
His Majesty's Sweetheart

She was a girl from the village of Razo who dreamed of being more than just some man's wife. After rigorous training throughout her childhood in both combat and stealth Sakura is finally able to try out to be a guard of the Razo kingdom. However, on her way she finds herself being stopped and nearly attacked by one of the king's guards and forced to protect herself. Things take a turn when she meets Kyro, the king himself! Kyro witnesses Sakura's skills and strength first hand and immediately picks her to be his personal guard! But of course not all is what it appears to be when the two find themselves in crazy situations that lead to a lust filled attracted towards each other and are claimed as forbidden territory, due to the fact Kyro is already married to the current queen and childhood friend, Kiyoko! Will Sakura accept her feelings and Kyro's love by giving up the opportunity to be a wife and be with someone who genuinely understands her? Or will she continue fighting by his side and claim the title as not only top guard but the next queen of Razo?

natashahills · Fantasía
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7 Chs

The Kingdom of Razo.

I had made a deal with the king himself, was that even possible? I shake my head and look out the carriage window as we leave the village. My parents seemed excited last night that I had agreed to Kyro's offer but I could see the sadness in their eyes as I left them this morning, I had to remember I was doing this for them and to make them proud.

I let out a soft sigh as I pulled the curtains closed. Looking over, I notice Kyro peacefully reading a book with an expression I couldn't even read. His face was stern and cold, but somehow it made him appear more charming. His skin was fair and smooth and his eyes were a stunning shade of blue and green mixing together, I had seen nothing like it.

Suddenly Kyro looks up from his book and sees name staring right at him, I flinch in my seat and attempt to play it off by looking away. However, I hear him slightly chuckle and put his book aside.

"Is there something on my face?" he says looking directly at me. "Or do you enjoy staring at people?"

"Of course not!" I say as I continue to shyly look away. "I just noticed your eyes..."

"My eyes?" he says curiously, cocking his head to the side. "Is there something wrong with them?"

"No, I was mesmerized considering I haven't seen anyone with those eyes before." I look back over at him as he continues to look at me like a curious child. "The queen will most likely have your children with those eyes."

Kyro's eyes widen at my words and he sits back in his seat gazing at me.

"The queen and I don't plan to have children." he says with a cold tone in his voice. "I would rather not bring children into a loveless marriage."

"Oh... I didn't mean to upset you." I hesitate.

"It's not your fault, that's just how things are." he says looking at me with a soft smile. "We don't always get to be with our true love, especially if you haven't met them."

"But then why get married?" I shrug my shoulders. "You are the king after all, don't you get a choice?"

"It doesn't work that way, Sakura," he says as he crosses his arms and leans back. "In order for me to even become king I had to be married, it was considered to be tradition and well I couldn't go against the previous king."

"Oh." I sigh looking down. "But don't you feel lonely?"

"I have an entire kingdom to take care of Sakura, I don't have much time to feel lonely."

"That doesn't mean you don't feel it, everyone eventually needs someone to love even if they don't think so."

"Is that how you feel then?" he says, still looking directly at me. "You gave up the idea of love and marriage when you decided to become a guard, do you have those regrets?"

I hesitantly look away unsure of what to say. Of course I wanted to fall in love and get married, but I wanted it to be on my own terms, not because a matchmaker said so. But I told Kyro this would he even understand? He doesn't even love his own wife, how could he possibly understand my problems?

I sigh at the thought of even telling him the thoughts that ran through my head before finally looking at him again.

"Well?" he says with a smirk. "Are you going to answer my question?"

"I don't regret the choices I made, but I'm not sure if I'll end up resenting myself in the future." I look out the window to the palace almost within our reach. "However, if I were to be completely honest, I don't regret deciding to be with you."

"With me?" he says somewhat surprised.

"Yes, as your personal guard. Remember?" I say with a soft chuckle.

"Ahem!" he clears his throat. "Of course I do, I just wanted to know if you remembered."

Was it me or was Kyro suddenly acting strange? I peered over at him to see him pick up his book and continue to read, it was almost as if he was intentionally avoiding our conversation. Maybe I stepped too out of line, I needed to remind myself that Kyro was not a normal person and that he could possibly end my life at any given moment.


We arrive at the palace and I quiver in fear, I look over at Kyro with a pitiful look.

"Sakura?" he asks with a concerned expression. "Are you alright?"

"I- I don't think I can do this." I mumble. "Maybe I'm not cut out for this and what if no one likes me and... I don't fit in."

"I understand you're afraid, but there's no reason to be." he smiles. "Everything will be fine, okay?"

"O- Okay." I say taking a deep breath.

The carriage door opens and Kyro proceeds to stand up and walk out first. I could see everyone welcoming him back with open arms and warm smiles, he truly was loved by his kingdom. Kyro then turns around and walks back to the carriage door holding his hand out to me.

"It's your turn Sakura." he whispers softly to me.

I place my hand in his and hold on as I step out of the carriage. I immediately notice their faces grow with great concern and they look at each other. I hold my head down in fear of saying the wrong thing, however Kyro still continues to hold my hand.

"Everyone I would like you to meet the jewel of Razo village and my personal guard, Sakura Arakawa." he says with a stern and demanding voice. The people quickly stop their gossip and turn their attention to their king. "I expect you to treat her with the same respect you give to each other, are there any disagreements?"

"I have one." a female voice says amongst the crowd. A path suddenly opens up and everyone gracefully bows, it was none other than the queen herself, Kiyoko. She wore a long red and gold gown that touched the ground, her hair was tied into a bun and her crown placed perfectly on her head. "That is if you don't mind dear."

I slip my hand out of Kyro's and immediately bow to her highness in respect, but the cold attitude she gave me definitely didn't sit right with me.

"So this was the one Master Yuza was speaking to you about?" she says gazing over me. "May I know what is so special about her and why you call her the jewel of Razo village?"

"Sakura shows a great deal with skills and was trained under Yuza her entire life," he says with an annoyed expression on his face. "As for the jewel of Razo village, she is considered this due to the fact she is the first female guard to come from there and break those pointless traditions."

"Pointless traditions?" Kiyoko hisses. "I hope I don't need to remind you that those traditions made you king and husband, my dear Kyro."

She turned her attention to me and we made eye contact, though she was beautiful, her gaze was dark and unsettling.

"Do not forget that." she says staring directly at me. "Oh and welcome to the palace, the maids will show you to the living quarters."

"Actually she will stay in the palace." Kyro interrupts her.

"And why is that?" Kiyoko asks with a sudden annoyance in her tone. "All the maids and guards live either in the kingdom or living quarters."

"You don't decide where she stays, Kiyoko, I do." he snaps back. "Just like you decided on your own to let Lance live in the palace."

"Lance is my personal guard, those were your orders so it's only fair he stays near by."

"Exactly, it seems you just answered your own question didn't you?" Kyro takes his attention off of Kiyoko and looks over at me. "Come Sakura, I'll show you where you can put your things."

Kyro proceeds to walk ahead and I follow behind him, however as I walk away Kiyoko grabs my hand and whispers.

"Kyro is my husband, so you better do your job and nothing else." she harshly mutters and releases her grip. "And now that I've made that clear, why don't you be a good little village puppy and follow the king."

I clench my fist in anger but hold myself back, if I had let my tongue slip I couldn't imagine the consequences I would face for disrespecting the queen. But whatever her issue was with me, it definitely wasn't going to be over anytime soon.

And I hate to admit it, but I was afraid of what she could be capable of.

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