


/"NO NO NOOOOOO/" I screamed running across Zach's bedroom looking for my phone.

You can't be serious right now, this is not happening. I clicked on the Calendar checking to last month.

Its been 4 agonizing days since Zach went missing and I was going insane truly. We managed to track down that hacker but after bringing him in for questioning we realized that he really had no idea about where he was.

By questioning I mean Braden brought in two ex police officers to help us.

Which brought us back to square one.

I don't understand what Zach could have done to make him go missing for this long. If it was money then I'm sure Zach would have organised a deal already. This was truly starting to mess with my head.

On top of that, I'm now dealing with a very scary experience because if you didn't guess already my period is late.