
His Only Obsession

Hi i am dipra Kakaria... The writer of this book named His Obsession... Now by the title itself you must have understood that this story is all about dark theme... This story will revolve around Mark The Mafia King Of Italy... And his love of life Emma... Emma is a girl with dreams who wants to be a doctor... But to their lovestory they meet with my challenges thrown to them by the destiny of their's.... The rivals of Mark is his own father.... But why...? The second rival of Mark and the person who Emma hates to her core is her father.... But why..? Tune in to the story to know all the secrets of this story..!

Dipra_Kakaria · Ciudad
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30 Chs


Elena: Well Emma what would it be that I would try and hide from you? There's nothing.

Emma: There's something.

[ Elena knew what her sister was talking about. Stumbling but confidently.]

Elena : What is it? I don't know what you are talking about.

Emma: The truth about our mother. Where she is? If she died then I wasn't I called at her funeral? If she is alive why isn't she residing with us? Where is dad? I you get so annoyed when I ask about him? Why aren't our parents with us? Are they even together or even they have separated?  I know that you know answer to these questions then why aren't you sharing it with me?

Elena: Emma why don't you understand ; if I am not sharing it with you then why don't you keep yourself away from these stuffs.

Emma: Because just like yours even they were my parents and I have the right to ask about their existence.

Elena: Firstly stop calling that man as our father. He is a stigma to our family.

[As soon as these words popped out of Elena's mouth; Emma slapped her tightly]

Emma: Don't you ever dare to speak such nuisance about my father.

Elena: Today you slapped me but the day when you will see the truth will be the day when you shall wish to kill that man. Your slap didn't hurt me because I feel pity on you. The guy you are trying to protect is such a cheap man that you can't even think. I will try my best that won't have to face the truth but the day when you will, you will be devastated.

As soon as Emma heard these words she furiously left the room. The anger made her so mad that without acknowledging anybody she walked out of the mansion. All remained unaware of this except one.

The guy with golden bracelet knew about this moment of Mark's love and his boss's daughter. He immediately gave a call to his gang

The guy: Emma has just left the mansion. Nobody is with her. You won't get any better chance to kidnap her. Send some guys. I am following her.

Till then he heard someone saying

Sir, Mark Sir want to meet you.

The guy: Can't that thing wait?

Worker: Sir he called you urgently.

The guy went with the Worker.

The guy: Where is Mark?

Another worker: Sir has gone to take a bath and told that he would meet you after a while.

The guy came out of the room and headed to follow Emma. She was to be seen nowhere.

The guy's pov:

Where did that girl go? That stupid Mark and his workers destroyed my entire plan. Now how will I follow her? I have eveb passed the message to the gang. I need to find her at any cost.

The guy began searching everywhere, everywhere it was possible. Soon he found Emma.

The guy: Well she is on Via Veneito  street all alone. The street is also empty so we can complete our work properly without people knowing about it.

Soon a black car filled with four people arrived on the Via Veneto street and...

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