
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Chapter Thirty

Ilham and Omar's stay in Turgistan was a memorable one. They visited all the beautiful places in Turgistan. One of the places Ilham loved most was, when she met with Omar's pet.

"Babe? I've got a surprise for you" he whispered into her ear as she was writing in her journal. Ilham smiled as she got up to leave with him.

He held her by the hand and together, they walked out of Mansion. Omar had moved Ilham to one of his mansions in Turgistan. They walked for a while before they got to a beautiful garden. It was on of the nicest places she had seen. But the second thing she saw scared her out of her wits.

A tiger was running at full speed towards them. Ilham saw how calm Omar remained. He gave her a reassuring peck on her palm. The next thing you know it, the tiger hopped on Omar and begun licking all over his face.

"Haha Rajah. I miss you too" Omar laughed as the tame tiger finally got off of him and begun wagging his tail. Ilham looked like she was going to pass out. The tiger turned it's gaze at Ilham and like it had been commanded, it moved to Ilham and purred at her. She smiled at it and slowly, it wagged it's tail at her.

"Wow babe. I never knew Rajah would get along with you that easily. I see that you have charm that attracts everyone and everything" Omar complimented making Ilham giggle.

Ilham went on her knees and hugged this tiger to it's surprise. But guess what? It hugged her back. Making Omar gasp.

"Rajah has never hugged me before. How??.." Omar was speechless. Ilham just giggled and scratched the ear of Rajah making him purr happily.

"Your kitten loves me Omar. I might be tempted to leave you" Ilham teased. Rajah purred happily, as though he understood what she said. Omar frowned a little. He was obviously jealous.

"Whatever! You still belong to me woman!" He snapped at her playfully.Ilham smiled as she got off her knees. Rajah stared at her for so long and it was obvious he was in love with her.

Suddenly, it growled at something or someone behind them. Omar and Ilham turned towards the direction where Rajah was growling at.

A frightened Jawharat stood there trembling. You didn't need anyone to tell you that Rajah didn't like her.Ilham couldn't help but giggle at how Rajah stared at Jawharat. Rajah turned to look at her and she could swear she saw a grin on his face.

"What are you doing and how may we help you Jawharat?!" Omar said in a hard tone. Omar was harsh to everyone except his mother and his Ilham.

"Umm...I-I..M-Mom..is asking for your presence at the palace" she stuttered in fear of both Omar and the tiger's wrath. She had had to come all the way from the palace to his house to inform him about their gathering only for her not to meet him. And she had been told by the guard that he was here and she had to come here also, only to be met by this tiger who hates her and her stepbrother Omar who loathes her for how she behaved towards his love.

Omar dismissed her and held Ilham by the hand and turned to leave. Ilham let go of Omar's hand and run to Rajah and gave him one more tight hug and a peck.

"I'm very happy to have met you my new love" she whispered into Rajah's ears making him purr happily and wag his tail. This tiger was as perverted as his owner. But Ilham loved them the more.

Rajah licked her cheeks before she got up and waved him goodbye. He stood still and stared at them until they disappeared. He purred contentedly and went back to his den.

Ilham walked hand in hand with Omar. Jawharat had already left and it was now time for them both to follow behind.

"Let's go change our clothes babe. We're both soaked in Rajah's saliva. And I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" he announced. Ilham loomdd at him with that face that said 'really nigga?'. She sighed and just nodded.

"You're being too silent babe. What's wrong?" Omar finally spike about her quiteness. Ilham had something going on in her head and he knew it.

"It's nothing. It's just. I don't feel like what we are doing is right. We've shared a bed at least 3 times already and we're not married. It's a sin Omar and I'm tired of being a sinner!" She complained miserably. Omar kept mute. He let go of her hand and harshly opened the car's for for her to enter. She knew he was mad at her. But it was the fucking truth she was speaking.

Throughout the drive back home, they never spoke to each other. Omar's eyes were completely on the road, for the first time. His jaw was clenched as though he was trying to prevent himself from doing or saying something harsh to Ilham. Ilham on the other hand was admiring his driving skills. He never held the steering wheel. All he did was to lay his palm on the wheel and rotate to wards the direction he was going. It was one of the many things, ladies drool over all the time. She bit her inner lips softly as she continued to admire how his muscles moved with every move he made.

She knew he knew she was staring at him. But he just ignored her.

"Are you really just going to ignore me for speaking the truth Omar?" She asked as the reached home.  He ignored her and stomped into the room. But not without opening the door of the car for her. He was mad at her but was still a gentleman.

"Omar stop all of this please! It's hurting me!" She screamed at him as they entered his room.

"I don't care if it breaks you Ilham. Just leave me alone!" He spat at her. Her eyes went wide like saucers as if questioning what she just heard.

"You don't care anymore about me Omar?! Just because I spoke the truth? Did you ever love me at all?!" She screamed at him with tears flowing down her eyes.

"I never loved you okay?! Just get the hell out of my life!" Omar roared at her making her heart break. So everything was a lie?

"Fuck you Omar!" Ilham spat at him. He turned to her with emotionless eyes and smirked.

"I already did". Her heart had shattered at this point. She run out of the room and out if the mansion and out of that vicinity. She was never going to stop. She just run and run and run with tears falling down her orbs. Ilham collapsed unto the ground crying. All this time, she had wasted on Omar?! How could he fool her so much like that?

She shrunk into the ground while she shed tears of pain and hurt. The sky grew dark with the passing hours. One drop fell, followed by another, then another, then another, then soon, a while shower of rain poured in her.

She sat down in this cold for Lord knows how long. Her whole body was soaked in rain. She knew that she would catch a very severe case of cold. She was someone who easily catches a cold. A little cold wind and she gets a cold.

" Omar why?" She cried miserably in the rain. She could smell him, but she thought she was being delusional.

Ilham's head was dug between her thighs when she heard a voice. An intense powerful husky voice. The voice that caused her to be here and in this state.

" I'm sorry baby. Forgive me" her eyes locked with those jade green eyes which she loathed for a while. She blinked yo be sure if he was real or of it was the cold giving her delusional visions.

"Leave me alone Omar. Please stop hurting me by pursuing me" she pleaded. Omar went on his knees and withdrew something from his pocket.

"I've been wanting to give you this to you since we met in your office. I knew that you were the one for me when I realised you saved me. It's been ups and downs for us baby. I want to continue these ups and downs with you till the end of our roads. I believe that you know how much I care and love you. So will you Ilham Hafiz Salam accept to be my wife, the mother of my children, my other half and the Queen of my heart and of my country?" Ilham couldn't explain the level of joy she felt within her. He had finally hit the bull's eye. She decided to play hard with him for making her stay out here in the rain.

"For making me stay out here for so long Omar, I won't marry you" she said teasingly.

He smirked at her and decided to play along.

"Alright baby. Since you won't marry me, I'll marry you" he said before getting a passionate kiss from the cold lips of his would be bride.

"Thank me home hubby. I'm tired" Ilham said as she was carried bridal style by Omar. He walked to his waiting Lamborghini truck (Lamborghini Urus).

Ilham was asleep when they got home. Omar being the pervert he is, took this advantage to change her clothes and take a sneak peek at her body. He had seen it many times before, but everyday was like a new day for him or the first time for him.

He moved to his study and called his mother.

"Mother, start the preparation for the wedding. I want it done within the following week" he said a little bit bossily. His mother giggled and agreed.

"Omar?" He heard his bride to be call him. He turned to see her in the silk night wear. She looked salacious in that gown.

"Baby you're not sleeping?" He asked her.

"The bed's too cold. Can you help me out?" She said in a seducing manner. He smirked and grinned at her.

"Trying to play naughty, now are we?" He asked in a sinisterly seductive tone as he gripped her jaw and grooed her ass.

She blushed and bit her lips slowly.

"You're going to regret this my little minx" he warned as he carried her such that her folds were directly on his crotch.

He carried her to the bed which was actually very cold and lay her in the bed gently.

Once again, their clothes knew no stance. The whole room was full of sounds and songs of pleasure and love. He rode and rode and rode her until their bed broke. But that didn't stop him from claiming his love. She moaned his name while he gave her hickeys all over her body. A sign that she belonged to him and only him.

When he was finally done claiming her, he lay on the other side of the now broken bed as he stared at the ceiling. Ilham was breathing heavily as small hisses escaped her mouth.

"You should really be a gum teacher Omar. You broke the bed and Lulu don't look tired" she complained shyly.

"Hey baby? Men are supposed to break women's beds and not their hearts. So please don't worry about this bed. We can get a million if you want. And yes, I can continue to ride you until you pass out, but I would rather not" he cussed. Ilham blushed and turned away from his foul-mouthed words.

"You're such a pervert Omar!" She scolded him.

"Yeo! I'm your pervert. And I know you love me" he whispered in a teasing manner.

"I still love Rajah than you" she teased. Omar growled jealously, making Ilham giggle.

"Let's go to sleep hubby" Ilham suggested.

"Or maybe, you can postpone your sleep and I can postpone my late night workouts and we can fuck all night?" He suggested. This man was just not getting enough of her.

"Naah. I'll pass. I'm super tired. Let's just sleep okay?" Ilham alwyas had the finally word.

"Alright. Sleep my wife" he cooed into her ears. Ilham and Omar slept in the warm embrace of each other.

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Ig:@Elham Dhul Qanayn❤