
Hitman with a Badass System

"In a world of shadows, I am the darkness they fear." In the shadowy realm of international espionage and contract killing, Michael was a legend. His deadly precision and a flawless track record had made him the stuff of nightmares in the underworld. However, his life underwent a complete transformation during his latest assignment. As Michael pulled the trigger, a mysterious, otherworldly light enveloped him, and he suddenly found himself in a different realm, inhabiting a foreign body equipped with a system. To survive in this treacherous new land, Michael had to embrace his inner alpha predator, for the system embedded within him was none other than the aptly named "Badass System." This system rewarded him with "badass points" whenever he displayed acts of sheer badassery. Yet, Michael soon realized that every twist and turn in his path was no accident; a grand design was at play, woven by higher beings with ulterior motives. In any compelling story, the quality of its villains is crucial. Thus, the question arises: who are the antagonists that will challenge our deadliest assassin? Will Michael overcome these intricate schemes to emerge victorious? Can he unravel the secrets concealed within the Badass System? Jump right into the book and you will not be disappointed...It's a guarantee... Anti Hero with a Symbiote System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/anti-hero-with-a-symbiote-system_23401860706535005 Dictator with a Badass System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/dictator-with-a-badass-system_24476949205615505 discord link: https://discord.gg/xWacJDwazf Join my wonderful circle and be part of the book!!! Schedule : Everyday 2 Chapters on Mon, Tue, Friday, Sunday 1 Chapter on Wed, Thu, Sat

don_offl · Acción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1386 Chs

New Skills and Abilities

"System, show me the items in the storage."

The system's interface materialized before him, presenting a couple of items suspended in the air.

"What's this?" He focused on the first item in the line, which appeared to be a finely crafted black arm bracer.

Name: Mark 3 grappling hook.

Durability: Lifetime.

Class: Rare.

He extended his arm and reached into the holographic image of the bracer.

"System, equip this."

The black bracer adjusted its size to fit his arm. Simultaneously, the system transmitted instructions on how to use the grappling hook directly to his mind, rendering him proficient in its operation in a matter of moments.

"I can't wait to try this bad boy tomorrow."

With a grin, he pushed his sleeve down and admired the bracer on his arm. After the grappling hook, two legendary-class long-range teleportation scrolls were displayed in the storage. Although these were exceptional items, what excited him most was the XP pill.

The system informed him that he had received the pill as a reward for recruiting his first subordinate.

"System, use it, use it."

Eagerly rubbing his hands together, he readied himself for the impending level-up, anticipating the familiar ding sound.

[ Host 'Michael' used the Second level Experience Pill and received 113,000 experience points]

[Congratulations to host 'Michael' for leveling up. Your current stage is Foundation stage Level 3.]

[Congratulations to host 'Michael' for leveling up. Your current stage is Foundation stage Level 4.]

[Congratulations to host 'Michael' for leveling up. Your current stage is Foundation stage Level 5.]

[Congratulations to host 'Michael' for leveling up. Your current stage is Foundation stage Level 6.]

[Congratulations to host 'Michael' for leveling up. Your current stage is Foundation stage Level 7.]

"Not bad, not bad at all. I've reached this level in just a day. If I keep progressing like this, I'll become as overpowered as those anime protagonists."

"The system suggests that the host should venture out and explore the world instead of relying on the system for handouts."

"Damn you, system! I already said I would do that. Just let me savor this moment."

He grumbled at the system and opened the shop menu to purchase some skills. Three skills were available for him to acquire, and he had 1100 Badass points to spend. He reviewed the options before him.

Name: Surrounding scanner.

Function: Scan the host's surroundings for the presence of life.

Area of effect: Small.

Current Level: Level 1.

Next Level: Scan will identify potential threats, the area of effect will be increased.

Price: 300 badass points.

Name: Teleporter.

Function: Teleport the Host to a different place instantly.

Distance: Small.

Current Level: Level 1.

Next Level: The distance will be increased.

Price: 700 badass points.

Name: X-ray vision.

Function: Enable the host to activate X-ray vision.

Range: Small.

Current Level: Level 1.

Next Level: The range and the effect will be increased.

Price: 1000 badass points.

"I don't really need X-Ray vision, at least not at the moment. However, both the teleporter and the scanner could be quite useful. I shouldn't buy both just yet, in case I need points for other things."

He deliberated between the teleporter and the scanner, struggling to make a decision. After considering the requirements of his upcoming quest, he opted to purchase the scanner.

"System, I'll go with the scanner."

[Ding! The host has successfully acquired the level 1 Surrounding Scanner.]

A mild headache struck him, and then he began to sense the presence of life forms within a small radius around him. With this newfound ability, he could pinpoint the exact locations of people in the inn and track their movements, even though he couldn't quite explain how it worked. It felt like a seventh sense.

"Cool, now I won't have to worry about surprise attacks."

"System, show me my stats."

Host: Michael.

Cultivation Level: Foundation stage, level 7.

Experience Points: 0/25000

Badass Points: 800.

Current Skills: None.

Passive Abilities: Environment scanning.

Occupation: Adventurer.

Status: Healthy.

Goals: None.

Subordinates: Gaya (loyalty level 2%).

Notable Skills: Above average in marksmanship, proficient in close combat.

"800 points remaining, huh? System, show me the magic spells you have. I need to buy something before taking on the next quest."

He scanned through the list of spells, looking for offensive options.

Spell name: Felinergio.

Effect: Envelopes the caster's weapon with fiery energy.

Upgradable: No.

Cost: 200 Badass points.

"Cool, but I need something more offensive."

He moved on to the next spell.

Spell name: Araerous.

Effect: Creates a barrier of frosty energy.

Upgradable: No.

Cost: 200 Badass points.

"Not upgradable, not my style."

He continued scrolling.

Spell name: Incentenis.

Effect: Summons a magical guardian spirit.

Upgradable: No.

Cost: 400 Badass points.

"400 points for a non-upgradable spell, that's too much."

He looked at the next spell.

Spell name: Sileneos.

Effect: Creates several bolts of frosty energy.

Upgradable: Yes.

Cost: 250 Badass points.

"Frosty energy, huh?"

He pondered for a moment, then moved on to the next spell, which immediately brought an excited grin to his face.

Spell name: Ignitia.

Effect: Creates several bolts of lightning.

Upgradable: Yes.

Cost: 300 Badass points.

"System, why didn't you show me this one first?"

"The system anticipated that the host would favor this spell, but it wanted the host to consider other options before making a decision."

"One last thing, the lightning bolts will come from my hand, right? I don't want a spell that sends bolts of lightning from an unexpected location."

"Yes, they will originate from your hand, host."

He noticed a hint of annoyance in the system's response.

"Alright, alright, take my points and give me that spell."

[Ding, The host has successfully acquired the level 1 Ignitia.]

As before, a mild headache accompanied the acquisition of the spell, with the system imprinting its workings into his brain. Learning the spell, he summoned Arch energy and created a few tiny bolts of lightning from his finger, a gleam of excitement and joy in his eyes.

"Hmm. A good one..."

He could discern that the more Arch energy he invested, the more potent the bolt became.

"Let's take a look at the adventurer card."

Retrieving the golden card from his pocket, he activated it, revealing a holographic image that displayed what appeared to be a map of the kingdom. On the map, a small area was marked with a red circle.

"This is likely the location of the quest. I should rest for a few hours and head there during the night."

With that decision made, he closed the system and settled onto the bed, intending to get a good night's sleep before pursuing the bandits and mercenaries.


"It's a shame to stain this bedsheet with his blood, but where did he get these?"

Gaya transformed from a tiny white snake into her human form and menacingly stared at Michael, who was peacefully sleeping.

"Do you want this princess to be your assistant? I'll assist you by ending your pathetic human life."

She slowly took the candle holder and licked the metal to coat it with her poison.


Suddenly, she noticed a slight smile on his face and stopped moving.

"He must be having some happy dreams. How cute."

With an evil grin on her face, she sneaked towards him, holding the candle holder in her hand.

"If I can take that miraculous pill, I can ask Sima to recreate the pill, and then I will kill that bitch myself."

She said to herself and raised the candle holder to stab him in the heart, but when she tried to stab him, her hands froze in the air as her body refused to move.

"What the f**k?"

Then her whole body was thrown into the wall, creating a loud thumping sound when she hit the wall.


Someone from the next room shouted as Gaya clutched her gut and rolled on the ground in excruciating pain.

The pain felt as if her organs were being pierced by millions of needles, and the worst part was that she couldn't open her mouth to scream.

"Well, well, well, look at this."

Gaya heard Michael's voice and slowly looked up to see him grinning like the devil himself.

"Didn't I say that I'm not the one who dies?"

He could tell that she was in extreme pain, but he didn't stop the system, as he wanted her to experience the pain so she wouldn't attempt anything like this again.

The moment she left his body and thought about harming him, the system alerted him in his sleep, but he paused the system for a moment and allowed her to believe she could kill him.

"Is this how you repay me? It seems like I have to kill you."

Gaya saw the black knife appear in his hand as she tried to crawl away from him.

"I hope you have a good poison core; I wasted my precious pill on you after all."

Looking at his evil grin and the killing intent in his eyes made her shiver.

"No... don't..."

The words barely escaped her mouth as he came closer to her and crouched down.

"Why shouldn't I kill you? You just tried to kill me."

He said as he moved the point of his knife closer to her face.

"Please... make... it... stop... I beg... you."

Little by little, she was losing consciousness.

"Hmm, what if you try to kill me again?"

"I... promise... I... won't."

"I think I can give you a second chance. But if I catch you doing something stupid like this again, I'll make you feel a thousand times worse than what you're feeling right now, got it?"

She slowly nodded, and in a flash, the pain disappeared completely, but the terror she felt remained.