

For love that was never to grow but was kept cherished ~ "Where's she?" Rex asked barging into the throne room, his eyes were quick to fall on his brother who sat on the throne chair comfortably. "Who?" His brother deadpanned making Rex become more furious "You know who I'm talking about, Rhys, where the fuck is Alya?" Rex asked again "Taking to where she belong" Rhyss said not bothering about his brother's reaction "You wouldn't dare to touch her, Rhys" Rex warned, the threat heavy in his voice, he could feel his control slipping with every seconds that passed by with his brother who decide to keep quiet. Two more seconds passed and Rhys said "Father and mother won't ever approved of the stupid love, you know that yourself" "She is an enemy and thankfully an easy one to break" Rhys paused for some seconds before adding "it will be a quick kill for her and you won't feel the loneliness, why don't I bring her?" He said getting up from the chair and moved to the door to only be stopped by Rex who glared hard at him "Touch a single hair on her body and I'll see to it that you become a meal to the wolves in the forest" Rex threatened, his hazel eyes changing to the dark color of red. ......

Aee_sharh20 · Fantasía
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22 Chs

chapter five: Resumption

Alya woke up after two hours of dreamless sleep. She stretched lazily on the bed, she was feeling much better now. She went into the bathroom for a shower and came out all dressed.

Getting out of the room, she walked into the kitchen where she heard soft giggles and whispers.

She opened the kitchen door and there was landon standing between April who was seated on the kitchen counter.

They both turned when it creaked softly.

" Hope you slept well, Alya? " Landon asked

" Yeah I did, I feel great " Alya said walking past the couple to the fridge. She opened it and took an orange juice and gulped it down.

The Oven beeped and they all tuned to it.

" I'll get it " Alya offered

She opened the oven and put on the oven glove then took out the tray in it.

" You made strawberry cupcakes " Alya said excitedly.

She had been stopped from taking sweet meal and it was so painful .

But now, here was a delicious looking cupcake in her front and she couldn't wait to devour it.

" I knew you would be hungry when you wake up "

Alya muttered a thanks as she eyed the cupcake.

" This is one of my favorite meal "

" Meal? " Landon asked

" Cupcake is a snack "

" It's a meal to me " She replied not taking her eyes off the snack.

" To us " April corrected and Alya chuckled as she took the cupcake to the dining room while April took three mugs of hot chocolate.

Sitting down, Landon asked

" Hot chocolate and cupcakes for lunch, who does that? "

April and Alya smiled

" The ' A's ' likes light meal for lunch "

" And what about the ' L ' that doesn't? " He asked again looking at the called lunch at his front.

Taking this would be like taking nothing at all. He thought.

" The ' L ' will just to have bear " Alya replied laughing.

Landon shrugged

" No choice " He said taking three cup cakes and a mug of hot chocolate while April and Alya laughed munching their meal quietly.

April and Alya tidied the dining table and kitchen after the meal and settled down in the sitting room chatting.

Landon's phone beeped. It was a text from Rex.

' How is Alya doing? '

Landon looked at Alya who was happily chatting with her friend.

' She is doing very great ' he texted.

' Okay, thank you '

' Sure '

He smiled to himself, it was the third time today he was asking after her and he knew he would still call to ask again.

Landon shook his head smiling more.

April received a text from Rex

' Has Alya taken her medications? '

Oh geez, she had forgotten about it

" Alya, you haven't taken your drugs "

Alya kept her head low and cursed

' Who or what was the fucking thing that reminded her ' She growled, she had been praying seriously since they were eating for April not to remember about the drugs.

She hated the smell so much, she could actually puke from the thought of taking them.

She looked at April pleadingly.

" I don't have to, I am feeling very great "

" Nope, you are taking it " April said looking fiercely at her

Alya sighed and gave in, even if she didn't, she would be forced.

" Okay mom " She breathed out and April laughed.

April went into the room to take her drugs while Landon brought a glass of water.

Alya was forced by the fierce pairs of eyes waiting for her to swallow and she did, frowning at the taste.

April looked satisfied and took her phone

' Yep, done that '


" Mr. Walter is here sir " Max said when he got into Rex's office.

Rex looked up from the files in his hands. He stood up and walked to the man.

" Good evening Mr. Walter " Rex shook hands with him.

" Good evening Mr. Pattinson " His voice was hoarse.

He was a short man with a big tummy sagging out of his shirt he tried to hide with his suit.

He had thick eyebrows and beards, brown eyes and lips which dances in an excited grin.

Rex led him to a cushion while he went back to his table searching through the files on the table.

" Max told me you agreed on the price " Rex said

" Yes, I agree "

His smile widened as Rex walked up to him with a cheque note and a file.

Rex sat down on another cushion as he scribbled down on the cheque.

" Give your signature on the file " Rex said when Max took the file from his hands to Mr Walter.

Quickly, Mr. Pattinson signed on the file and returned it to Max.

" Thank you Mr. Rex " Mr. Walter greeted looking at the cheque in his hands.

He had fallen in love with the words written on it.

Three hundred thousand dollars for something he hadn't spent half of the money for.

" You may leave " Rex said going back to sit behind his desk.

He had a smile on his face.

This could almost sound crazy to others, he thought but he didn't care a bit.

It was the only choice.

Alya wasn't friendly with strangers even if he was the one who saved her, he had little hope of speaking with her.

This was the only option. Three hundred thousand dollars


" I am going to work today " Alya announced as soon she got into April's room.

" You must be kidding me " April said looking at her all over.

Well she wasn't kidding actually. She was already dressed up for work.

" I am serious April, Please it's three weeks now, I am very strong "

April looked at her all over again

" No, you are not" April said

" Please " Alya drawled begging her sincerely.

" Nope you aren't going " April said, s tone of finality in her voice.

Alya hung her head low, three weeks had passed with serious boredom.

She need to go out than stay at home to just sleep and eat.

She was going to get fat with their pampering. She sighed out.

" Are you my sister or mother, you are behaving like an old granny " Alya complained

April chuckled " It's for your health, Alya "

" I am really serious, I am very better now, just let me start work already.

April looked at her and sighed

" Pleeaase " Alya begged "

Well, Alya wasn't a kid anymore but April love being an elder sister nurturing her cute kid sister.

" Okay, if it's what you want " April gave in.

' I guess I don't have to play the role of a mother again ' she thought and chuckled

Alya screamed in excitement and hugged her friend.

" Thank you " She muttered and April nodded patting her back.

In less than an hour, they were both on the road going to Alya's workplace.

They had agreed on April staying with her at work.


" Hey landon " Rex greeted over the phone.

" Good morning, Rex "

" Alya is going to work today " Landon said immediately. April had informed him immediatelt

A smirk formed on Rex's face, he stood up and walked out of his house with two abled guys dressed in black with a suitcase in their hands.

" Ooh, But I have a flight to catch now. I am going to seattle. I would be speaking with her when I come back "

" When would that be? " Landon asked

" It's three days conference meeting "

" I would be back by monday " He said

Another call came in his phone. It was Max.

" I'll be there in an hour " He said and hung up not giving him time to speak.


On their arrival to the three storeyed publishing house. Alya had her heart on a marathon race. She was excited and nervous.

She was back to her reporting which was the best hobby.

Shrills of excitement rang inti her ears as soon as she stepped in.

" Welcome, Alya " They all chorused

Well, they were limitedly less in the writing and printing group, so they knew each other.

Alya smiled and greeted them, she wondered how they knew she was coming.

She felt a hand wrap around her small body. It was cassie.

' Oh, cassie must have told them ' she thought. She wrapped her arms too around her loving friend.

" I missed you Alya, we all do " Cassie said breaking frim the embrace.

" I missed you all also " She said

She was beaming with happiness seeing her colleagues.

" Welcome Alya"

She heard behind her and turned.

" Hey jack " She greeted

" How are you doing? " He asked

" Very great " She replied with a smile

She was very welcomed by her colleagues and she was happy.

After an hour of greeting and chatting, Cassie pulled Alya.

" You know, your worst nightmare is gone " Cassie said giggling.

April looked confused just like Alya

" Worst nightma.. " Alya paused

" OMG!! You are kidding right? " She exclaimed.

" Nope, Mr. Tom is gone "

April got a clean explanation of her earlier statement and laughed along.

" We have a new boss, he sent him away "

" A new boss? " April and Alya asked in unison.

" Yep, a stunning one " Cassie said blushing.

" When he came here for the first time, I was left speechless. He had great dashing looks "

" So you are saying Mr. Clay sold this place? " April asked

" Yeah, he is way too cute sorry not cute. Gorgeous! " She gasped

" He would be here today " Cassie said

" Huh? "

" Yeah, he is coming over today, don't you see everyone looking at the door "

Just immediately, the door opened and a young man with silver hair walked in.

" There he is " Cassie said excitedly

" The cute owner of our publishing house "

Alya looked at the man with the silver hair and turned to look at everyone drooling.

There weren't actually looking at the silver haired man. She realised

They were looking behind him!

She turned again and saw him and a gasp flew out of her mouth.

April looked dumbstruck, with widened eyes and dropped jaw. She didn't know if she was actually thinking things or he was the one she was seeing.

Subconsciously, she called

" REX?! "