
Hogwarts Card System

Author : Curator Wei, Genre : Fan-Fiction, Game Ted was reborn in London in 1991, and he had dreamt of becoming a millionaire, but a letter arrived from Hogwarts! I thought that by relying on the card system and acquiring knowledge from other worlds every month, I could become the second-greatest wizard of this century. However, it turns out that two celestial events have occurred in this world, resulting in the influx of magical creatures, plants, and even intelligent races from other worlds! Even more astonishing is that the chosen one has changed to Neville! Harry has become Harley! Nanadi, will you play Yindi with me, right? No one wants to miss out on this~ System Upgrade!

TimNinja2002 · Derivados de obras
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33 Chs

Chapter 7: changed! Everything has changed!

  "What do you mean by the convergence of the stars?" Ted felt his throat was a little dry. A bad premonition lingered in my heart.

   Sure enough, what Mr. Giggs said next made him gasp.

  The intersection of the sky and the stars is a word in the magic world to describe the intersection of two worlds.

   It is said that it has happened twice so far.

   The first time was in 1945, said to have happened shortly after Dumbledore defeated and imprisoned Grindelwald in Nurmengard.

  At that time, the sky was in great chaos, and the positions of the stars in the sky were all confused.

   Even broad daylight can see some huge celestial bodies moving across the sky.

  The abnormal celestial phenomenon lasted for four and a half months!

   During those months, the climate was also extremely abnormal.

   It may only take a few hours from the scorching sun to the snow.

  It rained in the poles, and egg-sized hailstones fell in the tropical rainforest.

  Even the length of the day has changed. The longest day has forty hours without the sun setting, and the shortest day and night only add up to twelve hours.

  And there are a lot of things in this world that didn't exist before.

   Such as magical creatures from other worlds, herbs, etc.

  During that time, magical creatures from other worlds ran around uncontrollably, which directly caused the Muggle world, which was already terrified by abnormal celestial phenomena and weather, to be extremely frightened.

  If it wasn't for the end of the Second World War at that time, the Muggle world was in chaos, and the technology was still underdeveloped. Unlike now, photos and videos are readily available, and the secrecy law in the wizarding world would be abolished.

   It is said that the entire wizarding world spent a lot of energy dealing with it for several months before reluctantly using the Muggle regime and expert media to cover things up.

   Then cover up those new magical creatures, don't rush into the Muggle world and cause trouble.

   But so far, some magical creatures will appear in front of Muggles by accident. The Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters and the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures are often overwhelmed by this.

   Mention this matter, Mr. Giggs will give out gloating laughter.

   Looks like he's having fun with the Ministry of Magic.

  Ted suddenly remembered the unimaginable urban tales he had seen in old newspapers.

   I didn't expect it to be a serious newspaper!

  The alien race dwarves appeared after the second celestial convergence.

  Mr. Giggs: "The second meeting of the stars was ten years ago, after the Mysterious Man was defeated by the Boy Who Lived..."

   "By the way, you know the Boy Who Lived?" he asked.

   "I know." Harry Potter.

  Mr. Giggs patted his thigh excitedly: "That's right! It's Neville Longbottom!"

  Ted: Huh? (#Д)!

   "Neville Longbottom?" Ted's throat became even drier, almost smoking, no, sparking! .

  Ted: No, this is really bad!

  Mr. Giggs nodded, "Thanks to Neville Longbottom, who was just over a year old, he defeated the You-Know-Who and ended the chaos. The second celestial confluence happened after the You-Know-Who fell."

He pointed out the window: "Things like dwarves, elves, and demihumans, including those ugly and evil murlocs, kobolds, and goblins, all appeared after the second confluence of stars. It's been ten years now." ."

  The tortoise shell in Ted's hand is about to be crushed, besides dwarves and elves? What is the sub-human race? Murlocs, kobolds...

  Ted was trembling with anger, sweating all over his body on a hot day, and his hands and feet were cold.

  Hell is empty, the devil is in the world, can this world be better?

  What do you want to be satisfied with the time traveler?

   Tears flowed down without disappointment. The world is full of malice towards the traversers. When will the traversers really stand up?

Mr. Giggs is still talking: "No, dwarves, elves and other races are closer to wizards. This dwarf blacksmith shop is the first shop opened by a foreign race in Diagon Alley! Everyone is there Let's watch the fun!"

   "By the way, Ted, why don't you go and see it too? When can't work be done!"

  Ted stood up stiffly, and walked out the door like a walking dead, thinking about the intersection of the sky and the stars.

   It's all like this, can the original plot continue?

   Colonel Chu said: The greatest advantage of a traveler is that he is familiar with the plot! Now I do nothing and the advantage is gone! boil~

  Ted went to see the dwarves, and they were indeed the ones in the fantasy world, about 1.3 meters tall, with a thick body, like a big wine barrel, with long beards, braided with copper rings.

  The dwarf boss's voice increased, as if his "loud voice" had become constant.

   He was very dissatisfied with the wizards watching, blowing his beard and staring.

   "Oh my God! I don't know if the elder is old and confused. What's the use of opening a blacksmith shop here? People look at it like a monkey! What can these hemp wizards do?" The voice was like a bell.

   On one side, a beardless but still short and thick female dwarf persuaded: "Keep your voice down, the elder intends to let us integrate into the world of wizards. Opening a shop is the first step..."


  Ted finally stabilized his mind. Taking advantage of the time spent in the bookstore in the afternoon, Ted chatted with the bookstore clerk.

   "Aaron, do you know of any books on Conjunction?"

  Aaron said: "You are also interested in the Confluence of the Stars because of the newly opened dwarf blacksmith shop?"

   "Look at the book "Fantastic Beasts Appearing in Ten Years Supplement", which was published two months ago. Other than that, it is the record of "History of Magic" for the past ten years."

   "You have to know, now we haven't figured out how many things there are in this world that didn't exist before. Ten years is still too short, who knows if there are any strange things in remote valleys..."

  Ted briefly browsed the "Fantastic Beasts Appearing in Ten Years Supplement" recommended by Aaron, which has records from goblins to kobolds.

  Currently, for races such as murlocs, goblins, and kobolds, the Ministry of Magic has classified them into the category of magical animals. Still that kind of very dangerous level.

   Also, these ethnic groups do not understand the language and are full of malice.

  In other worlds, aren't these just monsters?

  As for the history of magic, I haven't read the textbook at all-who would want to read this thing?

   As a result, I never expected that in the past ten years of history, there will be such a big surprise.

   After get off work in the afternoon, Ted returned to the Leaky Cauldron.

  Old Tom was still behind the counter polishing the oak glasses as if he would never finish.

  Ted walked over and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Tom, a new shop opened in Diagon Alley today, the dwarf blacksmith shop. I heard a new vocabulary - the intersection of the sky and the stars, can you tell me about it?"

  As the owner of the bar, Old Tom is naturally well-informed.

  Ted wants to verify the accuracy of the news with him. Perhaps old Tom could know something more detailed.

   "You said that the sky and the stars converge. Indeed, there was a big mess ten years ago. There are also many careless wizards who were killed by monsters and races from other worlds!"

  Old Tom began to tell stories about alien races and alien monsters in the past ten years.

  The elves, dwarves, and dwarves from other worlds are similar to Ted's impression, and have their own civilization and magical power, so they are more harmonious with the magic world.

  Elves, especially, are good-looking, elegant, rich, powerful in magic, and have a long lifespan. These are all bonus points in the eyes of wizards.

   "An elder of the elves was invited to join the Wizengamot five years after the second confluence of stars. At that time, the "Daily Prophet" reported for a week..."

  The Wizengamot is the highest authority in the British magical world, and it existed much earlier than the Ministry of Magic.

   Members include the Minister of Magic, the Senior Deputy Minister of Magic, senior officials of the Ministry of Magic and other famous wizards. Has great influence on the British Ministry of Magic.

   Being able to be accepted in just five years, and even invited to join the Wizengamot, it can be seen that the elves do have a set.

  The so-called demihumans are humans with certain animal characteristics.

   For example, there are animal ears and tails.

  Furui control ecstasy~

  Compared to those murlocs, kobolds, goblins, etc., who kill and eat people, and are classified as humanoid monsters, demihumans are recognized by the magic world as humanoid races, that is, they are accepted as "human beings".

  But compared to the super-national treatment of elves, many pure-blood families are very unfriendly to these subhumans, thinking that they are as lowly as Muggles, or even hybrids.

  As for the monsters from other worlds, there are too many of them, and I can't finish it all day and night.

  Old Tom lent him a copy of "Magical Creatures You Should Know".

   This book was only published last year. It not only records common magical animals and dark magical creatures but also records many dangerous magical creatures that appeared after the two celestial confluences.

   "Look slowly, don't rush to pay back." Old Tom said.

   Thanks to the book friend "Naming Difficulty Syndrome" for the 5,000 rewards! thank you~

   Thanks to the book friend "Worrett City" for the 500 rewards of "I will sing a song for you"!

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