
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

Big_Big_0235 · Derivados de obras
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505 Chs

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 I Am Willing To Make A Contribution To The Peace Of The Magic World!

Alvin and the others spent the whole day in the Room of Requirement.

Even lunch is delivered here by the elf.

Because of their age, Qiu and Hermione's magic power is not sufficient, and every time they cast a dozen spells, they need to rest for a while.

But the two little witches didn't feel tired, after all, they had never cast spells like this before.

Speaking of this, Alvin had to complain that there was indeed a big problem with education at Hogwarts.

The school expressly prohibits casting spells in the corridors, and the classroom is mainly for the purpose of teaching spells.

And after returning home from the summer vacation, the little wizards were not allowed to perform magic outside the school,

So it's hard for Hogwarts students to have the opportunity to connect with magic.

This is the same as Muggle students learn knowledge points in class, but the teacher does not allow them to do extracurricular exercises at all.

No wonder the students at Hogwarts got worse each year, and Harry used a disarming spell in the finale.

"Okay! Let's get here today.

Alvin calculated the time and found that it was time for dinner, so he stopped everyone.

Harry breathed a long sigh of relief. He had been reading the elementary Defense Against the Dark Arts guide since morning, and whenever he was distracted, Alvin's spell would fly over.

Although it is not an offensive spell, it can make him itch, and it is simply real damage.

However, the day was still fruitful. This time, he had forgotten a few spells he had learned last semester. After reading a book for a day today, he recalled a lot, and he also learned a stun spell.

Fred and George are also very happy. The talent of the two is really good, and they can use the fuchsia proficiently. At this time, the two are murmuring about who should let them experience this spell.

After the group went out in a mighty manner, they walked towards the auditorium, but Harry patted his head and said angrily when he was halfway there.

"I forgot, I'm going to help Lockhart respond to fans tonight."

This is Professor McGonagall's punishment for Harry and Ron driving to school, Ron is going to wipe the trophy, and Harry is going to help Lockhart to reply to fans.

But Harry would rather switch with Ron than be alone with Lockhart.

Alvin thought about it, he should also go to Snape to talk about the wolf poison potion. So he said to Qiu and Hermione, "I have something to ask Snape for, so please go to the auditorium."

The two women nodded, and then separated from Alvin.

Alvin also went to Snape's office.

Snape didn't like to eat in the auditorium very much, he liked to be alone in the office quietly, especially after Alvin handed him Eden Realm, Snape went to the auditorium less and less often.

After knocking on the door and getting Snape's response, Alvin pushed open the door and walked closer.

Snape's office was still so cold and damp.

But to Alvin's surprise, Malfoy was here too.

When Malfoy saw that the person who came in was Alvin, his face was bloodless, and he immediately stood up from the chair, ducking his legs behind Professor Snape.

Alvin didn't care when he saw Malfoy's PTSD appearance, and greeted him with a smile.

"Yo, Malfoy, are you here to complain to Professor Snape.'?"

"No! No! The professor ordered me to copy the Potions textbook today, I'm not here to make a snitch.

Malfoy was afraid that Alvin would misunderstand him, and immediately explained the reason.

He doesn't want to turn into a hamster all at once, this whole day's experience will follow him like a nightmare for the rest of his life.

Alvin didn't expect Snape to be so ruthless, and after the transformation was over, he let Malfoy stay here and copy the textbook.

"What are you doing here, Gaunt.

Snape ignored the conversation between the two and asked Alvin.

Alvin shook the bottle in his hand and replied: "There is a major event that is conducive to the peace of the magic world, I want to talk to you.

After he finished speaking, his eyes turned to Malfoy.

Snape frowned, not sure what Alvin was trying to do.

But he began to speak to Malfoy: "Malfoy, you go first, I hope you will remember what to say and what not to say.

Malfoy was amnesty, nodding his head quickly, indicating that he understood and was ready to escape from this terrifying office.

But when he was about to leave the office, he was stopped by Alvin.

"Wait a minute, Malfoy.

Hearing Alvin's words, Malfoy also stopped and looked at Alvin uneasily.

"I don't think the glory of pure blood can be brought out by a few vicious words.""

Malfoy was taken aback, he didn't expect Alvin to tell him this.

"I'm not pure blood, but do you dare to offend me?" Alvin continued.

"You dare not, because you know how strong I am. Weakness or ignorance are not an obstacle to survival, arrogance is.

Malfoy lowered his head and clenched his fists. He raised his head slightly and opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say it.

Alvin waved his hand, signaling that he could leave.

Alvin is just on a whim today, after all, although Malfoy looks bad and pus now, it has something to do with the environment in which he grew up.

He also didn't expect his words to change Malfoy's mind, just to plant a seed later.

When Malfoy left the office, Alvin acted a lot more naturally, and without waiting for Snape to greet him, he found a sofa and sat down.

At the same time, the bottle of potion and the parchment of the refining method were sent to Snape's table with magic power.

Malfoy returned to the Slytherin dormitory and immediately lay on the bed.

A day of running and the subsequent confinement had exhausted him, and he had long wanted to take a good night's sleep.

But when he closed his eyes, Malfoy couldn't sleep, and he kept thinking about what Alvin had just said.

What is Pure Blood Glory?

He didn't understand.

From an early age, his father taught him that he was pure blood, born above others.

But when he came to school, he found that not only Alvin, but also Hermione, he couldn't compare.

There's also a reason for his jealousy when he speaks ill of him on the playground.

Today Alvin's remarks completely shattered the worldview imposed on him by his father, allowing him to think on his own for the first time.

He wants to be like Alvin, with a mixed blood body, step by step, relying on his own strength, to become a man of the school.

Even the academy where the Slytherin blood is paramount has many fans.

Thinking of this, Malfoy's confused eyes gradually condensed and became firm, and he secretly made a decision in his heart.

At this time, Alvin didn't know the change of Malfoy's mentality, he was staring at Snape.

Alvin: (⊙o⊙)

Snape: (=.=)

Finally, Snape couldn't bear it any longer and asked.

".々Why did you develop the wolf poison potion? Most of the werewolves in the wizarding world are destitute, and they won't make much profit for you.""

Snape was very upset with Alvin, didn't you know that your teacher's mortal enemy had a werewolf?

Alvin ignored Snape's dissatisfaction and said with a sincere expression: "I'm not trying to make money, I just can't bear to see these werewolf wizards being discriminated against, and other wizards are also worried about being hurt."

"For the prosperity of the magic world, I developed the wolf poison potion so that the werewolf wizard could return to the magic world. 99

Snape watched Alvin's passionate speech quietly, unmoved.

After a long silence, he finally spoke.

"Speak human, Gunter. 35

Snape knew Alvin too well, this is a man who can't make a profit, and he won't believe Alvin's nonsense for the wizarding world.

"Well, I'd like to get a Merlin Order"

Alvin spread his hands and said his true purpose.

"Are you serious?" Snape looked at Alvin, a little surprised at his purpose.

It is a fantasy for a minor wizard to receive the Merlin Order of Merlin, not to mention Alvin, even he himself does not have one now.

Of course, this may also have something to do with his Death Eater experience, or with his potion level, he can get one by publishing a few papers.

"Of course, my professor, you are a well-known potion master in the magic world. If you help me with your connections, you should be able to get one, right? 39

Snape thought about it for a while, and it seemed that it was really possible. Fudge, the current Minister of Magic, was a politician through and through. If he could solve the werewolf problem in his office, plus some old friends of Snape.

Rewarding Alvin with a Merlin Medal is no big deal.

After he figured it out, he turned his attention to Alvin's.

"Are you sure you want to publish this formula for free, just for a vain Merlin Medal?"

Alvin nodded, expressing his determination.

"Well, I'll try my best, but don't get your hopes up, after all, awarding a Merlin Medal to a second-year student has never happened.

"But in 1827 they gave Shane Levans one, and he was only in the first grade."

Alvin retorted that he was familiar with some of the history of the Merlin Medal.

"Because he died protecting ten Muggles.

Snape taunted Alvin sharply.


Well, he did forget this paragraph.