
Chapter Nine


I stare after Logan in complete and utter shock. What the hell was his problem? He came in here spouting nonsense, then lashes out at me for being right. Someone had to teach that man some manners. I put the glass cup down and make sure to lock the door. "That man is so frustrating. Why on Earth do I have to keep dealing with him?"

I shake my head and head to my room, but before I could even think about laying down my phone rang. I groan, but pick it up nonetheless. "What could possibly be so important that it couldn't wait until morning?" I ask. "Yikes. You sound like you were ran over by a bus." Lila says. I roll my eyes, walking to my closet. "Gee, thanks Lila. I always wanted to be told I sound like crap." I bite out. Lila gasps and I could just imagine her acting like my words pierced her heart. "Is that sarcasm? Directed at me? What did I do to deserve that?" I roll my eyes again. That seems to be all I do when talking to her.

"Seriously, Lila. What do you want? I'm not in the mood for jokes." I go through my closet, looking for a pair of pajamas. "Okay, okay. No more jokes for today. I was just checking up on you. What rained on your parade?" I grit my teeth just from thinking about that devil. "Logan Gunther. I don't care if he has the power to kick me out of my apartment. I can't stand that man." I slam my closet door shut. "Whoa, back up a bit. I need you to explain everything." I sigh and explain to her how Logan is basically my landlord and our many, many annoying arguments.

Lila was quiet for a moment before she started laughing. I look incredulously at my phone, then put it back to my ear. "Excuse me, did you hear what I just said? There's nothing funny about it." I say. Lila takes deep breaths to stop her laughter. "I'm sorry, Sky. But even you have to admit that your situation is pretty crazy. I mean, the man you hated turns out to be your landlord and now you're starting to be attracted to him." I shake my head, even though I know she can't see it. "No, I am not attracted to him. At all. There is no way I could be attracted to a man like that."

I can hear a loud crash in the background, then yelling immediately after. Lila curses under her breath. "Sorry girl, I gotta go. We'll talk more when I see you in the morning. Bye!" She hangs up before I can even get another word in. I sigh and toss my phone on my bed. "Next time, I just won't answer." I change into my pajamas and just as I flop onto my bed, the doorbell rings. This groan was louder and angrier than the one earlier.

I force my body out of bed and drag my feet to move to the door. I open my front door, throwing it open. "What do you want?" I snarl. A man about a foot taller than me with dark brown hair and kind emerald green eyes smiles at me, not thrown off by my growl at all. "Good evening, ma'am. My name is Alex Clawthorne. I'm here on behalf of my employer to offer you a job." I blink a few times, then rub my eyes to make sure I'm not dreaming. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Alex's slips turned up at the corners into a kind smile. "How about we talk more inside? I can explain myself over a cup of coffee." I move back and gesture him inside, closing the door after him. Alex found himself a seat at the dining table. "Ms. Haynes, I happened to come across your resume on an online website. Your references are astounding. I'm positive that you're the one we've been looking for." He says. I walk into the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee in my coffee maker. "Before we go any further, could you tell me what the job is?"

Alex chuckles. "I apologize, Ms. Haynes. I was getting ahead of myself. It is a secretary job. You will take calls, schedule meetings, and keep track of the boss' schedule. It is quite simple really. And we will pay you handsomely." I bite the inside of my cheek as I consider his offer. I could definitely use the money. Imagine if I could pay off this apartment and get my own place. I take a deep breath and look Alex right in his eyes. "Looks like you've got yourself a secretary. When can I start?"