
His undying devotion

Irene Hensley, the Daughter of a director fell in love with her junior at school-Ethan, who loved her dearly. Having strict parents, she had a hard time dating him. "Ethan, let's break up," One day, Irene said despite feeling pain inside and forced Ethan to part ways. "I understand. I hope you won't regret today's decision and remember my words." Those were the last words he said to her before leaving. However, ten years later, she broke free from her family's confinement and decided to live for herself without getting married. After several attempts, she got accepted for a job where she ran into the company's CEO. The face looked awfully familiar yet foreign as she felt nostalgic and her loud heartbeat. Being suspicious, she observed every move of the CEO, who turned out to be the person she thought he was-Ethan Marc. He later sent a marriage proposal to her home and they arranged everything without Irene's opinion. ___ "Didn't I say I'll never let you go? Was my words a joke to you? You'll pay for the words you said by staying with me." Ethan pinned her down to the bed while whispering in her ear, "The soft guy you knew is long gone." ___ Even though Irene and Ethan were able to start anew, another devastation of their relationship is soon to appear. When there are optimistic times, there's also desperation which was no different in Irene's life.

AS_Tomoki · Ciudad
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43 Chs


I sat beside Ethan and watched him get inside the car as he sat beside me. The leather seats were cool against my skin as I adjusted myself next to him. He looked handsome, as always, in his crisp black shirt and neatly combed hair.

"You're making me feel embarrassed with your stare," he said, his voice low and teasing.

"Why?" I said softly, trying to recover my composure. He turned to me with surprise in his eyes, "Nothing. I thought you'd be angry but seems like it's not the case."

I smiled at him, feeling a sense of relief.

"I see...Well, people can change," I said, looking outside the window as he told the driver to drive. I struggled to keep my composure, feeling the urge to reach out and take his hand. But I knew I couldn't show my emotions now, not when there were so many unanswered questions between us.

As the car pulled out onto the road, I felt a sense of anticipation building in my chest. We were on our way home.

But the silence between us was heavy, and I couldn't help but steal glances at Ethan from the corner of my eye. He seemed lost in thought, his brow furrowed and his lips pressed into a thin line.

I kept waiting for the time we'd arrive at our house, hoping that it would bring some clarity and resolution.

I tried to push those thoughts aside, to focus on the present moment.

As we turned onto the street near our house, I saw Father waiting there, just like that day he bid farewell. They probably contacted Ethan instead of me since I told them not to contact me again about coming home.

Surprisingly, having Ethan beside me in the middle of everyone felt different that time. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and I could finally relax and enjoy the moment. For the first time, I felt like I was part of a warm and loving family, seeing everyone laugh and share memories. It was a rare sight, and I savoured every moment of it.

As we sat around the table, passing dishes of food and telling stories, I felt a sense of contentment settle over me. I wasn't feeling any unpleasant or remorseful feelings towards anyone anymore.

In the midst of it all, I noticed Father's gaze on me as he watched me laugh. His expression was one of warmth and affection, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion. He had never looked at me that way before.

"Is there something wrong, father?" I asked, feeling uncertain. I didn't know what to make of his sudden change in demeanour.

"Can I have a talk with you later?" He asked, his voice soft and concerned. I glanced at Mom before glancing at my sister, wondering what he could possibly want to talk about.

"Yeah, okay," I said, feeling a sense of trepidation. I didn't know what to expect from this conversation, but I knew that it was important to listen to him.

Ethan gave me a soft nudge and whispered, "Don't worry too much." His words reassured me, and I felt grateful for his support.

As the meal went on, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the people around me. And as I looked around the table, at the smiling faces of my family and loved ones, Ethan made them open up bit by bit, since we were used to keeping our feelings to ourselves which caused misunderstandings.

"Irene," Ethan turned to me after receiving a call, his expression grave. "Why don't you spend tonight here? I'll get you a leave for tomorrow. I got an urgent call, and I need to leave right now."

My heart sank at his words. I had been looking forward to spending the night with him, to finally confessing my feelings and laying everything out on the table. But now it seemed like that opportunity had slipped away from me.

"Do you have to go?" I said, unable to hide the disappointment in my voice.

"You know I'd never leave if it wasn't that urgent," he replied, his voice rushed as he turned to my parents and apologized for leaving early. I could see the worry etched on his face, and I knew it was a serious call.

"Have a good talk with Father," he said, his voice soft and reassuring. "I'll pick you up tomorrow." He smiled at me, and for a moment, everything else faded away.

I watched as he left, feeling a sense of emptiness settle over me.

At night near our courtyard, I sat across from my father, who seemed awkward.

"How is your life going with Ethan? Is he treating you well?" Hearing his question I understood that I still held grudges against him so I decided to let it all out.

"He treats me better than my father, who sold me for a deal!"

He looked at me with a painful expression as if I pierced him with my words.

He nodded with a smile and then sighed, slowly leaning back against the chair and looking up at the moon. After a moment of silence, he spoke, his voice filled with guilt.

"I don't intend to grow the misunderstanding between us any further," he said, his words heavy with regret. "Will you give me a chance to explain, Irene?"

Hearing his words, I felt a sense of urgency wash over me. I had been carrying so much confusion and resentment towards him, and now it seemed like he was finally willing to lay everything out on the table.

"Please do, Father," I said, my voice soft but firm. I wanted to know the truth, no matter how painful or difficult it might be.

I wished for an explanation so I could also feel the warmth of a loving family among us.