
I wanna see her

After 2 hours the light of the Operation theatre turned off and the doctor came out with nurses and ask the head nurse Take Master Qing Yaun and shift him in ICU.

Doctor is my son okay? Old Master ask the head doctor

Old Master why did you stay here I was going to visit you. We removed the smoke inside him he will wake soon umm... plus He has injured his legs luckily the bones are not damaged otherwise it will be problem and his hands his plam are burnt we need to treat him carefully. It will take some time maybe 2 weeks if he didn't take care in future it will get worse so please take care of him. Doctor gave the details and was requested for other patient.

Old Master thanked him and went in to see Qing Yaun who was still unconscious.

The other patient was Xao lu.

When the nurse gave the report to the doctor he looks at her and he saw that she is his childhood friend he said to the nurse what are you guys waiting for go and get Operation theatre clean I will treat her and ask the reception to give a VIP room she is my friend. I want you to come with me head nurse.

The nurses nod and followed the order.

After finishing the operation on Xao Lu he couldn't believe that she got so many injuries. He was in deep thoughts.

They move Xao lu in VIP room he personally took care of her.

Baby Bunny where are you? Don't hide from me. Little girl I won't harm you. Why are you on the edge how did we came here? Baby bunny look back you can't leave me. Qing yaun said in scared voice he didn't understand what was happening to him the fast he run to reach her the further away he gets he heard her words and he ran fast.

Qing yaun you are a bast**d you stay away from me or else I will jump I don't want to be with you so stop following me you make me sick. Xao Lu said this and when she saw that he won't stop she jumps from the edge.

Qing yaun Shouts Xao Lu And he woke up. When he woke up he looks around in search of Xao Lu but he didn't see her he realised that what he saw is a dream but he still wants to see Xao Lu there so he tries pulling the IV drip from his hand and he tries to stand up but he couldn't. Son What are you doing? you should rest now. Old Master ran towards Qing yaun with his butler to stop Qing Yaun from getting up.

Qing Yaun was in the effects of drugs he was still half unconscious he was calling for Xao Lu.

Old Master heard him calling for some girl he looks at butler and butler knew what his master wants he nods and leave to get the information about the girl called Xao Lu. The doctor came and he gave him the medicine Qing Yaun fell asleep again.

The doctor said Old Master don't worry he just had a bad dream he is fine. I will take my leave first I have other serious patient too see. doctor bowed and left.

Soon the butler came with the details of Xao Lu he passed over to old Master and left the room. He saw doctor going to next room with a sad face he went over and wait for him to come out.

The doctor checks on Xao Lu and he kissed her forehead and tuck her hair back on her ear and said Xao Lu don't worry you are in good hands you will get better in no time I will treat you. He walks over the door and found the butler waiting for him so he ask him if Qing yaun need treatment again? Butler said no and said I came to look why were you sad when entering the room is there someone you care about?

Yes she is Someone I care about. Doctor said and continue She's hurt badly she has cuts in her body and she's burn also maybe she was in the same place where Qing Yaun was because they both came here from same location. Doctor said and thought why would she go to such a high place did Zao took her? He pulls out his phone and ask Butler to excuse him to make a phone call.

The butler look from the small window and saw that the face of this girl is same as the girl on the report that he investigated he went to Old Master to say what he saw. Old Master I have something to report about the girl that girl's name Master's keep saying she is in next door and she is injured badly.

What? She is badly injured I wanna go and see her now** a voice came from behind they both look and saw that Qing Yaun wakes up and he keeps saying that he wants to go and see her now.

Old man let me go and see her. Qing Yaun said in shakey voice and was trying to stand up.

Boy you wanna see her like this? you can't even stand properly and you are ordering around. Old Master said in harsh voice then he gave signal to butler to bring wheelchair for him because he know that his son is stubborn.

Assistant Haun come here where are you? Qing yaun calls for Assistant Haun but he didn't came. he was about to call again but old Master interrupted him.

Assistant Haun won't be coming and serving you because I fired him. Old Master said in clam voice.

Old man don't go far you don't have to interfere with my life you allready did what you had to do. Butler came in with a wheelchair and helped Qing Yaun to sit.

Butler give me my phone and call Assistant Haun here I didn't gave him the permission to leave. Qing Yaun said while looking at the Old Master. Butler look also looks at Old Master.

ummm.... Master I am here I didn't leave I knew you wouldn't agree and I am sorry Master I didn't protect you. Assistant Haun came in and squats down near Qing Yaun and said.

Qing Yaun pats his head and said you idiot why didn't you answer when I called you earlier.

I was the one who should blame Old Master gave me the order not to get close to you and Master Miss Xao Lu is in next room but she is still unconscious because she has lost so many blood and she gots cuts in her stomach and in her arms she is out of danger now. Assistant Haun gave his report to Qing Yaun and waits for his order.

Take me to her i wanna see her. Qing Yaun said to Assistant Haun. Assistant Haun starts to push the wheelchair.

Boy don't give so much attention towards a toy. Plus I didn't inform to your mother about your condision plus you don't have to go to office until you recover take care of yourself I will be leaving. Old Master said before they could leave the room.