lose one or two people's file. However, apart from this file, While you're in the hospital, I'll routinely provide Stanford with a monthly report on your condition, and if you want to get it back, you'll have to go to Palo Alto. Oh, and one more thing, Those reports have your original name."

Simon nodded, he remembered that.

Those monthly reports, however, are only a rough outline of his progress, not the details Simon wants to avoid. Therefore, Simon has no intention of continuing to waste time on those materials.

After a few conversations between the two, Dr. Chapman got up again and said, "Then, Simon, I'll take you out. There's nothing to be treated here."

Simon nodded and put the portfolio into his backpack. The two left the office together.

On the way to take Simon to the parking lot, Dr. Chapman asked him about his current situation.

Simon didn't hide it either. He briefly explained what happened during this time, and showed the Los Angeles Times to Dr. Chapman.

The middle-aged doctor saw the article about Simon in the newspaper and was very happy for him. When he parted, he also left Simon the address and contact information of his home, hoping that Simon would come to San Francisco in the future and be a guest at his home in the small town of Watsonville.

Leaving Watsonville, Simon drove along California Highway 1 for more than an hour, stopped on a deserted coast, and set fire to the medical record with his own hands. The fly ash mixed with the sand was scattered into the sea, and I was completely relieved.

The past is completely obliterated