
Hollow in a Magic World

A serial killer who has been sentenced to death somehow ends up in a magic world as a hollow. Read the dark tales of a man who doesn't consider humans as anything more than food to make himself stronger.

Eaglestriker_22 · Cómic
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51 Chs

The Makings of a Rival

Robin POV:

If there was a word to describe the church, it would be dedicated. Never have I met a group of people so devoted to their god, so focused on cleansing the worlds of demons. While I didn't share their faith in the god, I did have the same views concerning demons. As we walked the halls of the church, I understood now that's what Priest Rowland saw in me, to just accept me into the church like that. 

We come outside, where eyes instantly fall on us. Looking at their eyes, I could see the reverence held within them. At first, I thought it was for Priest Rowland, but I soon understand, it was for me as well. 

Taking notice, Rowland turns to me. "Since you're now initiated, I'll go ahead a reveal that your information helped us a lot more than you know. That demon has cleansed multiple planets, leaving none to tell the tale. You are the only survivor."

My mind flashes back once again to the scene of the demon terrorizing my town. "So, it ate the people of entire worlds?" I question.

He pauses. "Ate? No, demons don't consume humans, they extract the mana from us."

"No, this demon physically ate people. Body and all." I explain to him.

He stands there in silence, his face doesn't reveal what he's thinking. He suddenly turns towards where a group of people are surrounded by training dummies with a guy watching them. 

"Deacon Jonas. I have a new initiate here. Give her the works."

The Deacon slightly bows his head towards the Rowland before giving me a sinister smile. 

"So, initiate, you survived a demon attack. Did it take everything from you? Your family? Your home? Your pride? Did it leave you with pain? Maybe anger? Good. We can use that. Follow me."

With his words leaving a bit of a mark on me, I follow him inside a nearby building. Each wall is adorned with white and gold. The curtains have white drapes on the side, that reveal the window's centerpiece with a picture of someone on it, each one with a different person. In the center of the room is a giant yellow crystal, surrounded by people prostrated on the ground before it. 

I recognized this artifact, well, one like it. It was a focal point, but this is the one that the church uses to provide those with the light element. It was then that I realized his intentions. To be accepted into the church, I must be given the light element. But I already possessed the wind element, which was my natural attunement already, could I handle another element?

Through my worry, I almost turned to voice my concerns to the Deacon, but the light shining from the crystal caught my eye. Without intending on it, my mind focused on that light. Before I realized it, my body was leading me towards it, hands outstretched. The people saw my advance and promptly moved out of the way, but I paid them no mind. For my sole focus was on the crystal. I could hear a voice, almost undistinguishable, calling out to me.

As soon as my hand touched the focal point, the crystal shone a blinding light. Trails of flames stroked my body, but it wasn't scorching hot like it should be. Instead, a pleasant warmth spread on my body wherever it touched. Then I spied it. Slowly floating down from the top of the crystal was a small ball of light. Reaching up, I cupped it between my hands like catching a bug and held it close to my chest. The warmth radiated throughout my entire body, and I felt it welcome me. It was as though I regained something I didn't even know was missing. 

Just as soon as it started, the lights began to dim, but a light radiant glow continued on my skin, almost like an aura. Turning back, I find everyone in the room eyes on me, with a stunned expression. One by one, they fall to their knees, bowing to me. Not knowing what caused them to feel this way, I just stand there awkwardly. 

Deacon Jonas carefully approached me. "To have witnessed that was a blessing." He tells me.

"What's happening? Why is everyone bowing to me?" I question quietly.

"Despite the millions who pledge themselves to our faith, so far, there is only one who has had a natural affinity for the light element. He is currently one of our Four Cardinals. Until today, a second who shows our god's countenance has been revealed. You."