
Hollywood Ascension

In "Ascension to Hollywood," we follow the story of William Anderson, a maintenance engineer who, despite his professional success, has never given up on his dream of becoming a mangaka. After a mysterious reincarnation in 1990 in an alternate reality, William seizes the opportunity to conquer Hollywood by using his knowledge of the future to transform Majestic Publishing into an entertainment empire.

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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Inheritance and Family Business

**Los Angeles – Family Home – Friday, January 14**

Still buzzing with excitement from discovering my ability to access the internet from my old world in 2064, I head downstairs to meet Karl. My heart races as I approach the living room where he awaits.

Taking a deep breath, I mentally prepare myself for this crucial conversation about my inheritance, which will have a huge impact on my future. I flash a hopeful smile as I recall my old dream: "Hollywood."

As I enter the room, Karl stands and greets me with a warm smile. He is a tall man with graying hair and a face marked by the years, but his blue eyes remain sharp and bright. He seems surprised after making eye contact with me.

Karl: William, it's good to see you. How are you feeling this morning? It's been a long time since I last saw you smile like that.

William: Good morning, Karl. I'm feeling well, thank you. I have to admit, all this still feels a bit surreal to me.

I sit in an armchair near him, trying to appear calmer than I really am. My mind is swirling with conflicting thoughts between the pressure of taking over the family business and the excitement of my newfound ability and its potential uses.

Karl: I completely understand. Losing your parents so suddenly and finding yourself responsible for their affairs... It's a lot to handle. But we can't afford to delay this any longer. The company is not in its best state and needs clear direction. But don't worry, I'm here to help you through this period.

William: Thank you, Karl. I really appreciate your support. I suppose we should talk about the inheritance and the family business.

Karl: Yes, indeed. As I mentioned, the publishing house has faced difficult times recently. Your parents always had a passion for literature and took many risks to publish innovative and artistic works, but it hasn't always been profitable.

I nod, my thoughts racing. According to my memories, my parents' passion for literature was evident, but I had no memory of problems or struggles to keep the business afloat. It seems they didn't want me to know.

William: What exactly are the current problems with the company? I ask, trying to maintain my posture and calm, bracing for the worst.

Karl: Well, sales have dropped in recent years. The competition is fierce, and some of our publications haven't met the expected success. The company has been going through a creative crisis these past few months, and our competitors have poached our top authors. Not to mention that none of our works have made it to the bestsellers list in the past ten months. We've accumulated debts and need to find a way to turn things around quickly.

It's even worse than I expected. I take a deep breath to calm myself.

William: That sounds serious. What are our options for saving the company?

Karl: There are several possible avenues. We could consider cutting costs by reducing the number of publications and laying off some employees, though I advise against it as it would negatively impact the company's image and yours. Another option would be to seek investors or partners to inject new capital into the business while trying to retain as much control as possible. But the best option would be to produce a hit, although that's very unlikely with our competitors snatching all our talent.

William: I see. And what about my parents' inheritance? What are my responsibilities?

Karl: Your parents left you full ownership of the company and their assets. This includes not only the publishing house but also this house and a few other properties, mainly in New York and Los Angeles, and around 11 million in cash and stocks. Having turned 16 just the day before yesterday and having graduated high school last year, you have the power to make all the necessary decisions to ensure the survival and prosperity of the company. But I hope you won't make any rash decisions and won't destroy what your parents worked so hard to build.

Though thrilled by the substantial inheritance, I can't help but feel the weight of his words settling on my shoulders. I couldn't afford to squander this chance. My mind is torn between the excitement of this new opportunity and the fear of failure.

William: It's a heavy responsibility, but don't worry. I'm determined to do everything in my power to honor their memory and their work. I want this publishing house to thrive again and reach new heights. I'll do my best.

I said this with determination in my eyes.

Karl: That's a good attitude, William. With hard work, wise decisions, and a bit of luck, I'm confident we can turn things around. I'll support you every step of the way.

William: Thank you, Karl. Let's start by reviewing the finances and developing an action plan. We have no time to waste; we need to identify the weak points and find creative solutions to boost sales.

Karl: Excellent initiative. I brought all the necessary documents.

He pulls out a huge stack of files and slams it on the table.

Karl: You can go through them. Before planning or doing anything, you should get to know your company a bit better. If you have any questions, you can call me. I'll take you to visit the company for your first tour as the boss on Monday morning at 8 am.

It's a lot of work, and it's in just over two days. I look at Karl, seeing him smile. I have my work cut out for me, but I'll overcome this no matter what. I'll make this publishing house the best in the world. After all, isn't this what I've always dreamed of? This is my ticket to dominate Hollywood. My mind is already buzzing with renewed determination.

Karl: See you on Monday, William, I'll pick you up.

He says as he leaves.