
Chapter 50: Do you have an agent?

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  "Then there's the ability to direct and drive the team."

  All directors without exception thank their team when they win awards, many people may feel that this is polite words, the scene, but Bill Rossis such a professional entertainment agent is very clear, this is the reaction of the real situation, one of the biggest differences between movies and other arts such as literature is that the art of the movie is not a certain person or a certain number of people can be accomplished, a full-length film at least are dozens of people, hundreds of people A full-length movie is the brainchild of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people.

  Although Hollywood is a producer-responsible system, and the producer has absolute power in movie production, the director is the real leader in the specific shooting process of the movie.

  Not only did the director have to coordinate the actors' schedules and direct their performances, he also had to coordinate the work progress and schedules of other specific production trades such as cameramen and set designers.

  His eyes fell on Jack Watson who was applying makeup for Emily and James Franco, "Mike, you should be able to tell that except for this makeup artist who is quite capable, the others are all doomed to be eliminated by Hollywood. It's very rare that Murphy Stanton just directs and leads such a group of people for three weeks of filming and still gets these losers to develop a certain working understanding."

  Bill Rossis' words are very nonchalant, but are some true reflections of this circle, "Anyone wants to succeed, especially in Hollywood such a competitive place, but not afraid of wolf-like opponents, but afraid of pig-like teammates, sometimes a person himself spells out his old life to work, but the result is not at all get the support of his teammates, or even all kinds of limitations, even if you do out of some shining Even if you make some achievements, they are completely drowned in the mediocrity of other teammates, and can not get the corresponding reward!

  Finally, he said forcefully, "On the contrary, Murphy Stanton, surrounded by layers of pig teammates, but can do his best to drive this group of pigs ran up."

  Hearing him say that, Mike laughed out loud, "Being praised by you like that, I want to grab it from you."

  Bill Rossis also laughed, of course he knew it was a joke, and he thought Murphy Stanton had potential, while others might not.

  The two of them talked a few more times, the shooting over there seemed to be over, and Bill Rossis was just about to go over there when Mike seemed to remember something and suddenly called out to him.

  "Bill, I just remembered that someone from the sports agent department mentioned a month or so ago," he frowned, "that this Murphy Stanton had some disputes with the company."

  "I know, I looked into it." Bill Rossis didn't give a shit, "I wonder what he got on camera to squeeze a hundred thousand dollars out of Kobe Bryant, the star player in the basketball department."

  He grinned, "It's just the basketball department that the company doesn't take seriously."

  If it had been American soccer instead, he would have given it some thought.

  "That's it for today!" Murphy exclaimed as he jumped out of the Ford and handed the camera to Paul Wilson, "Hurry up and clean up the set, I've ordered a nice dinner for everyone."

  Paul Wilson took the camera and whispered, "It's not going to be burgers and pizza again, is it?"

  Murphy made a gesture to hit and added a joke as well, "It's not just burgers and pizza, it's hot dogs and coke."

  The surrounding people's showed a white eyeball, these fast food foods were about to torture their stomachs lately.

  This is just Murphy's joke, he understands that work has to be a combination of loose and tight, and the crew has been working for many days in a row, except for the one day off at the beginning, they haven't rested again until now, they also need to reward these guys appropriately.

  At noon, he let Jessica Chastain contacted a barbecue restaurant in town, and directly chartered the entire store, tonight the crew collectively to enjoy a barbecue dinner.

  Of course, as a northern basin area far away from the busy part of Los Angeles, the price of barbecue here is still relatively low.

  Directing Paul Wilson and Jessica Chastain to load the film, Murphy heard a greeting ring out to his left.

  "Hi, Murph."

  He immediately turned and shook the hand extended across the room, "Hi, Bill."

  Then shook the hand of the person next to him, "Hi, Mike."

  "Got a minute?" Bill Rossis looked around, the set was pretty much packed up, "I'd like to talk to you."

  "Just as well, I have something to talk to you about too." Murphy took the lead toward a quiet spot by the lake and waited for Bill Rossis to follow, saying, "When will my leading lady be back on set? The crew is going to stop running without her."

  Carey Mulligan had left the set a few days before to return to school in Los Angeles.

  There were only two main roles in the movie in total, and James Franco's solo scene was pretty much shot in the past few days, and Murphy was really going to freak out if his leading lady didn't come back.

  "Murphy, I'd love to have Carey back too." Bill Rossis' attitude was more sincere than ever, "With your help, Carey's acting skills have improved very quickly."

  He sighed, "But you know, Carey took too many vacations a while ago, the school already had a problem with it, and complained to the Children's Association, she always has to spend a few days in school."

  Hearing those words, Murphy had a headache, as an investor, he was really a bit disgusted with all kinds of unions or association-type organizations.

  However, it wasn't something he could change, right now he was just a small person, who cared about his thoughts and opinions.

  Murphy knew that schools and children's associations were far more difficult to deal with than the Mulligans, who were far away in London, England, and Julian Fellowes, Carey Mulligan's temporary guardian in Los Angeles.

  "Don't worry."

  When Murphy stopped walking to the lake, Bill Rossis followed up and said, "I'll supervise the school and the Children's Association side, and as soon as Carey can take a leave of absence, I'll send her over here as soon as I can."

  Turning his head, Murphy looked at him with slight surprise, Bill Rossis was an eight-faced agent yes, but when did his attitude get to this level?

  The corner of his mouth curved into an arc, slightly tilting his head, he asked, "Bill, you have something? Speak directly."

  "It's not a big deal." Bill Rosyth laughed and changed to a relaxed tone, asking tentatively, "Murphy, if I remember correctly, you don't have an agent yet, do you?"

  Murphy scratched his head, since the preparations began, he had been so busy that he had long neglected the matter of an agent, and there was no agency that would be interested in him.

  "Indeed there isn't." Murphy shrugged, "I'm just a newbie without any resume."

  "No, no,...," Bill Rossis raised his finger and shook it, "I think you have a lot of potential."

  When the words came out, Murphy would be a fool if he couldn't hear what he meant, he glared across the room, "It can't be that you want to be my agent, can it?"

  Bill Rossis nodded, "That's what I mean."

  Things were a bit sudden, Murphy thought for a moment and said, "Tell you what, you come along to the cast and crew's barbecue dinner and we'll talk about it when we get to town."

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