

20 years ago a hole in the middle of earth was formed, this event was further regarded to as the 9th catastrophe. Dark beings of no shape given the name "agnoizers" emerged from this dimension and eventually influenced the entire world, Unifying the earth and renaming it "the one world union" Akun, A middle-aged man who lost his father due to the event, now works under an organization that came alongside the one world union; Hollow service corps. Where they deal with those that the government finds "hollow" With his new partner, a young girl he thinks has a connection to the 9th catastrophe, he goes along his missions making enough money to get his daily smoke while trying to find a way to break this government...or make it his own.

AustinAK · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter one: Yurun


"Shut the hell up damn clock" He exclaimed as he grabbed the alarm clock and smashed it on the


*Initiating self repair mode* *Number of self-repairs issued this year: four hundred and fifty-seven*

"Which happens to be the amount of credits I wasted on you, should have bought a damn coo coo clock"

*It is time for work Akun*

Akun, A poor middle aged raggedy man grunts and rolls off the bed, putting his hand under the mattress to reach for his most prized possession, A smoke.

Akun heads to the living room to switch on the tv while dodging the holes on the floor and the leak from the ceiling with his hands in his ears to reduce the sound of his bickering neighbors.

"Why isn't this hunk of junk coming on" Akun exclaimed as he kicked the tv out of anger, It came on and because of that, he scratched out the original power button on the tv and circled the spot he kicked and wrote "kick to on" above the circle.

A reporter came up talking about a special event happening that day "Good morning world! Reporter 009 here to remind you of the great 9th catastrophe that took place 20 years ago today! Yes, This was the day when our friends from beneath the earth emerged and helped us reach global unification. With their emergence came elimination of all human diseases and the advancement of our technology centuries ahead of it's time"

While the reporter was talking in the background, Akun shaved using a kitchen knife...and with a smoke, pooped with a smoke, brushed his teeth and rinsed it with some alcohol. He dropped his smoke so he can wash his face without getting it wet, When he was done, He picked up the smoke again. He went back to the living room to dress and listen to what the reporter said.

"Although this glorious event was given the unfortunate nickname 'the 9th catastrophe' some people have been anxiously anticipating the 10th catastrophe and what it would do to us while the other half hope that it is not for our generation. As catastrophes one thru eight have not been too favour able for the human population. Well this was

'The news' reporting from 'New Japan city' giving you all the latest updates on what is going on in the world today, Jump in joy as you say thank you to the ones who liberated our souls and set us-" Her sentence is cut short as akun switches off the tv in


"Brainwashed piece of shit" He straightens his tie and heads out.

As he walks down the corridor of his apartment building the previously bickering neighbours instantly go silent as he approaches. "Don't give me that eye mama, everyone has to make a living, Just like how you sell drugs for some extra credits when your husband isn't at home" The bickering immediately spikes up again as akun giggles and walks away.

He hopped on the bus he took to work everyday and as he did, as usual, everyone looked away. He walked down the bus to go the seat the usual passengers leave available for him as no one wants to interact with him, he stumbles upon an old woman who was sitting there alone and asked nicely "May I have that seat mam" She picked up her bag and ran away from the seat entirely. "I won't have blamed her even if she gave me a no, but damn, that hurt, even for someone that's always high" Akun sat down and reached into his coat to grab another cigarette but as he did he sighed and asked "Do we really need to show them exactly who we are?"

The bus stopped by his office and as he got down

he could see the anticipation on everyone's face as they were all eager for him to leave.

"See you tomorrow buddies" Akun says in a playful


As he looked towards his office, A couple of big buildings with the words "Hollow Service Commison" on the side.

As he got into the reception, he placed his wrist on a machine, and immediately entire room was flashing red, with a loud voice screaming "DANGER DANGER" and a red target dot was on his forehead. Akun let out a big sigh and asked "Will this ever stop?" in a way that showed he was used to it and tired of it happening. Over time the sounds calms down, the room stops flashing red and he is granted access to the building.

As he approaches the inner building different people had the same dressing pattern as him, with a full on corporate attire, a black coat, white inner shirt, black tie, black trousers and skirts with black shoes.

It was a rule implemented by the government that only those working in the hollow service commission were allowed to wear black attires as

black was often associated with death, Which made everyone know exactly who they were at all


People in public areas like parks, the streets... buses, often secluded them, separated from them like they were demons and gave them many names like "satan's helpers" "Those brought off darknesss" but many people simply believed that

they were death itself.

While Akun was headed for his office he heard

someone calling him down the hall

"Akun! Report to my office now, i want to introduce you to someone"

His boss, Marie Hedra, A black woman slightly taller than akun who was in her late 50's and the

only woman in the office who wore trousers instead

of a skirt.

The she was the director of the hollow service commission, A rank that wasn't given based off strength, but rather was someone chosen by the government themselves.

"Marie atleast let me take my mid-morning shit and smoke before I get whatever hell you already have for me" Akun exclaimed with a disgusted look on his face as he drags his feet towards Marie

"The government has decided that hell is easier, with a companion" Marie told akun as he dragged his wav into her office

"I want you to meet yurun" Akun stood in slight shock as he saw the teenage girl standing right behind him. Akun had the ability to sense souls near him but still had no idea yurun was there.

A teenage girl dressed in the usual attire but a coat that was larger than her size, was standing there, With hair that was a deeper kind of black. Her Iris was yellow and pupil was pitch black with a tiny spec of green depending on the angle you looked

at her

Akun went around and continued to observe her inhuman appearance. Yurun got shy and blurted

"How can I work with a drunk?"

"And how can I work with a twelve year old?" Akun sharply replies

"I'm seventeen!" Yurun yelled

"Do I look like I give a damn?, Marie I don't know what you're doing but I already hate my job as it is, I don't need to babysit to hate it even more"

As akun ranted Marie jumped into her chair and told akun "She didn't apply herself, she was sent by the government so I am obligated to hire her and you are obligated to work with her"

"There are many like me in the office " Akun said as he pointed towards the door

"None of them are you" Marie stated

"The government has never sent anyone to work with us so I don't want her ending up in the wrong hands, Besides she is a newbie and needs an

experienced mentor, So can we stop arguing and start doing our jobs?" Marie stated as she handed akun a folder which akun stared at a little bit before

grabbing out of annoyance.

"So I babysit and get deranked? Why is this case only a grade level-C?" Akun asked with a confused look his face

"You want to take her on a usual case? Besides it's a spike" Marie replied.

Akun looked at yurun, let out a big sigh and said

"we move when the time is your age, 12".

A few hours later they were walking towards an apartment building until, Yurun looked at akun and asked

"What is a grade c case and why did she call it a spike?"

"Ugh" Akun sighed and proceeded to explain

"Both operators and cases are given ranks based on strength of the fighter or difficulty of the case.

Split from A-C:

Grade C: Simply someone that has a drag/ missions you do not need any expertise to perform

Grade B: Someone that has decent knowledge on the utilization of their drag/ A mission you need to have some sort of extended experience to perform

Grade A: Someone who can use their drag to perform outstanding feats / A top tier mission, only grade A operators are allowed to carry grade A missions

They are sometimes referred to as gods and have fighting styles you have never before witnessed"

"And a spike?" Yurun followed up

"If a case is a spike it means it could take a bump in levels, this case has potential to become a grade level A case"

Akun expressed with nothing but a serious expression till they stood in the reception of the


"What's a drag" Yurun asked

"You are, And if you keep asking me questions like that I'II charge the office 20 credits an hour to take care of a pain like you" Akun sharply replied

Yurun's face turned sour until their current location truly dawned on her.

The walls were high, the lights were flickering, the equipment were getting worn out

"Is this place abandoned" Yurun's question echoed alongside the sound of their footsteps

The walls were high, the lights were flickering, the equipment were getting worn out

"Is this place abandoned" Yurun's question echoed alongside the sound of their footsteps

"You're in this organization and don't know what you're dealing with"

"Those years ago when the ground split open, it was studied, drones flew down, men went down, but nothing came back up"

"It was temporarily deemed a new natural disaster, that calmed everyone just until the reporter who was delivering the news on live television was creeped up on right in front of the scene"

As Akun narrated the story they explored the building and went to different floors, the walls were very high and so unstable that they could fall at any moment

On it, paintings of beautiful women.

The paintings looked normal, but if stared at for too long the ladies in the paintings would grow horns or weap tears of blood.

"Behind the reporter, was a demon that came out of the very hole" Akun continued to tell the story

"It was pitch black, dark, giant and shapeless, like a shadow.It felt like I was looking directly at a soul"

"It opened its one pure yellow eye and let out a huge smile that could go from ear to ear before the camera went off "

"A few days later I heard It took over those in power, one by one"

"Like a parasite, possessing and taking over their souls"

"You would know, because they all smiled the same way as the demon"

"The presidents smiled, The governors smiled, The kings and even those who publicly questioned it, smiled"

"They helped further our technology, brought immunity to all our diseases and stopped all wars and crime, unifying the entire earth and giving it the name 'the one earth union' "

"Now every country has been turned into a city under the union"

Eventually Akun and yurun reached the top floor of the building, a luxury executive suite

"Although at one point, the pressure of these demons become too much for the human body"

"After the demons fuse with you, you get an expiring date, gradually grow more and more mad, slowly losing your human appearance, until you reach your peak, This process is called ; The hollow point"

"When they're at the hollow point their surroundings start to change, and look possessed"

"Like this apartment, it will show when it is inhabited by a demon. Giving it a special term "

And as they searched the entire suite without any site of the demon, the pressure built up towards the last room there

Yurun stepped towards the door of the final room, sweat dripped and her pupils diluted in fear as floor creaked

As she placed her hand on the door knob akun met up with at her, completing the story

"When a building is inhabited by one of these demons it becomes HOLLOW BOUND"

Just then as Yurun opened the door she was rushed by a shadow like demon which pushed her through the walls and took her outside the building

Akun sighed

He put his hand in a "chop" formation and sliced through thin air

A rip was formed, it was pitch black, looking like a portal

"Drag: Moonlit curved blade"

As akun called out the name, he slowly pulled out a sword from the dark hole he had made"

The sword was 5 feet long. The blade it self was pure white as if it was made of something other than steel and it had a slight curve towards the side the moon was facing. The grip was made of a perfectly carved white rock

Akun brought out another cigarette, lit it and smoked one out before saying

"I hate my job"

He dashed out of the hole the demon made and

leaped into the air and dashed towards them as the demon was jumping from building to building with yurun in his arms

He finally pounced on the demon crashing it and yurun in a factory. He grabbed the demon and raised his blade in the direction of the moonlight

The blade grew whiter and whiter as if full of energy until he released a giant white slash . It rushed towards demon cutting off its left arm

It didn't take too long before it grew it back.

Akun crouched by yurun and asked her "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I think so" Yurun replied with a grunt

Akun noticed she was slowly regenerating as well

He chose to ignore it for the time being and instead face the demon once again

"OUR CHILD" The demon said

Now that it was settled it took form. A tall all black demon with white horns stood in front of them.

It's had one eye that was only yellow, with a black pupil and iris, resembling the shadow that came out in the 9th catastrophe

Akun was shocked as it was the first time he ever

heard a demon speak


The demon continued to talk of Yurun


Akun gripped his blade tighter and rushed towards the demon and tried to take of its head but the

demon came up with a flip and quickly evaded his attack

Akun swiftly turned towards his direction and released another slash which affected the demon


He took his blade round the demon trying to land fatal blows but it always dodged the attacks. It leaped into the air trying to dodge but immediately , akun takes advantage and cut of its legs and arms and was ready to give the final blow

The demon let out a wide grin before opening its mouth and releasing a big yellow laser

Akun tried to use his sword to block but was blown

away and taken to the floor

"Grade S: A mission, operator or demon whose difficulty or strength can not be defined"

"I can't fight this thing alone"

Akun grunted

As the demon went down it quickly grew its lost limbs faster than before. It walked towards akun playfully with one foot in front of another

Yurun stood up again and called the demon again

"Hey" The demon looked at her swiftly, and as he did Yurun took her neck to the left and demon's

neck snapped towards the same direction.

As the demon was turning to dust he giggled and screamed "SHE WORKS!" Before laughing maniacally and disappearing

The green spot on her pupil disappeared and she dropped to the floor

Akun stood up and grunted as he lit up another smoke and grabbed yurun

"God I really hate this job"


As Akun stopped he looked towards the sky , as a result he shed a tear

"The tenth catastrophe is in my hands and she is the only way to rid this world of the demons who rule it "

"What a pawn they have gifted me to babysit"

"I will avenge you...Dad"

If you have any suggestion for my story feel free to comment and let me know how I can improve.


Akun: 6’01 Feet tall

Yukun: 5 feet 7 inches tall

Marie: 6 feet 2 inches tall

One eyed Demon: 7 feet tall

Shadow demons: 10 feet tall

AustinAKcreators' thoughts