
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

Author's Perspective

"He's pretending to me Amir! And she doesn't seem to know. I think this memory loss thing is really serious. I don't know how to get her to remember me" Omar was nervous. He didn't seem to pin down how he could get Ilham to remember him. She looked so happy with Jamal.

He was at least happy that she was happy with him, even tho' he wasn't the one she was going out with. He hated himself for letting go of her.

His father on the other hand, had been taken care of. He had his father threatened that he

let him choose his wife or else he was going to expose him as the mastermind behind the recent bombings in Iran

(A/N : This is totally out of imagination. I don't know if there was any recent bombings in Iran)

His father had no other choice but to allow him. He would have made a very disastrous mistake if he didn't. Omar was just trying to make her his, and then this idiot, comes in the equation and takes his place in her life.

"Look here Omar, we have to try our best to get Jamal out of the equation, or else, it's going to be horrible. If she falls in love with him, there is no chance that you can get her back." Amir advised. Amir was equally worried about the fact that Jamal had impersonated Omar.

He wanted to rip Jamal apart, but now that Ilham was with him, the least mistake, she's going to get hurt or worse. Ilham had to get her memory back or else, Jamal would never be annihilated.

Omar nodded and they both sat down and begun devising a plan. A plan to get rid of Jamal. And by doing this, they had to break IlHam a little.

What were they up to?


You know, when you're in a relationship and your partner doesn't trust you, it hurts like bitch. This was all they needed to do.

Omar and Amir, were going to make Ilham lose trust in Jamal. That way, she wouldn't want to be with him anymore and Omar could come in and take his place back in her life.

He knew how to work this out.


"Omar?" Ilham called out to her impersonated love of her life. Jamal turned to face her and smiled. She looked better since he came back a few days ago.

She had her doubts about this new Omar. He wasn'tt as humorous as she remembered him to be and he wasn't as romantic too. This man reminded her of someone else but she couldn't remember who.

"Can you tell me why you never told me the truth?" Jamal knew that he was going to be exposed if he didn't find a smart way to deceive her.

"Umm...well.. Royals are supposed to marry royals and so I had no option but to marry a princess. Luckily, the princess died of pneumonia and so I got to run off to you" she didn't believe him but she just nodded.

He knew she didn't believe him. He begun feeling frustrated. He had to act smart.

Just then, the doorbell rung and destroyed his luck to her to believe him.

"I'll get it" Ilham announced as she walked towards the door.

"Ilham no!" Jamal said trying to stop her. He didn't want her to answer the door, since it could be the real Omar or someone else he didn't like.

But Ilham had already opened up the door, revealing the real Omar and Amir.

"Oh hey Mohammed." Ilham waved at him as she hugged her step brother Amir.

Amir smiled at her but frowned when he saw Jamal. Jamal also reciprocated the glare. Omar looked beyond confident and it scared Jamal.

What is he up to?

"Hi Ilham? How are you doing?" Omar asked casually while grinning.

"I'm good and please do come in " she ushered them in. Jamal frowned in annoyance to her hospitality.

"Hmm.. I think your man here, doesn't like my presence so I'm going to see my self off" Omar said slyly. Ilham frowned at Jamal who was glaring at Omar and turn her gaze back to them.

"Oh don't bother about Omar. He's just jealous" Ilham said, referring to Jamal.

Jamal frowned and held her possessively. He expected a growl from Omar but it never came. Instead, a yawn out of boredom came from him.

Perhaps he had given up on Ilham?

Never! Omar and Ilham were inseparable. Even though she was having a hard time figuring out who was the real Omar, she still loved him and only him.

She ushered them to the hall and they spoke at length about everything and nothing. Amir just glared at Jamal throughout the conversation.

He was trying his best not to pounce on that son of an empty father. Jamal on the other hand was apprehensive about Omar's behaviour. The worst was about to happen.

"Let me get us all some homemade cookies and milk?" Ilham offered happily.

Inwardly, Omar was happy to see his girl happy. Even though she didn't have the slightest idea who he was.

She got up and as she was walking, she suddenly stopped in the kitchen and screamed while holding her head.

"Ahhh!!!! Stop!!!!" She screamed. Everyone rushed to her and found her holding her head and sweating.

"What's wrong Ily?!" they all asked in unison. Amir and Omar glared at Jamal and vice versa.

He breathed in and out for a couple of minutes, before she came back to normal. She slowly cleaned up her sweaty face with her kitchen napkin.

"It happens a lot now. It started when I lost my baby. The face of a man always appears to me as Omar. But he looks nothing like you" she said pointing to Jamal.

"He look more like Mohammed. He has jade eyes like yours. In fact he looks just like you. I don't really understand why?" Ilham explained while sobbing.

Jamal knew that he was in not soup. He begun sweating. Amir and Omar looked shocked yet glad. They both smirked mischievously at Jamal.

"It's alright hun. You're just being delusional" Jamal said as he hugged her slightly. He knew that his cover was almost blown.

Amir growled at Jamal and Ilham saw the tension between them.

"Why are you growling Amir?" She snapped at him. He sighed and pulled her away from Jamal and hugged her tightly.

"Nothing marshmallow. I was just reminiscing about some idiot, I met a year ago or so" he said with his eyes directly set on Jamal, obviously stressing on the fact that, the idiot was Jamal.

Ilham giggled and saw how silent that beautiful man with jade eyes was. She hugged him suddenly and whispered

"Thanks for coming to visit me "

He smiled, earning a giggle from his beautiful Queen Ilham and a growl from that bastard Jamal. Amir was happy with what she did, so he patted her on the head slightly.

She dragged Mohammed(Omar)  to the hall and sat him down. She looked into his eyes for close to a minute and said

"So tell me all about yourself and how you met my step brother"

She was smiling childishly at him as she awaited an answer. He felt like killing Jamal right here. He could, but he knew that, it would make her scared of him and not want anything to do with him.

He spoke a little truth about himself and fibbed about many more things.

Ilham seemed to have taken a keen interest in this man and it bothered Jamal. He was going to punish her for flirting and it wasn't going to be nice.

Yet another short chapter..

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