


/"How did you find out your mom was planning this?/" I asked Zach, I shoved a bagel in my mouth as Zach finished his shower. Today it was the day of Angela's party for Zach. I was fully prepared to plan out some lame excuse, but he already knew.

I literally had one job. He had the faintest idea so all he had to do was bribe me with chocolate, Belgian truffles to be exact.

/"she was never good at lying to me/" he said brushing his hair back.

His birthday wasn't today but Angela only had a few free days, so he planned it for this weekend.

I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He was only wearing a towel on his waist, so my hands were low dangerously close to his member. The mirror in front of us showed off my smirk as he stared at me.

/"you're really horny when you're pregnant, did you know that/" he whispered. He spun around and leant in. Hi lips slanted against my lips.