
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · Cómic
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70 Chs

Test Run Part5

"What the hell is he doing!? And did he go to Southern Hemisphere countries only!?" He said as he just watched the scene with a panicked look on his face. "Actually, how many does he have!? He's been doing this for 20 minutes now and no end in sight! I'm getting tight on time! Hurry and go back!" He pleaded for the Chairman to be done with his business. 

And if the situation didn't just get worse. He hears the familiar bell that rang across the school campus. His heart immediately stopped. 

"Damn it! Time's up! I need to get back fast!"

…..Waste Disposal Area…..

"Should he be back by now! That was the time right!? He should be back right!?" Etsuko was uncharacteristically panicking at the moment. Her eyes pleaded at Gakuto.

"I-Indeed! He should be here by now!"

"Then where is he! If the Vice President comes back she's sure to blame me for the mess!" She said with an ugly thought in her head.

"P-Pray Miss Etsuko! Calm down! I-I-I'm certain K-Kiyoshi-dono will be here! Just be p-patient! And I'm positive that the Lady Vice President will not blame you for this!" 

"But you don't know that! I can already see it! She's gonna blame me for my crimes, then I'll be stripped of my innocence and be thrown in prisons with a bunch of ravaging wild beasts." She cried as some tears formed in her eyes. 

"...um…...when you say ravaging wild beasts…..do you mean us?"

Etsuko turned and gave him a blank look. "No, I implying the big stupid looking elephant behind you."



Gakuto tried to shush her. "Y-You fool! Be quiet! We can't let the other hear! All we can do now is wait!"

…..Track Field…..

Meiko regains her composure as soon as she hears the chime. Matsuri took notice of the time.

"Okay," She started as she cleared her throat. "W-We done enough for now. Let us head back."

"Oh!? Um….y-yes ma'am." He said as he stood straight. 

As Meiko walked ahead first. Matsuri took a moment to take a deep breath. His heart was still racing, pumping against his chest. 

"Just…...what the hell did I say that for...." He said to himself.

"Hitoyoshi." Meiko called out as she took notice of him still standing at the spot they were at. 

"Uh….right, coming." He said as he hurried over to her. 

The two walked in silence, the boy followed closely behind her. His eyes couldn't help but look at the back of her head. His thoughts were just on her. 

"Should I apologize for what I said…...maybe best not to say it out loud now…..I'm sure it won't bother her….." He thought to himself.

But as soon as he thought about that, his eyes looked at her once more, he swore he caught a glimpse of her looking at him over her shoulder before she quickly retreated ahead of her. 

"Wait…..was she just…...looking at me?"

…..Back with Kiyoshi…..

"Farewell. My beloved hips." The Chairman said as he finally was done parting ways with his photos. As he was done, he left with the shovel in hand. 

"He finally left! Now I need to hurry!" He thought to himself as he made a mad dash towards the hole.

…..Waste Disposal Area…. 

"Kiyoshi-dono…..get your ass back here!!!" Gakuto gritted his teeth as he still waited for Kiyoshi to make his return. 

As he was panicking, he took note of Etsuko praying near the hole that Kiyoshi left through. 

"M-Miss Etsuko, what on earth are you doing?"

"What does it look like! I'm channeling my blessing power so Kiyoshi can come back faster!"

"B-Blessing…...I don't think praying for him to come back is not going to be enough."

"You have a better idea!" Etsuko burst at him. 

Gakuto was about to say something when she heard Meiko talking with the other boys. His heart immediately stopped when he took notice of their fast arrival. Sweat poured against his skin. His eyes got the thousand-yard stare. 

"CURSES! CURSES! KIYOSHI-DONO!!!! HURRY THE HELL UP!!!!!!" He bursted out loud in his thoughts. 

As Etsuko continued to pray, her ear picked up on something coming from the other side of the hole. Kiyoshi dives right through the hole and manages to pop half of his torso on the other side. Etsuko wore a huge relief on her face. 

"You made it!"

"Just in ti-" Before Kiyoshi could finish his sentence, he tried to move the rest of his body out of the hole, but no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't get loose from it. "Uh oh."

"What do you mean 'uh oh'!?" 

"I'M STUCK!!!!"

"WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Both Etsuko and Gakuto screamed in their thoughts. 

They were on the clock, Meiko and Matsuri just returned from their training session, and no doubt she was going to come check up on Etsuko to see how she was fairing against the boys. Things were getting intense. 

Etsuko turns to Gakuto. "I'll distract the Vice President! You get Kiyoshi out of there!"


On that note, Etsuko makes a mad dash towards where Meiko and Matsuri were at, as Gakuto tries to release Kiyoshi from his unfortunate prison.

"Where is Etsuko?" Meiko asked Shingo.

"Um…..last time we saw her she was checking up on Gakuto and Kiyoshi."

Matsuri's eyes wandered over to the side where Etsuko and the others were supposed to be at. "Hopefully Kiyoshi is back." 

Before his thoughts could process any further, Etsuko skids across the dirt and runs up to the three. She immediately stopped and bounced back into a salute position. 


Meiko, Matsuri, and the boys literally stopped what they were doing and wondered what she was talking about. Or even said in that weird sentence. 

"Um….." Meiko cleared her throat and regained her composure. "Etsuko, speak more clearly please."

"Sorry," The short first year sheepishly scratched the back of her head. "What I said was that I wasn't expecting you two to come so early…..and all sweaty too..." The first year took notice of just how sweaty the two were. 

"We just went through some vigorous exercises." Meiko said with a confident tone. 

Matsuri just picked at his white shirt, he could still feel his sweat that was on his clothes sticking to his skin. And it really just made him uncomfortable. 

"H-Hey, Vice President….." Matsuri asked. "Is it possible to wash these clothes for tomorrow?"

"Of course," Meiko said as she pushed up her glasses. "You could just throw your clothes in the wash and use the showers. They'll be ready for you tomorrow."

"Thank goodness." He breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Now back to matter at hand," Meiko looks towards Etsuko with a glare. "What is the condition of Gakuto and Kiyoshi?"

"Eh!?" Etsuko flinched. 

"From what I heard from Shingo, he told me that he noticed that Kiyoshi had gone from the scene."

"Y-Yeah! About that! He's working really, really hard in the back! H-He should be back now." Etsuko waved her hands in motion to reassure the vice president that everything was fine.

"Really now, then I guess I'll go check." Meiko said as she walked over towards where Kiyoshi and Gakuto are supposedly at together. 

Etsuko flinched once more and quickly, as the wind took her and stopped right in front of Meiko. Stopping her in her tracks. 

"W-What is the meaning of this!?"

"I-I mean! Let me just do it for you! I'll go check on them!" Etsuko said as she made a mad dash towards where Kiyoshi and Gakuto were having trouble.

All Meiko and Matsuri could do was just watch, her behavior was rather percilaur. And it just made Meiko even more eager to find out what is going on. She immediately walks over to the site. 

"Um….V-Vice President…..um…..are we….."

"I need to find out what's going on."

"Kiyoshi…..you better be back."

"Kiyoshi-dono could you please hurry up and get loose already!" Gakuto hissed as he tried to pull his friend out of his unfortunate prison. 

"I'm trying! I didn't have a problem breaking out, but getting back in is the issue!" Kiyoshi said as he tried to get loose. He could feel his friend pulling his arm and the hole grabbing onto his butt. "I need to make this damn hole bigger!"

"Indeed! Or perhaps...you need to lose weight!"


Etsuko reached towards the disposal waste site and immediately panicked when she noticed that the boys were still having trouble getting loose from the hole. She quickly poked her head around the corner, only to retreat back when she noticed that Meiko and Matsuri were coming. 

"This is bad!" 

The girl went over and wrapped her hand around the glasses wearing the boy's waist. "On three!"


Meiko was inching closer to the site. With a nervous Matsuri behind her. 

He knew from Etsuko's rather strange behavior that something must have happened. And Meiko seems to be aware of this strange behavior. She's becoming suspicious of their operation, he needs to buy her time.

"AH!" Matsuri suddenly yelped, which made even Meiko jump a little in the air. 


"There's someone in the woods!"

"What!?" Meiko turns towards the forest area. But all she saw were the boys who were caught off guard by Matsuri's scream. 

Meiko's eyes scanned the area, her eyes looking for whatever Matsuri was looking at…..but nothing.

"Owowowowowowowowowow! No good! No good!" Kiyoshi screamed in pain.

"Damn it we're getting your ass out of there one way or another! Pull your back too, Spect-san!"



"I...I don't see anything..."

"Huh!? I-I was soo sure that I saw…..huh?"

Meiko turned her eyes towards the boy with a suspicious look. "You're acting rather strange today."


"You sure, you okay?"


Before Matsuri could come up with an excuse, he was met with something unexpected. He felt something soft against his forehead. He looks up and immediately notices Meiko's face that was close to his. Her forehead touched his. 

Matsuri could feel and see many of the amazon beauty. He could hear her breathing, each breath escaped from her soft pink lips. His eyes wandered down to her most noticeable assets as it hangs below, he could see her impressive cleavage that hangs below her. Giving him a good view of the valley of melons. 

"You're rather warm."

"Huh….." Matsuri looks back at the vice president as she opens her eyes. Revealing her brown eyes that look at his. A deep blush crept on his face. 

"Perhaps you exercise too much..." Meiko said as she continued to look at him. They're eyes looking into each other for a moment. It didn't take long before she realized what she was doing.

She retreated her body to her original position. Her head looked the other way. "T-Try not to overdo it again….o-okay?"

"...." Matsuri didn't say anything as he was just caught off guard. His eyes just looked at the tall grey hair vice president in front of him. 

"R-Right then…..let's go." She said quickly as she moved quickly towards her destination. 

"Huh!? W-Wait! I….gak!" Matsuri hurries over to the president.

Meiko was walking towards the site, her mind partly pre-occupied. That little action she did towards Matsuri. Why did she exactly do that? It confused her. But some part of her felt that she needed too. 

"I need to focus." She said as she continued over to the site.

Once she finally made it to the site, she was greeted by a smiling Etsuko who was standing tall. Her expression reads that nothing had happened while she was gone. 

"Vice President wai-what?" Matsuri finally makes it to her, only to stop himself and find a now…..happy Etsuko?

"Hello Vice President! Matsuri!" She said as if nothing was wrong. 

"Um...y-yes." Meiko said as she cleared her throat and stood tall. "I-I take it that everything is fine and well."

Etsuko nodded and turned behind her. The two boys were working on the site. Both Gakuto AND Kiyoshi. The two boys took notice of the vice president and immediately stopped what they were doing and saluted. 

"Welcome back! Vice President!"

"...what is this? Last time I saw you was in a nervous wreck."

"Oh that! Nah," She said as she waved her hand in a dismissive way. "I just thought that the boys could maybe get the place organized before you came."

"Really then...the boys were on their best behavior?" She said as she crossed her arms under her massive melons. 

"Yup! They were acting like model prisoners." She said with a wink. 

Matsuri just blinked a few times. So everything went well? Kiyoshi still made it and everything was fine. 

The boy sighed to himself. "That was close…..at least I was able to buy them some times...I helped out." He said in his thoughts with a smile on his lips. 

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call them 'model prisoners' yet...but if they have not caused any trouble then I guess it is okay...however," Her eyes were focused on Kiyoshi. Then to Etsuko. "Do not send Kiyoshi someplace away from the work site. If he is gone for too long, I want to retrieve him immediately."

"Yes! Vice President!" She said in a peppy tone. 

Meiko nodded and turned towards Matsuri before leaving. "Hitoyoshi, you may return to your work position with Etsuko, but if you are not feeling well then take a break."

"Y-Yes Ma'am." He said. 

On that note, Meiko took her leave. Leaving both the boys and the girl to themself. All of them breathed a sigh of relief. 

"That was too close!" Etsuko said as she fell to her knees. "I almost thought I was busted for sure."

"Indeed. But you did manage to pull it off. Well done, Miss Etsuko." He congratulated the girl. "You too Matsuri, you did your part as well."

Matsuri blushed a little from the compliment. His eyes looked the other way. "I….I'm just glad I was able to help."

"But YOU!" His eyes looked at Kiyoshi. Giving him the angry look, like he was ready to blow a fuse. "Do you have any idea how close that was! A second later or so the whole plan would've been completely ruined!" He said as he was moving his fingers in motion, as if he was ready to strangle Kiyoshi. 

"S-Sorry. I was caught in the middle of something. Also we need to make that hole bigger."

Gakuto calmed down a bit as he brought his finger to his chin. "Hmm…..we also need to come up with a new trick. She will not fall for the same trick again. Luckily with an unexpected new ally, it looks like this operation will be going smoothly after all."

The four interacted with each other. Thinking up some ways for when the real day comes. And with their new ally helping out, things may go well in the coming future. 

However, unknowest to them, Shingo watched the scene from afar with a suspicious look on his face. He couldn't make out what they were saying. But something tells him that they were planning something....and it didn't sit well with him.