
His Possession

Book #1 "Completely His" Series ---- [Mature content] *no rape and no misunderstanding* ------ Emma It was completely a woe to be bearing love like this. Is that love that I’m incapable of or I’m for what to be deserved to be loved? As much as I want to have it, I know I have run away from it. For ever I have to be found, I’ve to keep it to myself. It was all taken away from me. Anything but love. I work, I go home, I eat and I repeat it. It wasn’t hard to stay unnoticed among something called myself. But one man didn’t. He was overbearing, controlling pain in the ass, demanding freak I’ve ever met. He doesn’t ask but takes away everything though he doesn’t own. But I do secretly know he owns me and that I should keep it away from him because when those demons, the darkness haunt your back, you always get hurt. But will I get hurt by him first? Caleb I take and I claim. Being successful did a thing to me because nothing can stop me from taking what I want, for I know that I’m a ruthless asshole. And she who always try running away, I will always find her, claim her, break through her soul because I know she is mine. Mine to be taken, mine to be protected from whatever she’s afraid of. And I’m not willing to let her go, never grip away from me, and No one can grasp her from me. -----

bk_raven · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Chapter 1


I'm checking my crimson-red colored blouse for the second time now. I know I'm getting way too nervous for this meeting. Not that this is first time attending one, but I can't help but panic about this. I'm a freelance architect. It feels nice to be your own boss, but not in my case. I'm broke, unless I can find a permanent position somewhere, I have to manage surviving because of my present three clients.

One of my clients confided to me about his new company's architect to company he is hoping would buy his out and that I had to attend conference meeting along with him and his team. Though I had no intention of going, since I'll be socializing there, I'm hoping that it would least might put me out of misery.

"You gotta relax, babe." Said that husky voice in a black suit behind me. I looked into the mirror "Well, it's the first time attending meeting with a billionaire, who wouldn't be nervous, Jack?" I cried.

Jack was someone who had forever been with me through those miserable days and I'm eternally grateful to him. He had always been there for me. Though we never had much, we had each other and at the time when we were apart, it was worse and darkest moments of my life. Though I wanted to forget them, it wasn't easy to escape them.

"Well, you did clean up nice."

"You aren't bad yourself too." I smiled knowing he's finally settling up after all those struggles we passed through.

He smiled "Well, we can't be late now, can we?"

I checked up everything, files, drawings and most importantly my nerves. I have to calm down and work this out. Not every time you find yourself in serendipity like this.


It would be nice if we can hang out instead of attending business meetings and busying ourselves with odd jobs. Think that's something we haven't ever done.



"You have meetings at 8.45 a.m., 10.15a.m., 11.50a.m., and a luncheon at 1.15 p.m. You also have a conference meeting in between 12 p.m. about the buyout of Glens Company with their board people and a late conference at 4 p.m. with the development team on Arizona branch." Amelia, my administrative assistant, read over my schedule.

Being the CEO of your company does a thing. Meetings after meetings. Where the fuck was Gavin? How in the hell I gotta be this early here, and he isn't.

"And also Ms. Mia called you while you were in the London meeting."

"Get her on line to me when called again." Yeah, I'm being a dick not calling my sister up.

She smiled knowing well I'm a jerk when it comes to Mia. "Yes, sir" and she left my office.

I gazed at my office. I had it remodeled few months ago and it still looked dull though countless times of getting modeled by top architects. And other reason added for remodeling was for Gavin to get the idea to stop conducting his 'interviews' up here. Fucking asshole.

I glanced up at the clock, 7.55 a.m. Fucking fifty minutes to fuck off.

I got up from the desk and turned to glass-wall floor-to-ceiling window to view up the entire city. It was fine refreshing having to get the glimpse of Seattle and lose into it.

"Well, if it isn't the arrogant asshole in here." Came the annoying voice bursting into my office.

"Good that you showed up today, Gavin."

"Oh, you know me, I love making grand entrance. So just got to know you laid out with Rebecca. Joining tonight too?"

I ran my hand through my hair. "Nah, man. Not tonight, had to attend this family night. Don't say you aren't on it."

He poured himself whiskey at the bar and leaned back. "Well, I am but always can whisk away, right?" he winked on the thought. Good for him he had plans to get laid when as much as it can happen around no time.

"Right." Thinking about all things lay planned for tonight.



"You seriously think this would work out?" I asked Jack when I gave him a brief about my plan and the presentation I'll be presenting up in the meeting. Honestly I'm way too getting onto my nerves right now.

"It will, babe. Just trust yourself." He said driving through the junction and checking out of signal.

With a long sigh, I continued to try distracting myself which clearly isn't working out well. Gazing upon the window, I calmed out my tension when my cell rang.


"Meeting's at 12. Don't forget to get those documents along with your presentation. Meet me at Carol House, 11.10 sharp." Said John, my client. I worked for almost a year with him and he never was punctual whether it be a meeting or a board conference. But now it didn't actually amaze me because I know that this deal is not a normal one rather with multimillionaire company, Prior Enterprise.

Of course, the main reason I'm nervous and hyped up today than usual. You have to careful enough when you want your company to be named under the company, which not only has its branches in US, but international market kills to get deals and corporate business with Prior Enterprise.

"Yes, I get it." I replied when he hung up.

"Surprised that he called you two hours earlier." Jack sarcastically called out.

"That's what you get when you're dealing a big fish."

He laughed and parked the car at Carol House. We got out at the light grey restaurant waiting for John. Not that he knew I was already at the spot.

"You can do this alone?" he asked

"I'm not a 16 year-old girl, Jack. I can wait up alone and you have your interview to attend too. Better go before your late!" I exclaimed knowing he's a worry-wart which is not unusual considering pretty much what happened before.

He scorned and started to argue but knowing that I had a point, he reluctantly went towards his car.

"Better be careful. Call me if you need anything." He hurried up just as a precaution.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, mom." And waved my hand telling him to leave before it's late.

I turned towards the entrance when I heard screech of the car knowing he left, wondering where did it all go wrong for me to be haunted like this.