
1000 Yen

Ummm...umm.. *Xao Lu tries to push the person but the strength of that person was so strong.

That person push her towards the wall and kiss her*...

Ummm...ummm. Wh..who are you? Xao Lu tries to push him again but he didn't let her go. Xao Lu kicks him in his legs.

Baby Bunny you are so mean why did you kick me. The person was none other than Qing Yaun. He kiss her again.

Umm...Ummm..Bas***d let go of me. Xao Lu push him again with all her strength.

Baby Bunny you look breath taking in this dress I couldn't control myself. Qing Yaun whispered in Xao Lu's ears.

Qing Yaun you are drunk let go of me. Xao Lu tries to break free from his grip but he didn't release her.

Look around Qing Yaun must be here. he is drunk plus the medicine should do it's work Lady will kill us if we didn't find Qing Yaun soon before the medicine starts to show it's effects. Four guards was discussing while searching for him.

Xao Lu looks at Qing Yaun up and down after hearing what they said she asks Qing Yaun. Qing Yaun do you have any room in this pub?

Qing Yaun nods his head in return and whispers in Xao Lu's ears Baby Bunny do you wanna spend the night with me? I really wanna taste you.

Xao Lu felt disgusted after hearing his words. She slapped him and said Do I look like a money woman to you.

Qing Yaun gets angry and put his hands on the wall not giving Xao Lu any space to leave. Baby Bunny you are really something. You are the first person who dares to slap me. How should I punish you.

Xao looks into his eyes and they both stare at eachother. Qing Yaun bends over and he kissed her again. The sweet taste of Xao Lu's lips plus the effects of the medicine was so strong he couldn't resist he picks Xao Lu up and went to his room.

What are you doing let me go Qing Yaun. Xao Lu shouts while punching his back.

Baby Bunny You seduced me first. Qing Yaun says while opening the door and going straight towards the bed. He throws Xao Lu on the bed She shouts don't come near me Qing Yaun am warning you. *But he didn't listen to her.

The more she Crawl backs the more he crawls near her. He catch her leg and pull her towards him and he push her down and said*. Baby Bunny don't worry I won't hurt you. He grabs Her hands and he pulls her hands over her head and locks her both hand with his one hand. He looks at her.

Baby bunny you don't know how seductive your face looks like now. Xao Lu gets embraced and she turns her head to side but Qing Yaun pulls back her face by his other hand and kiss her passionately. She moan lightly while they were kissing. Hearing her moans lightly he smirked. After a while he pulls away letting her breath he looks over her and said. Baby Bunny you can moan loudly today I wanna hear you moan.

What are you crazy let go of Me you are not yourself you are doing this because you are drunk plus it's the effect of the drugs. Xao Lu again tries to push him but he was so strong that he didn't even move slightly.

Baby Bunny why you taste so nice I can't get enough of you. He kisses her again.

Xao Lu pushed him and said in anger Ummm.. You.... why don't you call your girlfriends I don't wanna do it with you.

Qing Yaun gets angry he push her down again climbs up and looked at her seriously and said. Baby Bunny i am saying you this only one time so listen properly I don't have girlfriends anymore okay.

Qing Yaun don't lie to me okay. Xao Lu tries to kick him but he grabbed her leg and place his leg on top of her legs. He looks at her in her eyes with a serious face when he saw her eyes he lost himself in her eyes her eyes were like a universe . They just stare at each other for a while. Xao Lu regains herself and she push him. He fell over and looked at her in a dazed. She tries to run but Qing Yaun quickly grabs her leg and pull her towards him and he climbs on her and press her down and ask her what wrong with her. She looks over but he shouts her name XAO LU. She looks at him. When she looks at him he looks so scary she got little scared but when he saw the scared look on her he clam himself and ask her again What's wrong why you hate me so much.

It's not that, I just hate play boys and you are one of them. Xao Lu said in one breath.

Qing Yaun was surprised when she said that . Baby Bunny I know I was a play boy but now I am not trust me. Qing Yaun waits for her reply but when she didn't said anything he cups her face with his hands and said again after meeting you on that day your eyes, your smell, your voice and your taste I don't know when and how I fell for you. I can't find that in any other girl. After kissing you I didn't even touched anyone because I couldn't find the taste on others. Xao Lu I fell for you.

What!! Xao Lu was shocked but before she could say anything He kiss her passionately not giving her any chance to say anything. the kiss was so passionate that soon she give in.

**Next day morning**


Ammm who could it be so early in the morning. Xao Lu looks at the phone that was vibrating and when she saw 12 missed calls from Zao she woke up in a hurry and she notices that she is not in her room she looks around and when she saw a man lying next to her she got scared but soon she recalls what happened yesterday she blushed and at the same time she looks at Qing Yaun who was sleeping soundly She thought (He looks quite handsome even when he is sleeping) she gets up slowly and she looks around at her clothes which was torn down by him last night she looks around and she found his shirt she decides to ware it she put his shirt. Well he did performed well so I think I should give him a tip. Qing Yaun you took my virginity and you gave me yous service so I have to pay you back some how right and this is the last time we are meeting each other. Xao Lu pulls 1000 yen and kept besides him and left to the door. She could smell his sent on the shirt. She looks at him for the last time and went towards the door she slowly opens the door so that he won't wake up when she leaves she said to herself that this man is really a beast in human costume he went so far last my lower back hurts like hell. .

Soon he also wake up and when he wakes up he looked around he didn't find her. He got up and he saw there's 1000 yen he laughed and said I underestimate you Baby Bunny. You think you can run away like that you just wait.

Knock ******Knock******

Master it's me Assistant Haun I brought your fresh clothes. Assistant Haun waits for his order and when he heard Come in he went in and passed the box to Qing Yaun and waits for him to get dressed.

Assistant Haun I have a task for you. Qing Yaun says while fixing his tie.

What's the order Master.Assistant Haun looks confused but still didn't dares to ask he quietly waits for his Master's order.

I am giving you 2 weeks find Xao Lu and bring her to Me. Qing Yaun Said and after finishing his sentence he went towards the bed and he picks that 1000 yen and smirked. You can't run away this time Baby Bunny.

After running from the pub Xao Lu rush towards her house she unlocks the door and went in and she looks around and found no one she gets confused she looks at the time and she said. Mei should be at home where's she now she mostly stay home till noon. Did they drink so much and went to Zao's home??.

Xao Lu was about to call Zao but he called her first she picked the call and ask them where are they?

Zao said in Scared voice First say me where were you we called you so many times but you didn't picked I got so worried.