
Hollow Redemption

"Hollow Redemption" follows the haunting journey of a young boy named Alex, who has endured a life of poverty and tragedy. At the tender age of five, his parents were mercilessly killed by corrupt police officers, leaving him alone in the world. From that fateful day, his eyes have become lifeless, devoid of any spark or emotion.

YHUKA · Ciudad
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24 Chs

The Origin of The Grimm

Dante, a young and fierce biker, rode through the winding roads of the town on his motorcycle. He was the leader of a small but notorious biker gang known as Bulls Pride. With his jet-black hair blowing in the wind and a menacing aura surrounding him, Dante commanded respect and fear wherever he went.

Bulls Pride was a tight-knit group, bound by brotherhood and a shared love for the thrill of the open road. They reveled in the chaos and freedom that came with their nomadic lifestyle, roaming from town to town, leaving their mark on each place they visited.

On one fateful day, as Dante and his gang stopped at a local watering hole, a young boy caught his attention. The boy, Rue, with tethered eyes that seemed to hold the weight of the world, observed Dante and his crew from a distance. Intrigued by the boy's presence and his undeniable aura of potential, Dante approached him.

"What's your name, kid?" Dante asked, his voice carrying a gruff tone laced with curiosity.

Rue hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on Dante. "Rue," he finally replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and uncertainty.

Dante nodded, studying the young boy. "You seem to have an interest in us. What brings you here?"

Rue's eyes flickered with a spark of determination. "I've heard of Bulls Pride and your reputation as the leader. I want to learn from you, to become strong like you."

Dante's gaze pierced through Rue, assessing his resolve. After a moment of silence, he extended his hand. "You've got guts, kid. If you want to ride with Bulls Pride, you'll have to prove yourself. We don't just let anyone into our ranks."

Rue's face lit up with a mixture of excitement and determination. "I won't let you down, Dante. I'll prove myself worthy of riding alongside you."

Over time, Rue proved himself to be a valuable asset to Bulls Pride. He honed his skills on the road, learning the art of riding and gaining the respect of the other members. Dante recognized Rue's potential and took him under his wing, nurturing his growth and treating him like a younger brother.

As the years passed, Bulls Pride became renowned for their dominance on the roads. They clashed with rival biker gangs, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in their wake. Dante's leadership and unmatched skills earned him the nickname "The Grimm," a testament to his ruthlessness and his ability to strike fear into the hearts of their adversaries.

However, as the power of Oroboros began to grow in the shadows, Dante found himself drawn to a different kind of ambition. He knew that Bulls Pride alone couldn't fulfill his hunger for dominance and control. There was something bigger waiting for him, something that would push him to his limits and test his very existence.

It was during this time that Rue, now a teenager, approached Dante with a revelation. "Dante, my brother, leads a group called Oroboros. They are gaining power and influence, and he wants you by his side. He sees the potential in you, just as I do."

Dante's eyes narrowed, a mix of curiosity and caution filling his gaze. "Oroboros, you say? I've heard whispers of their rise. Tell me more, Rue."

And so, as Dante's path intertwined with the destiny of Oroboros, the stage was set for a new chapter in his life. The story of his biker gang days would be forever entwined with the dark and treacherous journey that awaited him in the city.

Inside the dimly lit and abandoned restaurant, the members of Bulls Pride gathered around a worn-out table. Cigarette smoke hung in the air as they exchanged stories and shared laughter, the camaraderie among them palpable. Each member had earned their place in Bulls Pride, and their loyalty to Dante was unwavering.

As the conversations flowed, the door creaked open, drawing everyone's attention. Rue, accompanied by a tall and imposing figure, stepped into the room. Rue's eyes held a mixture of anticipation and nervousness, while his older brother, the leader of Oroboros, exuded an air of authority and dominance.

Dante's piercing gaze met the eyes of Rue's older brother. The leader of Oroboros was a formidable presence, with a muscular build and a gaze that could freeze the blood of anyone who dared to meet it. His name was Victor, a name that carried weight within the criminal underworld.

Victor made his way to the table, his steps deliberate and purposeful. The room fell silent as he took a seat beside Dante, his eyes locked onto him. "Dante, leader of Bulls Pride. I've heard tales of your prowess and the loyalty your gang possesses. I see potential in our groups joining forces. Together, we can conquer this state, control it with an iron fist."

Dante leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable. He took a drag from his cigarette, exhaling a plume of smoke before responding. "Victor, I appreciate the offer, but my desires lie elsewhere. Bulls Pride is more than just a gang to me. We ride for the freedom and the thrill, not for power and control."

Victor's face hardened, his eyes narrowing. "Do not underestimate the power of Oroboros. We are rising, and those who stand against us will be crushed. I offer you the chance to be a part of that rise, to wield influence beyond your imagination."

Dante's gaze hardened in response, his voice steady and firm. "Victor, our paths may have crossed, but our ambitions diverge. I have no interest in your pursuit of control and domination. Bulls Pride will continue to ride free, unburdened by the weight of power struggles."

Rue interjected, his voice filled with a mix of desperation and longing. "Dante, please consider this opportunity. We could be stronger together, protect each other and shape our own destinies."

Dante's eyes softened momentarily, his gaze shifting between Rue and Victor. He reached out and placed a hand on Rue's shoulder, his voice filled with a rare tenderness. "Rue, you're like a brother to me, and I will always be here for you. But our paths must diverge here. I choose the open road, the thrill of the ride with my friends."

Victor rose from his seat, his face twisted with disappointment and frustration. "Very well, Dante. You've made your choice. But mark my words, Bulls Pride will come to regret this decision."

With those final words, Victor turned on his heel and walked out of the abandoned restaurant, his presence fading into the night. Rue remained seated, his eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and sadness.

Dante turned his attention back to Bulls Pride, his voice firm and resolute. "We stay true to our path, my friends!" The members of Bulls Pride erupted into cheers, their loyalty and excitement filling the room. Their names - Jack, Liam, and Sarah - resonated with a shared sense of purpose and brotherhood.

As the cheers subsided, Dante's voice regained control of the room. "Bulls Pride will ride on, free from the entanglements of power struggles and control. We'll continue to create our own destinies, one road at a time."

The members of Bulls Pride nodded, their eyes shining with determination and pride. They knew that their leader had made the right decision, one that aligned with their shared love for the open road and the unbridled freedom it offered.

And so, within the walls of the abandoned restaurant, Bulls Pride forged ahead, their spirits unyielding and their bond unbreakable.

In the abandoned restaurant, Bulls Pride gathered, their voices filling the air with laughter and smoke swirling around the dimly lit room. Dante, the charismatic leader of the biker gang, sat among his comrades, enjoying the camaraderie they shared. The members of Bulls Pride had become his family, and he cherished the freedom and thrill they found on the open road.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Rue stormed in, his eyes filled with urgency. Dante's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Rue, who was known as the younger brother of Oroboros' leader. Something felt off about his presence. Rue rushed towards Dante, his voice filled with desperation.

"Dante! Victor is coming, and he wants you to join Oroboros! He's threatening to kill all of Bulls Pride if you don't go with him," Rue exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear and concern.

Dante's gaze hardened as he listened to Rue's words. He stood up, facing his loyal comrades with determination. "Bulls! We have faced many challenges together, and we have always stayed true to our path," he declared, his voice resonating with resolve. "We won't back down from this fight. We will stand together and defend our freedom!"

The members of Bulls Pride nodded, their eyes gleaming with determination. They knew the gravity of the situation and the risks involved, but their loyalty to Dante and their shared values ran deep within their veins.

As if on cue, the door burst open, crashing to the floor, and Victor, the formidable figure and leader of Oroboros, strode in. His presence was imposing, exuding an aura of dominance. Victor's gaze locked onto Dante, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"Dante, you fool! Join Oroboros, and together we can rule this city," Victor taunted, his words laced with contempt.

Dante's expression remained unyielding, his resolve unshaken. He squared his shoulders, prepared to face whatever Victor had in store for him. The rest of Bulls Pride, fueled by their loyalty and brotherhood, charged at Victor, their fists raised in defiance.

However, the power of Victor proved overwhelming. With a single strike, he sent Liam crashing to the ground, the force of the blow echoing like thunder. Jack, the next to engage, was swiftly dispatched as Victor's punch landed squarely on his stomach, knocking him out cold. Sarah valiantly fought back, but Victor's iron grip tightened around her neck, choking her into submission. She too fell to the ground, unconscious.

Dante watched in horror as his friends were defeated, his spirit faltering. The sight of their broken bodies weighed heavily on his heart, the realization of their vulnerability seeping into his consciousness. It was at this moment, faced with the devastating power of Oroboros' leader, that Dante felt the weight of his responsibility and the price of his defiance.

Tears welled up in Dante's eyes as he cast a desperate glance towards Victor. He knew what he had to do to protect his comrades. Rising from his fallen position, he approached Victor, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and resignation.

"Please, Victor... Spare them. I will go with you," Dante pleaded, his voice filled with sorrow.

Victor's triumphant grin spread across his face as he nodded in agreement. "You've made the right choice, Dante. Let this be a lesson to you and all who dare to oppose Oroboros."

With his spirit broken and his friends lying defeated, Dante's heart sank. He had made a sacrifice to protect his loved ones, but it came at a great cost – the loss of Bulls Pride and the surrender of his own freedom.

As the scene faded, the weight of Dante's decision hung heavy in the air, leaving behind a profound sense of loss and uncertainty. The road ahead seems bleak, but deep within Dante's spirit, a flicker of hope remained, a determination to reclaim what was lost and forge a new path.

As Dante and Victor walked out of the abandoned restaurant, the bitter taste of defeat lingered in the air. Victor's voice echoed with a chilling command as he called his comrade to him. "Do it," he uttered, his voice filled with a cold determination.

Unbeknownst to Dante, this would be the final chapter for Bulls Pride. The biker gang he had led with pride and passion was about to meet its tragic end. A black car pulled up, its windows tinted, concealing the identity of its occupants. Dante, lost in his thoughts, climbed into the car without a second glance.

As the car roared to life, the distance between Dante and his former comrades grew wider. The sound of the engine drowned out the silence that enveloped the devastated members of Bulls Pride, left to pick up the shattered remnants of their once-unbreakable brotherhood.

Inside the car, Dante sat in solitude, a maelstrom of emotions raging within him. Grief, guilt, and a sense of betrayal clashed in his heart. The memories of his fallen friends haunted him, their faces etched in his mind, their laughter and camaraderie forever etched in his soul.

The car sped through the darkened streets, carrying Dante further away from his past. The city lights blurred into streaks of neon, a visual representation of the blurred lines that now defined his path. The weight of his decision bore down on him, an inescapable burden that threatened to crush his spirit.

As the car merged into the flow of traffic, Dante's gaze turned to the window, his eyes fixed on the receding cityscape. The city that had once been his playground, his canvas for freedom, now felt like a prison. He couldn't help but wonder what awaited him in Oroboros, a world he had never envisioned himself being a part of.

Thoughts of Rue, the enigmatic young boy who had warned him of Victor's impending arrival, swirled in Dante's mind. Rue, the brother of Oroboros' leader, had held a mysterious aura, a glimpse into the darkness that Dante had unknowingly stepped into. What role did Rue play in all of this? What were his true motives?

As the car drove deeper into the night, Dante's mind raced with unanswered questions. The future, once a tapestry of limitless possibilities, now seemed shrouded in uncertainty. What awaited him in Oroboros? Would he find solace, redemption, or would he forever be haunted by the ghosts of his past?

The scene faded, leaving Dante in a state of isolation, his destination unknown, and his heart heavy with regret. The road stretched out before him, a path that would test his resilience and forge his destiny. The chapters of his life had taken an unexpected turn, and only time would reveal the true nature of his journey.