
History Repeats (tentative)

This is a story about a student who is unable to graduate from his final year even after 4 years. However, his efforts are acknowledged and he has given a chance to prove himself before the grandmaster of the Academy... Read along as the student faces the challenges outside his expertise and struggles to prove his worth to his peers...

BooKyodai · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
4 Chs

Grandmaster's office

I stood before the entrance of the Academy's Grandmasters office, still unaware of the reason I was called. The person who escorted me here has already left and told me to enter alone. However, it has been a few minutes since I was left alone and I am still standing trying to convince myself to enter.

"Woah? You are here too."

I turned when I heard a familiar voice calling me.

I saw Emil and two other boys heading towards me, judging from their uniforms the boys seem to be Emily's classmates.

"Were you called here too?" I asked Emil while trying to avoid eye contact with the other two strangers.

"Yes, I was told by a creepy fellow to come here." She stated.

I recalled the person who escorted me here and now that Emil pointed it out he really was creepy.

"Do you know why were we called?" She asked and waved the letter in her hand.

"I don't," I answered.

"Move out." One of the boys rudely pushed me to the sides and entered inside the Grandmaster's office.

"Hey watch it," Emil growled while helping me stand. The boy did not bother answering and closed the door behind him.

"Hey, you." Emil tightened her fist and before she could make the boy toothless and force him to search his teeth in his excretions I stopped her. The other boy who saw Emil's furious face hesitated but awkwardly managed to walked past us and entered to grandmaster's office. He tried his best to avoid touching either of us.

"Please calm yourself," I told Emil who I felt was about to go on a rampage and beat the first boy. "They are just people who have goblins as their ancestors." I tried to calm her.

It took me some time but I managed to save her from murdering a student.

"I think I should forgive them." She said and fixed her uniform.

If I wasn't aware of her protective nature then I would have misunderstood her actions as if she was in love with me.

"We should enter too," I inform her.

We entered the office and saw something that could easily be mistaken for a lounging room of a highly expensive hotel. The room was decorated with indoor plants, artistic tapestries, white marble sculptures, and antique paintings.

At the center of the room stood a long coffee table with two sofas on either side and a throne Like a chair, a seat of honor, at the one end of the table.

We also found a man dressed in a teacher's uniform standing next to the chair and when he saw us enter he addressed us.

"Mr. Will and Lady Emil, please have a seat." He spoke gently and pointed at the empty places on the sofa.

On the sofas sat 5 students, first of them being the two boys who came with Emil, a female student from the Magical Arts department, along with a boy and a girl who were from Advance Mages departments, the advanced militaristic version of Magical Arts. Which I deduced after watching their uniforms.

I awkwardly took the seat next to the boys while Emil sat with the girls. However, since there were four boys sitting on one sofa it was rather overcrowded but we managed to place 4 students on one sofa all while the rude boy from before refuses to scoot over and give up some of his little comfort.

When the teacher saw that we were all seated he touched a metal badge in his chest and spoke into it, "All the students are here."

The door opposite the entrance opened and from it came the man who deserves respect from every living soul of Nephealis. In an instant, we all stood up, and with our hands over our chest, we bowed with our heads down.

"Good Morning Grandmaster Henry Edenwood." We all announced in unison. This was impressive considering we haven't practiced it beforehand.

"Good morning students, please be at ease and take a seat." His voice was gentle while he gestured us to take seats.

But none of us were rude enough to sit before him and we only sat after Grandmaster Edenwood took his seat.

My heart raced faster, I have never been such nervous in my life. It still didn't felt real that I am sharing a room with a man who is most respected in Nephealis.

Just thinking that I am breathing the same air as Grandmaster Edenwood made me excited.

I am not a pervert since I wasn't the only one who had a weird expression on his face. Others were also reacting the same as me and who could blame them.

Grandmaster Edenwood silently watched us with a magnanimous smile and stroke his thick long beard.

"It appears we are in short of sitting arrangement." He spoke to the teacher who was standing next to him.

All of us jumped when we heard him talking. I have heard his voice for the last 10 years but never in my lifetime have I expected to see him in person.

'Is this how others felt when they received their vests and certificates at their graduation?' Many unanswered questions started to fill my mind that is when I heard Grandmaster call my name.

"Mr. Will are you comfortable?" Grandmaster asked, and then everyone stared at me.

I started to sweat heavily and my mouth parched, it felt as if I could cough up my heart through my throat. I mustered some courage and somehow I answered, "I am totally fine, thank you for your consideration."

My voice was dry but it seems no one noticed it.

"Is that so?" grandmaster gave me a questioning look before addressing others, "In that case let's begin."

We stiffened ourselves and with full of our attention, we watched Grandmaster Edenwood.

"I think all of you are wondering why I called for you." He asked and we silently nodded.

"Let me quench your curiosities." He grandiosely declared with his hands wide open. "I called you all here because you are the best ones in your whole department and I have a request for you all." He paused to see our reactions.

"And that is," I took a loud gulp patiently anticipating his next statements, "I want you 7 to delve into the ruins of Durran and perform a study."

Our mind went blank and our jaws dropped. Our mouths remained open, we were all confused but we still wanted to cheer. However, the shock upon hearing him left us speechless.

"There is a new section of ruins that we uncovered and we need a new team to study it. Thus I have chosen you all." He explained after seeing our faces return to normal. "What do you say? Do you want to explore the ruins of Durran?"

"We do." We shouted in unison.

"Thanks, great." He gently spoke and gave us a soft smile.

While others discussed it amongst them I took this time to think about it on my own. I cannot lie that entering the ruins of Duran has been my dream. My only purpose for joining the Archeological department was because I heard that it is easier to join expeditions if you are an archeologist. I still can't believe that it is truly happening.

"Are there any questions?" Grandmaster Edenwood asked us. We did have many questions but we were so excited that we didn't know which one to start with.

While we were still deciding on which questions to ask the boy who was rude to me shouted, "Why is he with us?" He aggressively pointed at me with a clear grudge in his voice.

Now that everyone's attention was on me I could see their disgusted look, they all were asking the same question in their heart now that it was pointed out.

"Mr. London?" Grandmaster wasn't surprised by the boy's question and using his normal speech, he answered, "Didn't you hear the reason I explained for choosing all of you."

"I did." He shouted, "That is exactly why I am asking." He had his fist clenched and his face turned red from the frustration.

"London," The teacher scolded, "How could you question Grandmaster's decision if he said that Mr. Will is the best in his department then who are you to refuse that. Grandmaster has already thought a lot about it before making his decision. Do you have no manners to contradict…" Before He could continue any further with his scolding Grandmaster Edenwood intervened.

"Stop it." He spoke with authority and gestured the teacher to stop.

"But Grandmaster…" The man opposed but was silenced again.

"There is no further requirement for any more harassment." He glared at the teacher, "before I answer Mr. London I have to ask Mr. Will here," He then turned to me, "Do you too believe that me choosing you was a bad idea?"

I clenched my one hand with my other hand and after a few long breaths I answered him, "I don't know the real reason why Grandmaster Edenwood has decided to choose me for this task but I am very thankful."

"Does that means Mr. WIll doesn't believe my words when I spoke you were the best in your department." He asked.

"There is always someone better than you out there," I answered. I didn't know why he chose me but I can't risk losing this opportunity by speaking something that will make him doubt my self-confidence.

"That is indeed true." Grandmaster agreed, "However your best self is the one that I require." He gave me a comforting smile and turned to face everyone.

"Then let me answer Mr. London's question."

I peek at Grandmaster Edenwood with my heads down.

"It is indeed true that Mr. Will is not the best student in his department." He announced.

And when I heard that my heart sunk, all the insults and bullying that I suffered in my life could not even compare to this one moment.

"Then why?" London asked in a coarse voice.

"Because he is the best for the current situation."

My eyes widened when I heard that,

"The new section that we discovered is something that Mr. Will is an expert at."

"So that is why?" London asked.

"Yes." He stated and gently placed his hands over London's head. "London, I would not ask you to love your companions but I would request you to work with them."

"I don't think I can." He spoke with a heavy heart.

The teacher was about to scold London again but Grandmaster stopped him.

"I know you can work with him, which is exactly why I chose you." He patted his head before turning to us, "Listen well students when you work in a team there will always be people who you can't bear to see their faces but remember as a student of Nephealis Academy you must learn to work with others."

"I understand," London announces with his head high and fist placed in his chest.

"Then please take leave for the day and prepare for the journey." He then turns to the teacher. "Norman, please give them a list of things they are supposed to prepare and students." He turns back to us, "Please come back to the academy tomorrow with your parents and Mr. Will," He turns towards me, "if you are dead set on joining the expedition then you can fill the form yourself and hand it to the supervisor of the expedition on the journey date."

"I understand." I agreed.

"Now I think I will be taking my leave," Grandmaster announced.

We all stood up at the same time and announced, "Thank you, grandmaster Edenwood."


I was walking towards the supply office with Emil holding the sheet of paper that was given to us by the teacher, Norman. I read the list and found that most of it were clothes and camping items, something that we would require for the expedition.

I saw that there were crystal lamps, sleeping bags, blankets, and necessary utilities written on the list but not a tent. It confused me but Emil explained that it might be because there are already tents prepared on the expedition site which was an acceptable explanation.

"So I was wondering what we will do when we reach the ruins," Emil asked.

She was trying to her best to distract me from the conversation that happened inside the grandmaster's office after Grandmaster Edenwood left. The fact that I was only chosen because of my expertise in one subject rather than my archeological prowess, which was pointed out by London. It was disappointing but I have to do whatever needed to prove myself during the expedition.

"I think we will be exploring demonic ruins. That is if they were telling the truth when they said they needed my expertise."

Her eyes widen and she gave a confused look, she was genuinely surprised when I mentioned Demonic ruins.

"Why do you think it will be demonic?" She asked.

"It's because my expertise is demonic history and demonic magic," I answered.

She was still surprised, apparently, she wasn't aware of my expertise when it came to my department.

"I still don't understand why they would need an expert of demonic history when we are exploring ruins from the Void Maya era."

She said something smarter than I expected, The Void Maya era is something only a few people in her department took interest in and hardly anyone from her department ever went out of their way to learn about it.

"Uff." I choked when Emil punched my guts. "Why did you do that?" I asked while grabbing my guts.

"You had a very irritating look on your face so I punched you." She said with a straight face.

"Is that why?"

"Yes." She twitched her eyebrows.

"Anyway let's head to the supply office." I reminded her.

"Let's go." She pulled me by my hands and ran to the supply office.

I somehow managed to safely reach the supply office but all the way to here Emil didn't let me go which made is so that my body dangles behind Emil. She still doesn't have any idea how monstrously strong she is. She can also be mistaken for a gorilla if she wasn't pretty.

"Uff." I coughed when Emil chopped the back of my neck. I gave her a questioning stare.

"You have the same irritating look on your face." She said while her fingers pulled the skin of her forehead.

'What is wrong with this girl but thankfully she held back this time.'

"Welcome, how I may help you." Asked a woman sitting behind the counter of supply office when she saw us enter.

"Yes, we were sent here by Grandmaster." Emil handed her the list that was given to us my Norman.

"Please follow me." She got out of her chair and opened a door opposite the entrance. "This way please." She said while holding the door for us.

She then led us into a room filled with crates and trunks where we saw two men who appeared to have been arranging the supplies.

On her signals these men came to her and then she handed them our lists, "Please bring out the things in these lists."

On her command, the two workers headed to the open crates and started taking out the items from our list, one by one. They looked quite experienced considering they weren't constantly looking at the list and after taking a look at the list they exactly knew where to search for the goods.

"Please try the things out to see if they fit your size." The lady said after the workers took every item out of the crates.

I went to the pile of goods she pointed and saw a few pieces of clothing. I fist pick the shoes and tried them on. They fitted perfectly.

'Did they already have my physical examination details or are they skilled enough to know my size with one look?' I questioned and looked at Emil she was similarly impressed.

After checking that everything fit our size the lady bought us back to the waiting room of the supply office. She took out a huge register from her drawer and started writing on it.

"Please bring at least three pieces of clothing when you come back the journey date and Mr. Will please bring your writing supplies and Ms. Emil should also bring her weapons of choice." She spoke while signing our names on the register.

"Also you are only allowed to bring one journey bag with you, so please choose something of this standard size." She said and placed a leather duffle bag in front of us. It was a bag roughly of the size 55cmx25cmx25cm.

"I can't stress this enough so, please bring only one bag that is similar to this bag." She compelled.

"Thank you for coming." She farewelled us with a smile.

We thanked her and left the supply office. Emil and I walked towards the landing ports talking about useless gibberish. She did her best so that I would stay cheered up.

"Well, I would be taking an air carriage back to my home, What about you?" I asked her.

"My brother will pick me up." She answered.

"I guess this is farewell," I said.

"I guess it is." She said with a sad look on her face.

"I will see you on the journey date." I pointed.

"I guess we will." She said and hugged me.

'She is too caring.'

I hugged her back and we remained like that for a while. I tried to break but Emil didn't let go of me until we heard someone call her.

"Emil." I looked at the direction where the sound came from and saw a man inside an air carriage.

'It must be her brother.'

His brother sat inside the carriage and was calling for her from the open window.

"I guess I have to leave." She quickly turned and ran towards her brother's carriage.

The air carriage started to float while she waved at me from the window until she was so high that I wasn't able to see her.

I then headed to an air carriage port to find an air carriage back to my home.

Emil's pov…

I was blushing so hard when I realized that I have been hugging him for a long time. If my butler hasn't called for me then I would have stayed like that for hours.

"Emil, who was that boy?" My butler asked.

"You don't need to know," I explained with a straight face.

"Is that so?" He said and continued to watch outside the window.

If you have read the full chapter, please leave a comment, it surely helps a lot knowing that there are people who want to read my WN.

Also, add it to your Library if you like it. I will try my best to update as constantly as I could.

BooKyodaicreators' thoughts