
Chapter 8

Lailah DK

I could feel a hand holding onto mine. I shrieked, who was it that was clinging onto my arm so delicately? I didn't want to open my eyes, I wanted to continue feeling the peace that came with the touch against my skin. I felt very safe for the very first time.

"I know you are awake, DK" I heard a voice I knew very well say. I opened my eyes slowly to find the prince holding onto my arm. I immediately jerked my arm away from his grip and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, I was only checking your pulse. And also why did you faint?" He asked. With his eyes bulging out of their socket.

"I don't know, it's not like I made myself faint" I replied rudely with a loud hiss making their way out as I stood on my feet. Shit, that was very unprofessional of me. But then, he seemed to ignore my words.

"Where are you going to? You are sick" he said.

"I'm okay your highness and I promise this will never happen again," I said.