

For love that was never to grow but was kept cherished ~ "Where's she?" Rex asked barging into the throne room, his eyes were quick to fall on his brother who sat on the throne chair comfortably. "Who?" His brother deadpanned making Rex become more furious "You know who I'm talking about, Rhys, where the fuck is Alya?" Rex asked again "Taking to where she belong" Rhyss said not bothering about his brother's reaction "You wouldn't dare to touch her, Rhys" Rex warned, the threat heavy in his voice, he could feel his control slipping with every seconds that passed by with his brother who decide to keep quiet. Two more seconds passed and Rhys said "Father and mother won't ever approved of the stupid love, you know that yourself" "She is an enemy and thankfully an easy one to break" Rhys paused for some seconds before adding "it will be a quick kill for her and you won't feel the loneliness, why don't I bring her?" He said getting up from the chair and moved to the door to only be stopped by Rex who glared hard at him "Touch a single hair on her body and I'll see to it that you become a meal to the wolves in the forest" Rex threatened, his hazel eyes changing to the dark color of red. ......

Aee_sharh20 · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter fourteen: Confessions

Alya stood frozen as Rex smooched on her lips, he licked the corner of her lips and paused without pulling away.

Alya breathed out slowly and her eyelashes fluttered as she closed her eyes.

Tugging on him closer to her, she opened her mouth and swiftly, Rex slid his tongue. He snuggled on her lips more, tasting her sweet innocent lips.

Alya responded just as smoothly as he moved

It was a gentle nestle of their lips which reached and clung onto the hearts of the couple, every emotion was poured into it.

This was something that would forever be inscribed in his heart, his reunion with his fiancee. Rex thought as he gently freed the little lips in his mouth.

Alya slowly opened her eyes and met the gaze of this idol she just kissed. Her cheeks went red and she looked away biting down on her lower lip as she blushed fiercely.

Rex held her chin and raised her face up

" I love you Alya, I have always loved you and will forever do " he whispered

" Don't think it's because I know about your feelings that I'm doing this "

" I had been thinking of telling you this a long time ago "

" I can't even remember when I fell in love with you "

" But I know you are one person I would love to be with, someone I'll never forgive myself if I ever let go "

Rex bent his face and placed his forehead on hers, tugging her hair behind her ear

" Alya " he called holding up her hands

" I love you " he whispered once again

" So much"

Alya's eyes stung from the tears that had gathered, for some seconds, she waited.

To see if she was dreaming, if she would wake up and see this was just one of her usual dreams.

But no, she wasn't dreaming, she thought as she kept on looking at the man before her.

He had opened up all his feelings for her.

Everything he had bottled deep down, he said with so much confidence like he knew she wouldn't reject him.

He already know she likes him, all she need to do was also accept hers.

The silence was making Rex's heart shiver

' and what if she decide not to accept him despite sharing the same feelings? He couldn't help but think

He knew how Alya was conscious of men

Even if she likes him,there could be a possibility of she rejecting him

She might think he is acting out of pity, he reluctantly waited quietly for her to say something and she did, her lips stuttering out the only words he wanted to hear

" I - I love you... " Rex choked out the remaining words as he caught her lips again, he pet her lips lovingly with his, sucking and nibbling.

Those words had clear away all doubts and sadness he was feeling. He was more than happy now

He pulled away wrapping her in his embrace

" Thank you " he whispered

" Thank you so much Alya " his throat burned up with an emotion he wasn't expecting.

But he didn't care, he would cry all he wants to show his happiness, he had long been in pain

Watching her treat him like nobody at the beginning pierced his heart.

Hell no, he won't ever let her go again. He swore to himself as he hugged her more tightly.

Rex led her to a room on the same floor, opening the door for her.

Alya was mesmerized with how the room looked.

It seems this was the only room with different colour

Pink and white

She had caught a glimpse of the other rooms when they passed by

All were white and grey like the entire building.

The colour and sweet scent wafting across the room reminds her of her room at her house.

Exactly like this but this was way bigger than hers and she was almost intimidated from the size of the bed.

She would be like an ant riding on the back of an elephant if she lay on the bed.

" You like the room? " Rex asked cutting through her little chat with her self

" Yes, thank you " she replied

" Have this " he handed her a shopping bag

" Go have your shower, I'll come back later " he said leaving a peck on her cheek before leaving the room.

Alya's face heated up as she made her way to the shower, the bag contained a pink fluffy pyjama and a casual clothes.

Rex went back in an hour, her door was slightly closed and he could see her already on the bed, fast asleep.

He smiled and entered the room with soft steps heading to the bed.

He smiled further at the thought of having her here once he wakes up, he won't be bothered with those nostalgic feeling of waking up every morning without her again.

Though they weren't sharing a room for now, it also gladden his heart to know she was in the room next to his once he wakes up.

Apart from being able to read Alya like an open book, she was someone he had spent ten years of his life with.

He wouldn't have her share the same room with him on the first day so she won't be over the thought of he wanting only her body.

She only understand the negative meaning of such gestures, he thought and chuckled lightly.

Thumbing her soft cheeks ever so lightly afraid to wake her up, he bent over her face and placed a long soft peck on her lips.

He put out the lights and left the room closing the door behind him.


Alya woke up to the bright hours of the morning and the very first thing that popped into her mind was last night's event.

She alone knew how she had thought everything was a dream last night.

But waking up now to the same room was enough to have a very wide smile on her lips.

She laid face down on the pillows as every thing from last night keeps pouring in her mind and she blushed harder

She felt like giving out a shout of joy, everything changed from one simple dinner.

With her cheeks hurting from grinning too wide, she got up to have her bath and got dressed.

It was the clothes Rex had gave to her, a deep blue trouser and a white long sleeved shirt.

She bumped into Rex at the doorstep when she opened the door.

" Good morning my love " Rex greeted with a sweet smile

My love? Haha, now she will have another reason to always blush if he keeps the endearment.

" Good morning.. " Alya bit down the remaining word immediately

Phew! She had almost said babe

Rex raised an eyebrow and smirked telling her he was waiting for her to complete her greetings.

When he began to wiggle his brows,she rolled her eyes but stopped halfway. Her eyes bulging wide.

She was rolling her eyes at her boss on a Monday morning but then she relaxed her tensed muscles, he was now her boyfriend and they weren't at work yet.

Geez, this could get very confusing

Rex knowing what she was thinking of called

" Alya "

She looked up at him

" Be my girlfriend " he said and she curved up her brows

Was she not his girlfriend already?

She opened her mouth but closed it back when she realised it she had nothing to say.

Rex taking the cue that she want him to explain shrugged

" Well, I'm thinking if I told you that then you would take me as your boyfriend anywhere and anytime and not your boss "

Alya gave a wry smile at been caught and nodded

Rex smiled and pulled her with him

" Come have breakfast"

" No work today, I want you to go out with me " Rex said pulling a chair for her to sit

Alya nodded again and sat down on the long dining table

" Aren't you eating? " Alya asked, he was just looking at her without eating

Rex sighed out, he had thought she wouldn't say anything today but just nod when asked a question.

Alya wondering why he sighed was unable to ask as he replied to her question

" I've eaten "

" You full? " Alya asked again

" I'm sure I can still add more if I would be eating by your hands " Rex said grinning and surprisingly she had a slice of steak up his mouth waiting for him to open up

Rex smiled even more and opened his mouth, two more and the table was turned to him feeding her.

After eating, they both went out of the house and drove off.

Parking in the parking lot of a huge building, Mikado mall. Rex and Alya came down and walked pass the huge doors to the boutique unit.

They strolled round all the sections taking more than five dresses from each sections

After picking more than enough dresses, Alya stopped Rex.

He had ask her to just answer his questions and let him choose.

But seeing all the dress he had chose, she decide to speak up. She wasn't a model to keep more than one closet full.

" It's okay, Rex "

" Sure love? " He asked much to her surprise, she thought he was going to protest.

Love, She would have to learn how to get used to him calling her this way. She sighed

" Yes, I'm not sure I have enough space in my closet for all this" she finally replied

" Oh this will be staying at my home " Rex pointed out

" So you wouldn't bother about clothes when coming over " he added.

Alya smiled and they moved to the cashier desk. Having their purchase packaged, they walked around the mall to other units sorting out things they want

Rex excused himself to get something and Alya stood alone by the groceries waiting for him

A young man walked to her with a bright smile

" Good morning miss " he greeted smiling even more, his dimples coming in view.

He was like a gentleman with his soft looks

Alya smiled " Good morning "

" I was thinking if you would like some coffee? " He asked and Alya was surprised

" I'm too forward right? Sorry but that's how I rule, I wouldn't go for too much words when all I wanted was a nice coffee with a pretty lady " he gave a charming smile.

But before Alya could reply, a big possessive hand loom round her waist

" Love, may I know your friend? " Rex asked giving a light peck on her forehead

The pretty blond pulled up his brows and made an O with his mouth.

" Guess my forward was twice late " he said and smiled sending a wink at Alya and turned to walk away without looking at Rex who was glaring at him.

" I was only gone for few minutes_ " he paused when Alya pulled his cheek.

" Babe seriously? " She asked and rolled her eyes but Rex had stilled.

He froze immediately she called him babe.

Was his ears perhaps tricking him?

He looked down at the blue eyes glittering back at him.

Alya smiled seeing his shocked expression, she let go of his cheek and tiptoed to leave a light peck where her fingers had been pulling.

She saw the already melting Rex froze again and she chuckled before walking away. She thought if she wants to learn getting used to his endearments fast, she would have to get one for him also

. Rex stood staring at her as she walked away, completely surprised

Had she been swapped?

That was the first thought that dropped in his mind

She called him babe and also pecked him in a public place

Aah! Heavens

If he had had the slightest idea before she would be like this with him on their very first day going out together, he would have gone for her a long time ago

Just why the hell had he waited for nine months. Because he thi...mmm

He sighed and shook his head before walking to meet her.

Walking around the groceries, they had their trolley almost filled up before they went to the cashier.

They stood in a long file

" I am not used to waiting like this " Rex complained to Alya who chuckled

" Get used to it " she said

" I can if I have something interesting to do while I waited " he said and a mischievous smile formed on his lips

" Something like? " The innocent Alya asked and Rex carried her to sit on the trolley holding her in place and he fell on her lips neglecting the people around him as he smacked and nibbled on the lips between his

The whole place went hushed as everyone were fed with such shameless acts

" If I had known something like this would come up,I would have just sit at home than being reminded how painful been single is " someone complained and many others agreed

Mister, you would have allowed us to leave before torturing us this way

Everyone quickly turned their gazes when they pulled away

Alya tugged onto Rex's shirt and buried her face in his chest unable to look up

Oh God, she bit her lower lip blushing really hard

Rex had a proud look and smirk on his face as he wheeled the trolley up to the cashier with Alya wrapping her leg tightly on his waist and looking away from the crowd.

Everyone had moved way for the couple to make payments first unable to accept the insult thrown right at their faces.

" Do you want to become one with me momma? Rex asked

Everyone: "...!"

Alya bit on his chest making him chuckle

" We are still at the mall momma, if you lick me like that one more_" Alya bit him more hard making him to stop talking and he giggled.

" How sweet was it to tease her, he thought