
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · Cómic
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70 Chs

Operation Breakout Part1

Time almost immediately stopped around Kiyoshi. His body fell to the ground, right in front of the secretary of the Underground Student Council. While she was sitting down….doing her business. 

Matsuri watched the entire scene unfold in front of him. His face donned an expression that his little sister would make fun of. His eyes wide as a plate, his pupils small as a bean. His hand trembling in fear, sweat slid down his face. 

Kiyoshi and Hana eyes locked contact with each other, as the liquid that she was producing came closer to his face. Her face flushed crimson red as sweat slid down against her face. Few seconds have passed as the two locked terrified eyes at each other. It didn't take long until Hana released a scream that reached the sky.

The scream caught the attention of Meiko and the boys as they ran towards the source of the scream. 

"Hana! What wrong!" Meiko exclaimed to the crying blonde girl.

Hana didn't say anything as she rushed into Meiko's arms, crying her eyes out. Without anyone noticing, Matsuri sneaked behind them, tipping his way towards the group. The boy was still sweating a little, still recovering from the scene he just saw.

Meiko's eyes shot glare at Kiyoshi. "You! What did you do!?" She yelled. 

"Wha!? No! I-I was just-"

"No! Don't say it!" Hana yelled through her tears. Desperately pleading for Kiyoshi to not tell them what just happened. 

"You again." Meiko glared at the boy.

"N-No! I didn't do anything to her! Honest!" Kiyoshi pleaded with a horrified expression. 

"ENOUGH! That's enough work for today! Now get back inside!" Meiko demanded the boys as they formed a line and marched the other way towards the prison block. 

Hitoyoshi nervously watched the boys as they marched over to the prison block. Before he could follow them from behind-


The boy stopped in his tracks and looked at Meiko who was still holding Hana in her arms. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" 

"I-I-I went out on a...uh…..walk. R-Remember?"

"You were gone for almost 10 minutes! What were you doing!?" Meiko yelled, her eyes blazing with fire.

"I-I swear! I wasn't doing anything! I-I was minding my own business until I heard Hana scream! Honest!" He quickly said, waving his hands in defence. 

The grey-haired girl glared at the boy who was sweating in fear, hoping that the lie worked. Meiko's eyes looked down at the blonde girl who was sobbing quietly. She shook head and walked over to the boy with Hana in arm. 

"I'll deal with you later," She said with a glare. Earning a gulp from Matsuri. "For now, we are done with today!" 


The two girls walked away, leaving the boy to himself. Matsuri breathed a sigh of relief. "That was close….but…." His mind goes back to the scene he witnessed not so long ago. His cheek flushed red from embarrassment. He didn't know what to think at that moment. But he knew that Kiyoshi would be facing trouble in the future. Then there was the date with Chiyo.

"Kiyoshi….please don't do anything stupid." He muttered.

….Chairman Office….

"I am aware that the boys are in that said prison," The older man was sitting down in his chair at his desk. The man had ash grey hair that slicked back. He wore a black suit that made him look like a businessman. Sitting across from him in a row of chairs was the council president; Mari. "But, don't you think that you're treating them a bit cruel….President?" He said in a peculiar speech.

The council president was sitting down with her back straight and her legs across. Looking at the man with her usual stare. "Originally, it would not be strange to have them expelled. That is at least natural." She said.

"In the first place, coeducation for me….no for the large half of the students and OB, as well as the active teachers had no objections." Mari stated. 

"Yes, I'm fully aware and understand your feeling of keeping the tradition, but there are time that revolution is needed….right." He said once more in his manner of speech.

Mari gave the man a hard glare. "Chairman, if you alone opposed the objection of everyone about those 5 boys entering, the result would be hastily resolved!" She stated. 

"Well, boys at that age are like that." 

"Peeping is a crime!" Mari exclaimed not loud but enough to get her point across. 

The chairman sighed as he moved his hand to the miniature orb globe of earth. "Although I have no intention of justifying their actions. At least be a little merciful," He said, his eyes turning towards the teenage girl. "Prison regulation grants them free time during weekends….right?" He said once more in his speech.

Mari closed her eyes with a sigh as she unfolded her legs and stood from her seat. "I know….father." She said with a plain tone. 

Before she could take her leave. "Oh yes, president….how is he?"

".....who?" She said with a sharp glare at her father. 

"The young lad, I believe his name was….Hitoyoshi?"

".....I don't understand why you went easy on him," She said with a hint of venom. "Even though he wasn't part of the operation, he was still aware of their actions and did nothing to prevent them from doing so. I say he deserves to be in prison with the rest of them."

"Well, I understand your feeling-"

"Do you?" Mari interrupted him before he could get a chance to finish. "If you really understand how I feel, then why….why make him be part of the Underground Student Council." She said with a firm voice, fully facing her father. 

The chairman just looked at her for a bit and looked out the window. "Hitoyoshi is not like that….I can sense it, Hitoyoshi is an honest and innocent boy. Someone like him who has not done anything of the sorts should be in….prison!" He said in his familiar speech. "Give him a chance, who knows you just might be surprised by what type of boy he….is!"

Mari's eyes slightly twitched. "What's there to see….he's the same as all men." She says as she leaves the room.

The chairman released a sigh of relief. His eyes looked out the window once more. "I've done all I can to keep the boy safe. But my daughter still tries to put him in that….prison!" He spoke to himself. "I have myself to blame for this, her reasoning for hatred of men stems from. I just hope Hitoyoshi can at least help her in some way. If he fails….please forgive me old friend….Kenchiro!"

….Out in the Courtyard…..

Hitoyoshi let out a contained yawn followed by rubbing his eyes. For most of the days, he's been helping out Meiko with the prisoners and their assignments that were assigned to them. While he has stepped into classrooms from time to time, most of his days were here helping out with Meiko.

He didn't mind if he was helping out, but for the most part he asked himself if he was really needed for this. His eyes wander to the backside of the tall grey hair buxom. Once again, looking her up from head to toe. 

She seemed pretty capable enough to handle the boys on her own, but they insisted that they needed him to assist in case of an emergency. 

"I mean….I don't mind but….it's not like I can do anything unlike Meiko…." He thought to himself.

His thoughts raced back to how Meiko was able to put the boys in their place at ease. While it looked rather unnecessary for the violence, he still was impressed by her strength and determined nature. His eyes traveled up her legs, looking at how her high-stockings were strapped against her muscular legs. 

For a brief moment, a moment thought of Meiko dressed in a black corset with garter belt and high heels. Matsuri cheeks flushed red, he violently shoved those thoughts aside. 

"Damn it! There I go again! Why do I keep imagining her in such ways! I-I can't….I can't let anyone know!Especially not while we're watching over a prison filled with perverts!"

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a familiar whip noise swatted at the glasses-wearing boy who whimpered in pain.

"I didn't even say anything! Why!?" Gakuto exclaimed while clutching his head.

"Hmph! Don't act sly. I saw you looking at my boobs, you pig." She thought to herself with a scowl. "Ask why you will cultivate this."


"Right now, if you ask, the reason why you'll cultivate this is to make a vegetable garden for the school." Meiko said, crossing her arms under her well-endowed breast.

"T-There was no need to hit him like that though…." Matsuri worriedly thought. 

"Um...can I ask a question?" Kiyoshi nervously asked. 

"You are permitted."

"On Saturday….do we get to rest?"

A thought occurred to Matsuri, Saturday off….now that he thought about it. "That's right….don't they get Saturday off….so then that means…." A hopeful thought resonated within him.

"When there are no classes, work must also advance." Meiko said with a matter of fact speech.

"Oh….right…." He thought to himself, looking sad. He looks back at Kiyoshi who had a disappointed look on his face. While the other boys had similar looks, he knew that the boy was looking forward to the date with Chiyo. "I-I know….maybe if I can….a-ask Meiko to reconsider….just….." He thought to himself with a shaking fist. 


"However," Suddenly from behind. Matsuri let out a squeak noise, but this time it was contained so the others could not hear. They all turned to see Mari, walking next to the Vice President, while looking at boys. "If you are well behaved, on weekends, we will approve free time and go for 3 hours."

"Madame President!" Meiko exclaimed with a shocked face. 

The boy's emotions were motivated by the permission. Especially for Kiyoshi as a hopeful look grew on him once more. Both thoughts occurred to Matsuri and Kiyoshi.

"Alright! That means on May 7th!"

"He gets to go on his date with Chiyo. I'm happy for them but…."

"ALRIGHT GUYS! LET'S AIM FOR BEING ROLE MODEL PRISONERS!" Kiyoshi exclaimed as they all raised their fist in the air for union and went straight to work.

"Let's just hope they don't screw this up…." He thought to himself with a nervous smile.

He is well aware of the boy's mental mindset. Especially when it came to girls. Hopefully they will stay on task and not screw it up. 

Matsuri's eyes couldn't help but to wander over to the crowmaster herself, standing alongside the Vice President. A small smile formed on her face.

"Despite her hatred to men….it's looks like she has a sensible side….at least."

His thoughts were interrupted when she looked back at the shy boy. Matsuri quickly looked down to his feet with a blush. Hopefully not catching him staring at her. While he did admit it looked that she did have a soft side, he still was terrified of her. 

To his worst fear, the president was towards him. His heart started to beat faster. Sweat poured against his face. 

"Crap! I-I need to calm down! B-But…." 

"Hello again, Hitoyoshi." She said in a calm tone. 

"Um….h-hello P-President…." He stuttered. 

"May I stand here next to you?" She gestured to the open next to him on the tree. The boy's heart started to beat faster. While she was being nice, he still felt terrified of her. He didn't know, but something about her made him on edge. He nodded either way. 

The crow master laid her back against the tree. Her stare was on the boys going to work as Meiko kept watch on the boys. 

"I take it that everything is going well here with you." She said from her spot. 

"Um….y-yes. Everything is going fine….I-I'm not doing anything weird or inappropriate."

"Oh…." Her eyes turn to him. The boy flinched knowing that she was staring at him. "Is that how you attempt to swoon me over with words like that. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but petty words like that are not enough." She said, giving the boy a hard stare.

At this point, Matsuri partly looked at her, his eyes hiding behind his bangs. "Um….I'm being honest….I-I swear President. I'm not doing anything inappropriate….please trust me…." 

Mari just stared at him with a raised eyebrow. This boy was a rather strange one. Certainly different from the 5 boys they were watching over. She was honestly expecting him to take a peek at her or even make some sort of move since they were at close proximity. But he did none. 

Her thoughts are traced back to what the chairman or her 'father' said to her this morning. Something of giving Matsuri a chance, and she will see just how different he is from the boys. She shook that thought away.

"No….he is just the same as the others…..maybe worse." She will not let her guard down. 

"Even if you say so, just remember to know your place and keep your hands to yourself…..especially around Meiko and Hana….understand?" She said with a hardened glare. 

"Yes Ma'am." He said nervously. 

"Oh and Hitoyoshi," The boy turned to her once more. "When I said that the boys get a 3 hour Saturday off….that also applies to you….if they are on their best behavior, that is."

"Um….t-thank you….president."

Mari got up from her spot and headed back over towards Meiko. Matsuri was left in thoughts of what just happened. While she was still the same, there was something about their conversation that felt rather less intimidating. And her tone was rather different during their second meeting in the office. 

The boy took a moment to himself to think about the school in general. These students sure had their own quirks, but there was something that bothered him about the councils, especially Mari.

"I wonder….why does she hate men so much….maybe I can get some answers from either Hana or Meiko?" He thought to himself. He made a mental note.