
His Mate, Her Fate

LILA KING is somewhat notorious in her old wolfpack - as a child she led a rebel crew of delinquents who caused havoc in the reserve and fought vampires. She was one of the best fighters in the pack, but following her best friend's death at 18 she left the pack to live with humans. For her 25th birthday, she finally returns, but only to introduce her werewolf family to a human fiance. What no one expects, though, is that at the party her family throws...she will encounter her destined mate. He is no other than DARIUS CARTER - the new alpha of the biggest wolf-pack in the region, holding a bad rep for killing the former alpha to assume his righteous position. But there is much more to him than just a pretty face and a fabulous six-pack... Can Lila fight destiny? Does she even want to? And why are those vampires starting to appear again with her return? ---EXCERPT: I hear people saying my name through the muffled sounds of my heartbeat banging in my ears. Then suddenly everyone in the room disappears and there are no voices. The only sound is that of his footsteps and the only scent is the most beautiful, sensual, masculine smell I have ever felt. Darius approaches me slowly at two feet away but doesn't stop. As everything seems slow-motioned, I try to step back to avoid a collision, but my feet won't listen. Instead, I take a step forward and we meet at only an inch apart. He looks at me so intensely, so passionately, that I feel devoured. Then he speaks. "Hello, mate."

zamsii · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 13: Our First Time

Darius isn't smirking anymore.

He is dead serious as he cups the back of my head with one hand, looking deeply inside my eyes it's almost too intimate, as he uses his other hand to position his erection at the entrance of my vagina.

He doesn't slip it in, though, and it makes me insane. I wiggle trying to get him inside me, but he holds my hips with both hands now, preventing me to move.

"What is it now?" I ask, irritated.

He inhales sharply, but doesn't respond immediately. Instead, he uses his hands to pull me closer, his manhood slowly filling me.

I feel how large it is, but it does not hurt entering. I groan deeply, completely letting myself go, surrendering to his hands fully.

And it feels so good. As if his part has always belonged there and has finally come home.

Then he lifts a hand to press some hair behind my ear and gently whispers. "Do you understand now?"

Wiggling my hips, I tilt my head to gaze into his eyes. "That it feels this good because we're mates?"

He smirks, seemingly pleased. "That one's a given, but no." He cups my buttock with one hand holding me in place, while with the other he slowly goes up my thigh, over my belly and to my breast. "That you can't turn your back on me. Not now, not ever."

"Unless we go doggy," I wink trying to shift the mood from serious back to fun.

He watches me without changing. "You need me just as much as I need you."

And then he stands up with me on him, exiting my body and lifts me up to his shoulders only by holding my upper legs with his lower arms.

The gesture feels too intimate too soon and I suddenly start feeling uncomfortable. "Put me back down," I say too fast.

"Relax," he says and just like that, I do.

His lips touch my intimate part and as he sucks on it, I twist my body in joy, holding his head to keep balance. His tongue feels strong and seemingly knowledgeable of all my happy spots.

I moan in joy as he pleasures me like I've never been pleasured before.

Then he turns back towards the couch, gives my lady one last kiss, and lowers me to the height of his elbows before throwing us both on the comfy couch.

I pant in excitement, my hands exploring his shredded body, as he finds my nipple and sucks on it.

I slowly move my hands up his upper arms, feeling the indentations and bulges, and it turns me on to the point of not being able to endure his absence from my body.

I lift my hips to touch his erection, tempting him to enter me. He groans and answers my plea. It slips inside with heavenly ease and I twist my body in pleasure. We move our hips, enjoying the feeling, and then our eyes meet, making it very intimate again.

My eyelids close halfway, but I do not break the eye contact. He goes deeper and a moan escapes my throat, making me blush for the way his eyes watch me.

I feel the need to come so I gently push him, giving him a clue that I want to change positions. Surprisingly, he obeys without hesitation and I place myself on top of him, starting to move on my own rhythm and way. I feel his eyes moving over my naked body at a very slow pace and it turns me on seeing it.

He glides his hands slowly over my calves, thighs, grips my buttocks shortly but firmly, then continues to slide over my waist and finally cups my breasts.

I increase the pace, my rugged moans announcing my soon orgasm. I give my final few frictions before reaching there, then collapse onto his wide strong chest, slightly trembling as my hips slow down.

He quickly takes out his erection and spills his juices over my derriere

It didn't even occur to me we hadn't used a condom up until now. Luckily, he's being aware.

"Thank you," I whisper as he puts his arms over me, making me feel like the most desirable woman on the planet.

"For what?" he asks cautiously and I feel as if a wrong answer could make him furious.

"Being careful," I say and look him in the eye. "I'm not on the pill," I shrug. "You couldn't have known that."

He then smirks. "Don't thank me. You will need to thank me when I do make you a child," he lifts an eyebrow. "But I'm not going to do that until you beg me for it mercilessly. Just because you said it now." He lays a kiss on my forehead and the corners of his lips curl when he puts his head down, making him hot as hell.

I frown, gathering back my feistiness and try to sit back up, but his arms won't let me.

"I want to get up," I say, now a bit demanding.

He laughs enjoying this. "I don't want to let you go."

"Let go," I demand.

He shakes his head in disbelief, but loosens up his arms, so I manage to stand up.

I clear my throat just so he could hear me loud and clear. "First of all, that will never happen." That son of a bitch is out of his mind if he thinks I would beg him for anything. "Second of all, don't think this," I gesture my hand around a little, unwilling to call this by it's name, "is how things will be from now on on a regular basis. I have not forgotten or decided to go over the fact you're lying to me."

His squinted eyes go over my body in slow motion, making me imagine his thoughts and I turn red again, now maniacally searching for my clothes. "You know, it's really hard to listen to what you're saying when you're standing this gorgeously naked in front of me."

"Fucking asshole. I can't believe we're mates," I press my lips in anger and collect some pieces of clothes off the floor, then quickly throw it on me, whatever isn't teared apart. Which is basically only my skirt. I then tuck my ripped panties in the skirt pocket and put on the blouse that is now unable to be buttoned up.

He lifts up to his elbow, perfectly comfortable with being naked in front of me. And damn it, why does that make him even more appealing?

"Just to be more precise, how often will this be happening from now on?" He gifts a charmingly wide smile to me, one that I've never seen him give before and it throws me a bit off guard.

Damn it, I did not think this through!

I place my hands on my hips and nod several times. "That...is to be discussed," I say and quickly head towards the door, but I hear his sexy masculine chuckle behind me and suddenly I'm very relieved that I didn't answer with "Never" simply out of anger.

Because I already want to do it again.


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