


We both made our way inside and I applied some powder to my face whilst Beth used the toilet.

I was literally just minding my own business when I saw some girls beside. They kept whispering and giving me side glances.

/"can we help you,/" beth says walking in-between us. She filled the gap crossing her arms over her chest.

/"are you the one that helped Zachary /"one of them asks me completely ignoring Beth.

I glanced at her and saw that she was about a few inches shorter than me, she only looked a few years younger too.

/"yes,/" I said hesitantly I can't really lie now can I, a lot of people know.

Se gave her friend a sideways look before laughing. /"Did you really think he would like you if you saved him/" oh kitty bites. She seemed to be so proud of herself and I was so confused.

/"what's it to you,/" I say standing my ground. My mom would have been proud just as long as I don't physically hurt them that is.