
Chapter 56

Sophia noticed Dodai's expression but she paid no heed to it,afterall if she didn't take caution of the situation she and her child would be dead before she could even create a portal.


Because somehow she felt powerless since she stepped into Mayes something was wrong and now with one more problem up her sleeves she had to take extra care of her child.

"What did you do Merrai?" She dared to ask.

"Something to end you and any of your kind that steps into this kingdom" She says smirking.

Sophia's eyes snapped to hers,

"You'll die slowly but surely...and you know what? nothing can stop it...you can't even leave here"

"You joined forces with socceres?" Sophia asks.

Did she make the wrong choice?

This was her end? she and her unborn baby?

No way.

"Mum what is this? I didn't think you'd be this ruthless" Dodai says as tears streamed down her eyes.

"Well as you can see I only care about this throne,you and my revenge" Merrai says.

"You do not give a damn about me mother,you know what? I'd prefer my grandmother as a mother than you"Dodai yells.

Her voice echoes in the hall of silence.

After the Silence Merrai's laughter followed next echoing as well.

"What's the difference between me and my mother? we both abadoned our child right?" She asks.

"She is still better than you Mum,she didn't do dispeakable things for revenge,she left it for the gods." She glares at her mother.

Sophia could feel her body weakening,how had she not noticed it earlier?

The ancestors ditched her for over two days already was this the reason?

"I am not a coward like my mother" Merrai retorts.

"Yeah, you're not" Dodai scoffs.

Sophia sways as she falls making Dodai catch her immediately.

She slips in and out consciousness as her eyes flutters open and close.

"Queen?" Dodai calls worriedly.

Merrai raises her eyebrows as she watches the scene before her....

She wondered if the spell took this long to kill a witch or was it because she was Queen?

Maybe it made her stronger?

"I won't let you die Queen,your people even your child is relying on you" Dodai whispers.

"My magic,it's keeping my baby,I made sure of it but I won't last long" Sophia says.

"Guards! come help me" Dodai yells to which guards run to her and Sophia's aid.

They couldn't disobey their princess if they wanted their head to be intact.

"it's of no use Dodai,she will die in a few hours" Merrai says.

"She will not die...a woman with a pure heart never faces any evil" Dodai says as the guards lift her away.

"We shall see"

"To my room,take her to my room" Dodai says.