
Chapter 18

Lailah Dk

After the encounter, I had with Haidar at Hajarahs wedding two weeks ago. I began acting weird around him. By weird I meant, I was behaving extremely professionally. I acted like the dance never happened. Though it was just a dance, the feelings that came with that experience were something I had never felt. Speaking of Hajarahs wedding, she was now leaving with Junaid, her husband in Canada where he resided. I was happy she was happy and couldn't wait to see her soon in sha Allah.

Presently, we were inside Haidar's fathers sitting room. He said he wanted to see Haidar and me. The fact that he added and Dk made me feel uncomfortable. I knew he was a nice man, but now I was feeling uncomfortable around Haidar. It was annoying and I hated the feeling.

"Asalamualaikum" I heard his father's voice. Haidar immediately stood up, I was already standing so there was no need for me to stand again. We both responded to his salam in unison. He smiled at me cheerfully.