
His Majesty's Sweetheart

She was a girl from the village of Razo who dreamed of being more than just some man's wife. After rigorous training throughout her childhood in both combat and stealth Sakura is finally able to try out to be a guard of the Razo kingdom. However, on her way she finds herself being stopped and nearly attacked by one of the king's guards and forced to protect herself. Things take a turn when she meets Kyro, the king himself! Kyro witnesses Sakura's skills and strength first hand and immediately picks her to be his personal guard! But of course not all is what it appears to be when the two find themselves in crazy situations that lead to a lust filled attracted towards each other and are claimed as forbidden territory, due to the fact Kyro is already married to the current queen and childhood friend, Kiyoko! Will Sakura accept her feelings and Kyro's love by giving up the opportunity to be a wife and be with someone who genuinely understands her? Or will she continue fighting by his side and claim the title as not only top guard but the next queen of Razo?

natashahills · Fantasía
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7 Chs

An Offer From The King!

I sit on the wooden steps outside of our little house as I listen to mother pace back and forth while complaining about my decision.

"Sakura you can't really be doing this," mother complains from inside. "This is your dream, this is what you trained for since you were a little girl and now... now you're just going to deny the opportunity? Have you lost your mind?"

"Mom I already told you, I just don't think I can go through with this." I sigh looking up at the sky. "It's just not what I thought it would be and his majesty... he's not what I expected either."

"What does his majesty have to do with this Sakura?" she asks standing behind me at the door. "He offered you the opportunity of a lifetime and with no strings attached, what could be the matter?"

"It's not what he said." I pause. "It's what he didn't say."

"What on earth does that even mean?"

I playfully roll my eyes and smiled, I knew she wouldn't understand but then again she only wanted me to go after what I wanted. Was I being silly for rejecting his request because of what happened or did his words really mean something else?

"Now if anyone will decide where she goes, it's going to be her." my father says as he approaches us holding a basket of vegetables and meats in his hands.

I hurry over to him taking the basket and help carry them into the house.

"I heard that his majesty is quite interested in you Sakura," he says with a chuckle. "It's not often people from the village catch the royal families attention."

"T- That doesn't matter to me." I hesitate placing the basket on the table. "Besides, if that's the way they let their guards act then I want no part in it!"

I turn to see my parents look at each other with a somewhat worried expression on their face before looking back at me. I take a deep breath and proceed to help cook dinner, attempting to end the conversation.

"Sakura," my father says, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Come with me."

He smiles and walks outside, I look over at my mother as she walks up to me and takes the food from my hands.

"There's no need to hide anything from us," she says with a faint smile. "If there's something truly bothering you, don't hold it in."

She gently pats the side of my face with her free hand before walking into the kitchen and begins cooking.

I head outside to see my father sitting on the bench under our sakura tree. He sits peacefully and enjoying the calming breeze that blew over, I sit down besides him and look down at the ground and nervously wait for what I was about to hear.

"It looks like the sakura tree is fully in bloom, beautiful isn't it?" father asks holding out his hand and catching a petal. "I remember when I brought you here for the first time. You were so small and yet the world was your playground, since then I knew you'd be more than what the world wanted you to be and now you want to give it up?"

"It's not like that, it was that guard! He treated me with so much hate, as if I was nothing." I vent. "Is that how his majesty trains the royal guards? To push around those who are lower and show off power?"

"I think you've got the wrong idea of my Miss Arakawa." a voice speaks. I look up to see the king himself approach us, father stands up and gracefully bows but I continue to sit. "I would like to have a word with your daughter if that's okay with you sir."

Father looks over at me and I give him a slight nod, I knew better than to disrespect the royal family let alone the king himself. We both watch my father walk back into the house, his majesty looks over at me and I stand up to gracefully bow to him.

"Your majesty," I speak softly. "What brings you here?"

"You don't need to do that," he says with a faint smile. "Shall we sit?"

"S- Sure."

I awkwardly sit beside him and look away, what could he want with me? Was he here to force me into becoming a guard? Would he hurt my family?

"It's come to my attention that you refused my offer from earlier," he says calmly. "May I know the reason why?"

"If I'm being completely honest, it is because of my morals and well your guards appear to go against that." I state confidentiality. "I don't wish to judge your training methods, but I don't care for the higher status, I just want to protect the kingdom... your kingdom."

"I see." he responds. "It appears that I've given you the wrong impression, what that guard did earlier was unacceptable and I was going to teach him a lesson. However, you stopped me."

"Well I-"

"And I'm glad you did." he says cutting me off. "I can be rash when it comes to those not following the rules in a disrespectful way, but that was the reason why I picked you. Your morals towards those higher or lower than you is nonexistent, you treat all equally even those who go against you."

"It's called being human, your majesty." I reply. "Some lose themselves to power or even misuse it to those they can push around, but I can't stand by and let it happen."

"Is that why you wanted to be a guard?" he asks, still looking forward. "Most women your age are preparing for their matchmaking, and yet you would rather put your life on the line for the kingdom."

"I didn't want to be another house wife, at least not yet." I say peeking over at him to see his reaction. "I want to be able to tell my children I was someone and make them proud."

He closes his eyes and smirks.

"You truly are different Miss Arakawa." he says as he stands up and looks back at me. "My offer still stands, whether you accept it or not is your own choice."

He started to walk away and something in me clicked. I immediately stand up and shout to him.

"Sakura!" I say loudly.

He turns around and looks at me.

"If I agree to be your personal guard then call me Sakura and promise me that no harm will come to my family," I pleaded. "They've gone through enough because of me, I just... I just want to make sure they're taken care of."

"Hmm," he mumbles as he turns around fully and takes a look at me. "I can assure you that your family will be in great care while you're gone, however, I do have a small request from you myself."

I stand quietly and nod.

"If you agree to be my personal guard then I want us to be equals in respect, with that being said I would like you to call me Kyro." he smiles. "Do we have a deal Sakura?"

I take a deep breath hearing my name from his mouth.

"We have a deal your... Kyro."

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