


Zach didn't contact me since then and that was more than 4 days ago. Can't deny it but I hated that he hadn't spoken to me again. Rumours were out that Zach and Dani broke up but they're rumours you never know what the actual truth is do you.

My head wasn't hurting anymore all I had was a faint bruise on my head that I managed to cover up with foundation and concealer. Praise the lord for makeup.

I made myself busy and went the gym a lot, my dad's gym to be exact. Luckily Zach was nowhere to be found but in reality, I did want to see him but I feel as though he's probably busy with other things.

I had work tonight and it would be my first shift since the incident but I promised Beth, my boss that I will be fine. Regarding my attacker, he was arrested and questioned. Shockingly he admitted to committing the crime and agreed to pay for the damage to my car.

I was never planning on paying for myself.