


I sat down with Zach as he briefed me on exactly what he wanted me to do. Zach has a team who he relies on more than anyone in his family. They are located around the city.

I feel like this is some Netflix series about a team of people coming together seeking revenge. This is what happens when you work all night at a bar and have barely any friends.

/"when you get there tell them I sent you and also show them this picture./" As soon as he showed me I burst out laughing. Zach was in a weird position taking a selfie with me in it. It was beyond hilarious.

Okay okay I got this. I ran into my car and started up the engine. I needed to go to the solicitors first. So, I drove there in about 15 minutes and walked in. I did get some weird looks from people since I looked pretty casual but I didn't care.

/"hello I need to speak to Mr Ade Wilson,/" I said smiling at the man in front of me. He scanned my body quickly before frowning. Okay well that was rude as fuck.

/"Do you have an appointment?/" he asked rudely typing away on his computer. Seriously he's going to go down that route.

/"no but I need to speak to him and if you send me away I will show you rage like you've never seen/" I practically say under my breath but from the look, he gave I know he heard it.

/"don't make me call security lady, what do you want with Mr Wilson?/" well at least he's willing to listen.

/"I have an important matter to discuss with him, regarding a friend of his/" I have to be careful what I say around these people. The only person I trust in this building is Mr Wilson.

/"alright, since its too early in the morning to have this much drama ill let you up but one little mistake and you're out of her understand/" I only gave him a giant grin pleased with the outcome.

/"you're the best sir, have a good day,/" I said sweetly before heading upstairs.

Looking around I found the door I needed. With two simple knocks I was let in.

The man sitting on the floor momentarily surprised me but when I saw him playing with a little puppy I was even more shocked.

/"Mr Wilson,/" I said wondering if this was the man.

He stopped ticking the puppies belly and turned to face me. He raised his eyebrow probably wondering who the fuck I am.

/"sorry to uh interrupt but I have a message from your friend, Zach /"as soon as the name left my lips he shot up meanwhile scaring the life out of the small dog.

/"what do you know about Zach,/" he said his tone hard and his face full of anger.

/"I have him, uh I mean Hes with me/" okay that didn't sound right.

/"what I meant was that he's safe but Hes hiding in my house and informed me to bring you to him/" I held out my phone and showed him the picture of us two.

I nearly laughed when he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and lifted me in the air.

/"you brilliant bitch, come on let's go/" okay I didn't know whether to be offended or happy this is turning to be a weird as fuck day for me.

/"no no I still have to find the others,/" I say pressing against his chest. his eyes widened.

/"right okay well I can just call them to meet us there,/" he said already dialling the numbers.

/"wait wait we can't do that what if they know about you and track your calls we have to be very careful/" I warned him. He seemed t reason with me as he placed his phone back into his pocket.

/"are you his girlfriend? he never used to go with brainy ones/" he says crossing his arms.

/"nope just the girl that saved his ass, come along now/" I was already making my way outside when he grabbed the puppy and followed me.

We made out next stop at Starbucks. I know how original. I let ade go in and find the woman we needed.

/"her?/" she asked as soon as she walked out. I didn't like her tone it was like she was mocking me.

/"shut up and get in he saved your boy so behave/" ade warned her. Oh, so maybe they're together. Can't blame him she's a beauty.

/"well alright then, names Karly,/" she said buckling herself in. she was blunt but at least she wasn't calling me a bitch.

/"he could be anywhere where should we start looking /"Karly says crossing her arms and sighing.

I too looked around we were in a gym and was searching for another guy. Apparently Hes the IT wiz of the group.

/"guys what are you doing here and the fuck are you?/" a guy says coming up to us. He stared daggers at me and made me really uncomfortable.

/"Zachary is alive and this girl saved him and now Hes at her house so we got to go/" ade explains to him. He seemed to calm down but still was cautious around me.

I started the engine to my car and started the journey back to my house. hoping that Zach wasn't doing any weird things in my home I don't know like stealing. But then I realised he was filthy rich so I erased that thought from my mind.

/"why did you go in there, how about you tell us what you actually know,/" Karly says grabbing my arm in a tight hold. I glared at her does she mind. I'm bloody driving.

/"what I know is that you should get you filthy hands off of me and start trusting me. I went here because I was running from some guy trying to rape me alright so back off/" my anger was getting intense now I had to calm down on the accelerator before I get a ticket.

I felt someone's hand being placed on my shoulder. Ade was giving me a kind smile.

It was silent for the rest of the ride.

Once we arrived at the house I let them inside telling them he was probably in my office. They all ran inside and I heard a lot of screaming and shouting. I decided to let them catch up and I would do some things round the house.

A few hours passed before I had to get read for work. I wore a red crop top with my black leather leggings and finally paired it with heels. I work at this fancy club in the city and I start in an hour.

I bent down to fix my shoes when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and found Zach standing there. He looked tired but he seemed to be happier. Hopefully he's figured out a plan.

/"where you going,/" he asks after scanning my body. I felt heated under his gaze. I actually felt naked in front of him.

/"I've got work, /"I said quickly he simply nodded his head walking inside and closing the door.

I felt weird, why was I acting weird now I was fine earlier.

/"right well I wanted to thank you for what you did, we have a plan in place/" he started to tell me about it but I didn't care anymore. Just let me get back to my normal life where I don't go around saving rich men.

/"great, I hope those jerks get what they deserve. I'm going to head out just make sure you shut the door properly when you guys leave/" I said turning around to grab my stuff.

/"what's wrong, did they say something I know they can be harsh but they get protective sometimes/" he explains to me, why does he sound worried and also why am I acting this way.

Yes, Karly did piss me off but that's not the point. Maybe my mind was drifting back to last night and the reality of what could have happened to me. I could have been raped and Zach well he could be dead.

/"I'm alright, I just want to forget about this and go to work,/" I tell him walking past him. I reach for the door but Zach pulls on my arm.

/"they told me, why didn't you say something about that guy/" he suddenly says his voice low.

/"it doesn't matter does it. Look I'm glad that you're okay I guess I can sleep knowing I did something good/" I chucked at the end but in reality, I was finding it hard to even look at him.

Was he this handsome this morning?

/"okay well we should be gone soon,/" he says right before leaving my room. I heard his steps going downstairs. Why did he sound sad, I thought he'd want to leave as soon as possible?

I felt his gaze on me as I climbed into my car but I didn't think too much into it. I just wanted my life to be the normal one. I was happy like that.