

In London in the 1990s, Harry was thrown into the garden of No. 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumoured in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil. "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?" "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins." As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labour contract. But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor. What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! ! A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application. "I am going home for the holidays!" It's a translation. Raw name : 霍格沃茨:移动城堡的猫巫师

The_Dream_Wanderer · Derivados de obras
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100 Chs

Are you a wizard, a mage or an alchemist?


Harry was a little perplexed.

Felix Peregrine picked up the fallen flowers from the ground and examined them closely. The luminescence they once exuded under the moonlight had dissipated, leaving behind mere husks, devoid of their previous allure.

Fortunately, despite the considerable damage inflicted upon most of the Moon Spirit Flowers, a handful had managed to escape unscathed.

He reassured himself, likening the incident to pruning flowers...

His attention then shifted to the young boy before him—his disheveled long black hair, fractured glasses, emerald eyes, and the lightning-shaped scar etched upon his forehead.

But most intriguing was the manner in which the boy had wielded magic moments ago.

There was undeniable magical potential within him.

This marked Felix's second encounter with a magical being in this realm. The first encounter had been utterly incomprehensible. They had purportedly hailed from the Ministry of Magic, seeking his apprehension. Their altercation had transpired atop Big Ben.

Ministry of Magic... Lightning Scar...

The familiarity persisted, yet remained just beyond his grasp.

Turning his focus back to the boy, the sole spellcaster he'd encountered in this world, Felix pondered.

Perhaps, amidst this encounter, lay the key to unraveling this enigma.

Contemplating this, he inquired, "Boy, what kind of spellcaster are you? A wizard? A mage? Or perhaps an alchemist."

"Huh?" Harry's expression betrayed confusion.

Observing the boy's reaction, Felix couldn't help but feel puzzled. Did this child remain oblivious to the origin of his powers?

A spellcaster navigating an ordinary world, shaped by the mundane beliefs of its inhabitants?

"What is your name?" Felix inquired.

"My name is Harry Potter. I reside at No. 4 Privet Drive, diagonally across from your residence, sir."

Harry Potter? !

A thunderclap reverberated within Felix's mind, triggering a cascade of memories.

So, it's the world of Harry Potter.

Regrettably, Felix hadn't delved deeply into the franchise during his previous life. His knowledge of its lore remained rudimentary, gleaned from scattered sources. Over time, those memories had faded into obscurity.

Had it not been for the iconic name, he might have struggled to recall it.

Yet, as the memories flooded back, a wealth of information resurfaced. For instance, the simplest fact: Harry was an orphan.

Suddenly, everything fell into place.

Felix shook his head in resignation before rising and retreating indoors.

Harry watched the man's departure, still somewhat bewildered.

Is that all... Is everything alright? !

As the man retreated indoors, leaving Harry alone outside, an unsettling feeling crept over him. Neither staying nor leaving seemed quite right.

Lost in contemplation, he caught sight of Dudley lurking on the street corner, attempting to keep his distance while eavesdropping on the unfolding events.

Swiftly, Harry crouched down, hoping to evade Dudley's prying eyes.

Meanwhile, Felix Peregrine returned to his abode. The house boasted a modest entrance hall, cluttered with various odds and ends. A tall stone table stood adjacent, piled high with countless books, forming a miniature mountain range with curtains wedged between their spines.

Outside the open window, a verdant meadow stretched into the distance, undulating gently in the breeze. It was a stark contrast to the world beyond the door.

Within the fireplace, crimson flames danced lazily. Opposite the hearth, an aged crimson leather sofa bore a prominent indentation, evidence of frequent occupancy.

"What's the commotion about?" queried a raspy, yet oddly juvenile voice. The flames within the fireplace surged upward, forming eyes and a mouth.

"A few clusters of Moon Spirit Flowers were damaged by some ignorant child," Felix replied indolently. Then, he inquired, "Where are we now?"

"Let me see." The diminutive fire spirit extended its hands, retrieving a map from the nearby surface. After scrutinizing it for a moment, it responded, "Finland, north of the Scandinavian Mountains."

"Why didn't you punish the one who harmed your Moon Spirit Flowers?" the fiery entity, Lucifer, questioned.

"Why must you resort to violence, Lucifer? Can't you be more serene, like me?" Felix sighed in exasperation.

"How can I be serene? Besides, I am a devil!!" Lucifer's features contorted into a fearsome visage, engulfed in a fiery blaze.

"Alright, swiftly locate a secluded spot to dock the castle, and then I'll proceed with transplanting the Moon Spirit Flower," Felix Peregrine instructed briskly, gesturing dismissively at Harry's presence.

With that, he retrieved the shovel and exited the house once more.


Felix Peregrine was taken aback by Harry's lingering presence. Hadn't the boy left yet? What was he still doing here? Did he expect to be invited in for a meal?

Since Harry showed no signs of departure...

Felix Peregrine tossed the shovel onto the ground without ceremony and addressed Harry bluntly, "Boy, start digging out the flowers."

"Ah?!" Harry stared at the shovel on the ground, then at Felix Peregrine, his hand instinctively reaching for the tool.

"Ah, what's with the hesitation? The Moon Spirit Flower is exceedingly precious and must be transplanted. Are we to wait for you to destroy it entirely?" Felix Peregrine remarked casually.

"If you don't move swiftly, consider it an act of penance. Otherwise, I'll inform your family," he added with feigned seriousness.

At the mention of his family, Harry's demeanor shifted. He had no desire for the Dursleys to learn of today's events. Regardless of fault, it always seemed to land on him.

"Okay... Alright," Harry acquiesced hastily, brushing off his clothes and setting to work.

Observing Harry's efforts, Felix Peregrine spared him a brief glance before turning his attention to the two figures loitering by the roadside.

One was tall and gaunt, resembling a lanky ape, while the other was stout and corpulent, akin to Harry's unpleasant cousin from his memories.

What could they possibly find amusing here?

Felix Peregrine glanced back at Harry, then gestured towards the pair. "Boy, were those the individuals who tossed you into my flower garden?"

Harry followed Felix Peregrine's gaze and spotted the two boys. Uncertain of what to do, he nodded reluctantly.

"What lively children," Felix Peregrine remarked involuntarily.

Lively? !

Harry gaped at Felix Peregrine in astonishment.

Felix Peregrine nodded, particularly noting the chubby lad named Dudley, whose corpulent physique brought to mind Porco Rosso.

That lad might lack Porco Rosso's charm, but their physical resemblance was striking.

Come to think of it, Porco Rosso had been cursed by that world to assume his porcine form.

And I... received the same curse, Felix Peregrine realized with a jolt.

As Harry watched, Felix tapped her fingers lightly, drawing his attention. He couldn't shake the feeling that he saw a flash of light emanating from a ring adorning Moon's hand.

Woof woof woof——! ! !

Suddenly, a large Doberman emerged from the street, barrelling towards Dudley.

"Hey! What the heck is this? Why is it after me?!" Dudley exclaimed in terror, sprinting away in a panic, his idea of amusement quickly vanishing.

Meow——! !

From the oak tree by the roadside, a spotted wild cat leaped down, clawing at Dudley's face.

"Oh, no! My face, my face!!"

Woof woof——

Another stray dog appeared from around the street corner...

"Mom, Mom!!! Someone, anyone, come and save me!!" Dudley's cries echoed as he fled toward his home.

Harry couldn't contain his laughter at the scene unfolding before him. It had been a long time since he felt such genuine joy. Though he couldn't fathom why these stray animals were targeting Dudley, he found himself revelling in Dudley's misfortune.

Meanwhile, Pierre fared no better. Pursued by a wild dog and two feral cats, he too vanished from sight in a matter of moments.