



I was facing that woman. I thought she has suffered a disease, but why her makeup was too medium and her movements are the same as a young woman. I see her hands holding his arm. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to head to my room.

Few moments of staying in my room I feel bored. I hope I can hang out with my friends...Wait I can go out of town without his permission besides he doesn't have the right.

"All right, I'll go out!" I stop when the door opens and there I saw him raising his brows.

"Where are you planning to go woman?" he asks, I giggled.

"Somewhere, where my feet stop," I answered and attempt to turn away when he tugged me. He pushed me in the corner and lean his hands to the wall to corner me. His aura was so dangerous. I thought he's with her and taking care of her?!

"You are not going out. You'll cook for us first." I smile and thumbs up.

"All right copy, besides you'll approve my permission to go out?" I ask, hehe I'm going out! I'll escape from this Villa.

"Tsk you can go out if you were done at your task woman!" he said and reminded me by his stare at me. I pout as I think that why is he's too strict? Besides I'm just going out?

"Heh, stay aside I will pass!" I exclaimed with my brows crossed. I attempt to push him when he catches my hand and pulls me closer to him.

"Don't you let other man touches you, stupid woman? Because I know from far you'll hang out with those guys." he meant it. What?! Me, going out with those jerks. Where did he catch that news? I was stunned when I see his face closer. I can no longer smell his scent. He grins and was attempted to come closer to me when I set aside far from him.

"H-how dare you to attempt to k-kiss me!" I exclaimed.

"As far as I know, you weren't affected by me? Why isn't you let me approach you? Tell me, is still me here inside your heart?" he asks while pointing to my chest.

"I'm not!" I said and turn away to cover my face that is red as a tomato!

"Haha...I'm just teasing you," he said and walk away.

"Whooo! It seems like there's still him in my heart. How can I prevent these feelings?" I ask myself.

I run towards the kitchen and cook for them, I used to cook some of the recipes I know. Using Youtube, I was guided!


After one hour and a half, I'm done! I almost serve it. I see their figures. She stares at me, I smiled and turn away.

"Come on join us," said Bryle. I shake my head and faces them.

"I'm full, besides I need to loosen my fats," I said and walk away. This time, I'm p[lanning to have a bath and go out of town!


I left the Villa without excuses, hahaha. At least I can go out wherever I want!

My feet stop at the mall. I was heading in the salon, it's been months since I commit a salon lately.

"Good afternoon Ma'am." the staff greets me. I just nod and smile to her. She's gay, she was known as "Stephany" were friends and were close too.

"Do you know what hairstyle I want Step," I said and enter the salon. I placed my bag beside me and faced the mirror, she starts to brush my hair with her hands. She looks at my eyes through the mirror.

"It's been three months since you didn't come here. What's the matter?" she asks, I giggled.

"It's because my Husband is stricken." she laughs and next with that she coughs and becomes serious.

"Well is that so? He loves you?" she asks, I fake a laugh and play my hands. With that, it made me comfortable. I think this time, I'm going to burst out loud.

"If I think he would love me? Not." I seriously answered, without my comfort, I face her through the mirror. Her brow raised. I giggled. "Don't you dare to raised that brow again or else I'll shove it!" I exclaimed, he cough and continue what he was doing.

"All right, do you love him?" he asks again. Oh my god, this gay! Isn't I'm not updated? Is she became a newscaster? It seems like I'm outdated.

"Err, are you a newscaster? Well, I love him, but that doesn't mean that I'll give it all to him. I'm afraid that someday, I'll fall, and it happened that I was the only one being in love." I answered and my tear burst out. I wipe it quickly to prevent this embarrassing scene.

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. But he still gives care to you?" he asks again. I frown.

"Arrghh don't you ask me, just do your job well! I'm going out, would you like to go out with me? There's a newly opened bar somewhere there." I tell her, I look down and take a stare with my nails.

"Somewhere there? All right, I gotta hang out with you, besides you don't know who will you choose to go with you," he said and brush my hair with the hairbrush. Sher silently does her job, without any noise. I made my eyes slightly closed and there I fell asleep.



I wake up and there I see the mirror. It's me, wearing light makeup and my curly hair and slightly tied that makes an impact that suits my face. I yawn.

"Your awake I'm ready now," she says. I pout, well I'm not.

"All right, well go as soon as possible. Here, thank you for making me beautiful!" I gave her my fee. He receives it.

We walk towards the parking lot, she uses to go out with me. She guide me hop inside and after that she enter inside. At that time, I quickly drive the car.

Few minutes passed we're at our assigned destination. Where I used to stay. The Wonderful "BAR"! We stop with it's parking area.


Were inside and ready to order some drinks. We seat next to the bartenders direction. I see Step looking back at the bartender, it seems like Step likes him. Whoa, so they don't like to break there eye contact. I seated infront of her. They're still looking at each other.

"Hey! Don't be a flirt. Let it be too early, as long as you talk to me, I will help you there." I pout and face her. She face me with her eyes are still amazed, besides the bartender looking good too. He has a charisma.

"Hey if you like him just tell me. I'll ended up my desire from him." he laugh I rolled my eyes.

"If I were you, I'll find more handsome than that man. Well he has a good look too, but still handsome face will be lioke the most. Most likely with my husband." I p[aused. I pout as I remeber him with her woman.

"Hey what on earth were here? We were just arrive here to talk? Well, two orders of hard drink please!" she said to the bartender with her flirty eyes looks like she undressed him in her mind.

"Tsk." I was annoyed by this gay! Why is it he likes guys besides, he's just a gay and has a penis. While that guy has a penis too, equals to eww! I think theirs no changes I wonder that guy hit her in his butt. Well I treat him as my sister and a woman too.

"Hey why are staring at me?! Don't tell me, did you fall for me?" she asks. I laugh and next with that I face her with my serious expression.

"If you were a male. I was, but you're a gay. Just eww!" I exclaimed and the bartender serve us the drink sher ordered.

"Thanks" she thank him with her eyes twinkling. It seems like I wanted to nausea.

"Eww," I whispered. I heard she groaned.

"Stop it, just drink. Cheers!" she exclaimed and raise her glass of Whiskey.

"Cheers!" we exclaimed at the same time and raised our glass.

We drink and drink until were two hours here and chit-chating with those guys who approached us. Besiede me was the guy smirking and simply touching my waist. I smiled and faced him, because I was carried away by the heat of my body I was able to moan. I heard he giggled, I see that b*tch taken away by the man. And here I am, beside him. If I think his name was Jeffrey.

"So how is that, just the two of us," he paused and look at me. I raised my brows and smirk.

~To be Continued