
His undying devotion

Irene Hensley, the Daughter of a director fell in love with her junior at school-Ethan, who loved her dearly. Having strict parents, she had a hard time dating him. "Ethan, let's break up," One day, Irene said despite feeling pain inside and forced Ethan to part ways. "I understand. I hope you won't regret today's decision and remember my words." Those were the last words he said to her before leaving. However, ten years later, she broke free from her family's confinement and decided to live for herself without getting married. After several attempts, she got accepted for a job where she ran into the company's CEO. The face looked awfully familiar yet foreign as she felt nostalgic and her loud heartbeat. Being suspicious, she observed every move of the CEO, who turned out to be the person she thought he was-Ethan Marc. He later sent a marriage proposal to her home and they arranged everything without Irene's opinion. ___ "Didn't I say I'll never let you go? Was my words a joke to you? You'll pay for the words you said by staying with me." Ethan pinned her down to the bed while whispering in her ear, "The soft guy you knew is long gone." ___ Even though Irene and Ethan were able to start anew, another devastation of their relationship is soon to appear. When there are optimistic times, there's also desperation which was no different in Irene's life.

AS_Tomoki · Ciudad
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43 Chs

To 'Zurich'

In the middle of the Chatter of the boarding passengers, I made my way inside the economy since I didn't wish to waste my money. The plane was about to leave for Zurich airport within 30 minutes. I took my seat and stared outside, leaning against the window. The seat beside me stayed empty until the end, and I was grateful for it. Switching off my phone, I shut my eyes and doubted my decision. What if what I did was a bit over the line? What if he didn't care that I left? Was I too hasty? Maybe I should've stayed and watched his next move. Countless various thoughts encircled my mind until a sudden realization hit me. What if his guardians report me to the police?

Come to think of it, his guardians-in other words, his uncle didn't show up at our wedding. He didn't even bring up his family members in any of our conversations.

"Something doesn't sit right!" I mumbled to myself, trying to calculate my thoughts until a beautiful, elegant woman stood in front of me. Her bright smile, brunette hair strands near her ears and her slander figure wrapped in a neat get-up were indeed perfect.

"May I get you something, mam?" Her polite way of asking reminded me of my days being his secretary.

"Sure, I'll get the meal set 2. How many hours might it take to reach Zurich?"

"It'll take 3 hours, mam. Since it's a one-stop flight."

"Oh, I see. Thank you." I gave her a genuine smile and watched her smile back as she stepped away.

My eyelids felt heavy as I let them rest for a minute and observed everything turning black, making me fall asleep for a few minutes.

All of a sudden, a sound of commotion broke my nap as I glanced around to check what happened. It was that lady from before. Her eyes were on the ground, frowning as a foul-mouthed man kept yelling at her.

I looked away, holding myself back from snooping within someone else's business, thinking she could conduct that on her own. These kinds of incidents happened frequently with the cabin crews.

"You slutty-looking bitch!" His horrible words pierced through my ears, stripping my patience as I was holding back. That was it. He'd done it.

"Excuse me! Did you perhaps grow up with the dogs?" I raised my voice while peeking at them from my seat since there was rarely much distance between us.

"What?" That man turned his head towards me, his eyes searching for the face that just called him a dog.

"Didn't hear what I said? Must I repeat?" Hearing my voice, he eventually saw me that time.

"You woman!" He stood up and started striding towards me. All the eyes were on me as I glanced at the lady's face and saw her panicking while grabbing her phone.

"You have a problem here? Woman?" His body blocked the path as he stomped on the front of my seat. I looked away, unfazed by his threatening look, which made him blow up. His overweight body and red face got even redder, which made him look like a pig. Without any alert, he suddenly grabbed my hair, making me feel an impulsive rush of rage since I didn't expect that situation.

"What the fuck!!" Before I could dig his eyeballs out, the manager rushed, in addition, to separate him from me.

Thankfully the situation was supervised according to their rules and that jerk was fined for his misconduct.

During meal time, the lady came to me with my set.

"Mam, your meal is on me. I can't thank you enough."

She squeezed her lips as she looked at me with a smile that failed to cover her unsettled mind.

"It's fine. But you look beautiful with a bright smile." I gave her a wink as I chuckled to make her feel good, which appeared to be working since she smiled back at me.

"Could I perhaps have your number? I always wanted a cabin crew friend." I whispered to her, making a joke but wasn't aware she would actually fall for that.

"Sure," Saying this, to my surprise, she handed me a note that contained her personal number.

Seeing her eyes up close, she felt even more familiar. Her amber-green eyes gave off a spark as she grinned and walked away, leaving me in a daze. It almost felt like a cheap flirt to me. I glanced at the note, and there was a name under the number- 'Natasha'.

The rest of the hours on the plane perished away on a whim and at long last, it landed at Zurich airport, my long Waited destination.

Thanks to Emma, my hotel was already booked since it was under her friend's management. I was told that he was the general manager. I made my way inside the hotel to look for him, but sadly he wasn't present therefore, I looked for my room instead.

Water splashed on my body from the shower, relieving every part of me from tiredness and filth as I kept thinking of Ethan. What was he doing then? How did he react? I wished to see them as if I enjoyed seeing him in pain. After washing myself, I heard a knock on my door, "Ms! The General Manager is looking for you!" It was probably a waiter since I told them to notify me when the manager arrived there.

Within a short time, I got myself inside my tee and pants to rush down.

A familiar voice rang inside my ear as I drew close to the manager, who was busy discussing with his clients.

"Excuse me?" Hearing my voice, the manager turned to me and stared in awe as I also stared at him with my slacked jaw and widened eyes. That familiar goofy smile and spiky black hair, "Arian?!!! Is this you?"

"I-Irene???!! Oh my god!!" He gripped his head with his palm from shock. I felt a nostalgic tenderness after seeing one of my childhood friends-Arian, without any sort of notice.