


He shut his laptop. /" Look I know I don't make it easy to be around but i like you. Zach loves you too and no woman is really prepared to have a baby but they just get on with it alright. Just do what you think is best/" he placed his hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze.

/" Do what you need to do but we'll leave here at 2 alright/" I watched him exit the room leaving me to my thoughts.

He was right. All i could do is do what i think is best for me and the baby. That would have to start with telling the soon to be grandparents of mine and Zach's baby.

I made the bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready. I picked up the two other sticks on the counter and smiled when i saw that they both had the same answer. Positive.

I moved my hand to my stomach. /" Hi there little one, mommas here now/"