
His secret mate

Meet Anderson the supreme alpha of the largest pack , born by a powerful witch to an alpha werewolf and his said have power unspeakable in him but only his mate can help unleashed his magic .He searched for his mate and was lucky to be present the day she was born as a prophecy of the one who will be born on the full moon and a crescent mark on her chest will be his mate . While he found his mate ,others who want to kill him before his magic is unleashed also seek to kill his mate before they are mated .Will he overcome this challenges? Will his stay with him after losing all that she loves ? hope you enjoy the story

Classic_Ekky · Fantasía
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7 Chs


The day I was eagerly looking forward to now suddenly turns to a day I wish never exist, I wish I didn't request for a birthday party from Dad and invited Clair here , i regreted ever been born and even thinking of celebrating my birthday.The police has arrived and looking at the scene of the event, Anderson only leave my side when his attention is required by the police and comes back to me .Seeing Claire brutally murdered shook my existence , it was better i than her , what wrong has she done ? I must be cursed , i am sure mom died because of me even if dad didnt say anything and now Claire .

The ladder that was used by the perpetrators of this evil came very handy while explaining to the police , fingerprints was taken and the ambulance already took Claire body , Her parent are also here with Felix .I couldn't raise my head to look at Claire Mum because I feel guilty of her death , it is my fault I keep telling myself even when Anderson keeps saying otherwise. Dad and Anderson handles the police while they promised to come back if need be .

The journey to the Hotel was a very short one but then I wouldnt even be sure because I wasn't myself,I spaced out alot during the trip and was only notified when we got there .As if my day wasn't ruined enough, Anderson said it's time to go and I couldn't even say how I feels because it feels like loneliness is just added to my pain, but i deserve it ,i tell myself . I am smarter than most girls my age so it hard lying or trying to keep me out of things . I wish i can enjoy my life without fear but this is what i got .

Oh , Little queen (The name he calls me ) You know there is never a time I want to be separated from you ,said Anderson.

Then please don't go , I said with tears streaming my eyes , I can't imagine going through the usual loneliness after losing Claire tonight.

I have to go back and take care of our pack , I promise not to be too far from you, not that I ever was ,replied Anderson.

I begged him to wait till morning but as usual he said Duty calls but he will be in touch, Anderson tries to cheer me up and only leaves when I promised him to be strong , on one hand i was scared of having Anderson around since i have to conclusion of being a magnet for disaster but even my youing mind still want someone to rely on except dad .Dad came in when Anderson left ,I am sure they must have had there men talk as usual. When Dad gives me a hug , I felt the fatherly touch I needed right now , these are days I wish mama was here also , the intensity of my tears increased and the walls I have tried to build with the help of my wolf suddenly start crumbling down and I couldn't hold myself together .

My baby, I am so sorry your day ended up like this ,Dad said

Dad Claire is no more , They killed Claire , Daddy they killed Claire , I replied broken .

My Sweetie pie , Claire only went t a bette place, just your mum , they love you so much they wanted extra power so they can watch over us very well . I am sure Claire i happy where she is and she will want you to be happy also isnt it darling ? Dad said but i could feel the sadness that accompany those words .

What a traumatic experience for a 13 years old girl

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