
Hoka No Sekai

In a world unknown to us, a legend about Four Heroes carved itself into existance. This is their story....or perhaps not. Follow along and find out what lies beyond death, other than Hell or Heaven.

TQXP · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Before the Shift

It was a normal night, one like many others. Street lights illuminating the pavement as four teens were making their way trough town, their laughters breaking the silence.

"So, guys, where should we go next?" asked one of them.

"The gas station, It's pretty much the only place open at this hour."

"Fine then, the gas station it is."

The group kept going, like before, talking aimlessly and spouting whatever they felt like.

One would say the night was quite nice for some teenagers, but it didn't end that well. As they were near the gas station, a truck skidded and hit all four of them, ending what became their last night.

Their bodies, covered in blood, were sent flying all across the road.

With his last breath, one of them mustered the strenght to say...

"Guys, see ya on the other side..."

...and they did meet on the other side. A plaine of the greenest green laid in front of them. The place was warm, the sort of warmth one would feel as a child when they were embraced by their parents.

"Guys, I think we're in heaven." hesitated one of the boys.

"Didn't think I'd see this place like...never." laughed another.

"So we're dead. Big deal, would've happened sooner or later." shrugged the third.

They couldn't talk for long, since they were interrupted. They could only hear a voice echo trough the endless space that Heaven is.

"It's still not time. Return to the human realm..."

Still confused, the group had nothing to do but wait. They slowly faded away, and with them something more.

"Guys, I' beginning to forget things..."

Fading, the last one of them could only force himself to remember.

"I have to... remember... I am..."

With this, the four of them returned to the human world.

Welcome abroad. Hope you'll enjoy this novel, and hopefully I'll work harder on it, not giving up so soon. This story is what I call my work of art, so I can only hope it'll be good.

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