
His Perfect Mate

Reid Javernick had everything that society would deem to make him happy. He had a successful business, enough women at his fingertips, a handful of really close friends and of course a house fit for a movie set. But despite everything he just wasn't happy. And then he met Sunn Carter. She was the alluring devil who turned his world upside down and rejected him more times than he could count! He knew she was meant to be his mate but how could he convince her of that? Could he trust her with a secret that not even his closest friends knew? ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• "That scent would haunt him for the rest of his life. It was a delicious scent of crushed red petals mixed with expensive white wine. A scent that invaded his dreams night after night. And there she was sitting in his office, staring expectantly up at him with inquisitive liquid blue eyes. He moistened his lips and said the two words that would make him both the happiest and saddest man at the same time, though he was yet to know that. "You're hired.""

Saleika_Telicia · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 4: You Can Run. But You Cannot Hide

Still Reid's POV

I was running as fast as I could to get away from something. I was being.. chased? Panic and pain was so thick in the air that you could literally slice through it with a knife. My right leg hurt like hell and I could tell it was bleeding heavily leaving a bloody trail behind. I was running super fast, trekking on all fours. The wind whipped through my hair with how fast I was going. No, that couldn't be right. I hadn't transformed in over two decades. I was leading a life that didn't require me to be that anymore. How was it possible then that I was now on all fours and running as if my life depended upon it?

This was all wrong.

Behind me I could hear a branch crackle and the howl of whoever was chasing me. I could tell that they were nearby. The blood dripping from my leg was doing a pretty good job of leading them straight to me. I wish I could rip this stupid leg off. Ugh.

For the first time in a long while, I was genuinely afraid. I didn't want whatever was chasing me to catch me.

Too late. I let out a loud howl of agony as whatever that was chasing me grabbed ahold of my injured leg pulling me mercilessly towards them. I could hear their sinister laugh as I desperately dug my front paws, claws and all, into the dense forest ground. What was I doing? And just like that I remembered who the hell I was. I was the Beta. The second in command to the Alpha. I was not a weak wolf. I needed to act accordingly. I clawed ferociously at whatever held fast to my leg, I used my teeth and that produced a yelp from the monster who immediately released me from its grasp.

That was all I needed to keep going again. I tore through the forest at lightning speed. I knew I needed to make it out of the forest if I planned to get out alive. I could see the clearing in front of me. I estimated that I was about five minutes away from it when the same sinister laugh clouded my brain and with a huge thud a large wolf landed in front of me blocking my path.

I was wounded but I wasn't going to give up that easily.

Time, the back-stabbing beast, lashed out at me with its powerful claws tearing my shoulder to shreds. Gritting my teeth, I didn't want to give the wolf the satisfaction of seeing me grimace in pain. The odds were against me. I knew that. A torn shoulder, a leg that needed stitches. I was also very tired.

Tired but not defeated.

"Give up yet?" the wolf snared, nastily.

Mustering up my strength I lunged at the wolf snapping with all my might but that only caused him to sink his teeth deep into my already wounded shoulder. The bite was so deep that blood immediately began spraying everywhere. I sunk to my knees, still not admitting defeat.

Time circled me slowly. Suddenly he grabbed my head, tilting it up exposing my bare throat. My Adam's apple bobbed as I tried to come up with my next move.

"I want my face to be the last thing you see before you die," he said going in for the kill.

I awoke with a start. I was sweating profusely and my breathing was short and ragged. I was gripping the sheet so hard that my knuckles had turned white. I tried to find consolence in the thought that it was only a dream, but that did little for me. The wolf, the chase. It all seemed so real. Without knowing it my hand went to my shoulder tracing the permanent teeth mark imbedded deep within my skin. It was real.

I padded out of bed with the intention of grabbing a glass of water. It had been some time since I had any nightmares about that dreadful night. What was causing it to resurface? I had spent so much on therapy simply because I wanted to forget my past and like an annoying ex , here it was again. I downed the refreshing liquid down my throat.

I shuddered.

Many years ago I learnt that reading somewhat calmed my mind. I made my way to my study and the realization of just how lonely I was hit me hard. I could have just about any woman I wanted. Yet the choice to spend my bed empty was solely on me. The thing was I wanted something permanent. I was never the kind of guy who had meaningless flings. I wanted someone to call my own. Someone who chose me above everyone else.

I longed for a mate again. Being complete was all I really cared for. That sense of fulfillment.. Knowing someone cared that much about you. I missed it all.

Besides, I had known who my mate was. Closing my eyes, I could picture her now. Tall. Graceful. Hair the color of coal. Raven was a sight for sore eyes. That was another memory imprinted deep in my heart, except this wasn't one I was ready to forget about. I was dealt a cruel blow when life decided to snatch her away from me.

There were times when I thought I could feel a samsara of my mate so close to me, like there was some kind of spellbinding force that couldn't keep us apart. But I was stupid for believing that, as the years dwindled on I lost every hope of finding that special someone once again.

Even so, I believed in reincarnation. It was written in stone that whenever two werewolves' love was strong and true and one partner passed on, that the other would return to walk the Earth again. It didn't matter much now to me anyway. Alina was dead. There was no third chances given on love.

Was I meant to be alone?

Without my mate by my side, I could tell that my inner wolf was weakening simply because I had selfishly chosen to keep him in this cage of my human body. Far away from any predilection. In my defense, there was no need for him. The life I now had required me to be a successful businessman, not an untamed beast.

I entered the cool of my study, my coarse fingers immediately going to one of my regular book as soon as my hands touched my brown oak book shelf. It was a story about a man who despite all odds woke up truly happy one day. I favored this story so much because it gave me a false hope for my reality. One that I desperately clung to.

I thumbed through the pages until I found my favorite quote. I read it out loud manifesting the words. "When the turbulence of distracting thoughts subside and our minds become still, a deep happiness and contentment will naturally arise from within."

Without knowing it I somehow managed to fall asleep. Truly exhausted.