
Chapter 44

It was kind of strange that Dodai was working and doing preparations for her own wedding.

Tired and stressed out from all the work she stumbled to the maid quarters only to get dragged back by a hand on her wrist.

Fear fills her immediately...after all she was a princess,no one ever touched her except they wanted to be beheaded by her mother the Queen.

"You are new here" A masculine voice echoes through the hallways.

"I am sir" Dodai says snatching her wrists from his hold as she eyes him warily.

"I see,good pack up the little things you have you will be going with I and the King to somewhere in the morning" The man says.

Now she raised her head...she thought he was a guard but with the expensive perfume coming from him and his attires she figured she had been wrong.

Plus the man was drop dead gorgeous,too handsome for an ordinary guard.

"Who are you?" her mouth moved on it's own accord.

"I see you haven't been thought the rules of the palace yet as you are indeed new...I am the second in command to the throne" His voice rings in the silence.


Her husband to be? The Edom of Gabesh?

When would destiny stop playing with her this way?

"Am sorry my prince...I will do as you say" She rasps running off the minute the last words leave her mouth.

Edom shrugged no finding anything strange about it his mind was far from an ordinary maid...

He saw the look in his beloved's eyes today...the look of hatred, vengeance and evil.


Few hours ago...

Ramos glared disgustingly at Ahishar who stood in front of Sophia's room door not allowing him entry.

She looked like she didn't seem to care what he thought of her or her kind as she stood nonchalantly with her hands folded.

She suddenly turned to Edom after minutes of silent glares from both angles.

"You know we weren't brought here to suffer right? A big castle and there aren't maids? or guards? we should clean and protect ourselves?" Ahishar asks raising her eyebrows.

"I thought your kind had magic? or is it useless now? I thought your daughter was the witch Queen?" Ramos answers instead.

Ahishar rolls her eyes still looking at Edom like Ramos wasn't there.

"get maids and a few guards for when you come next second in command" She says shrugging.

At least she didn't hate him the way Sophia and Talmon did. His betrayal. It hurt them.

Talmon walks out of the room and closes the door behind her. He had no idea why they weren't letting them see the Witch Queen.

Something was up and by the looks of it they weren't going to find out.

"Yes? why are they here mum?" Talmon says not sparing them a glance.

"To see Sophia of course" Edom says. Anytime he saw Talmon he suddenly had the urge to speak to her even if it wasn't in a decent conversation.

"And did I by any means address you?" Talmon asks glaring at him.

"You addressed us both.... mind how you speak to your King and his Second" Ramos says harshly.

"Or what? I said Sophia isn't going to see anyone today, she's tired and wants to rest so leave because we have no regard for you and your second" Talmon finishes looking at Edom.

He wondered if she still loved him or was now so caught up in hate and vengeance that she couldn't even look at him like a human being.

Ahishar smiles at him.

The devilish kind of smile.

The one that says 'See she hates you' then she turned around and went into the room jamming it shut.

Talmon stood immobile by the door.