
His Majesty's Bride.

{Warning; Mature Content} **She was ice. He was fire. And none of them were willing to melt, or quench the other.** Princess Raziah Octavius, the strange and curious princess had only two things in mind. One; To be alone. Two; Take revenge on the person responsible for her nightmares that unfaithful night. On the night of her introduction, she comes across a unique devil dressed as a prince, and she immediately agrees to get married to him just to get the frustrating night over with. Whisked away to his kingdom, she finds out just how unique his Majesty is with all the mystery around him. But no matter what happens, and how much this devious devil tries to burn her with his touch and gaze, he can never melt her frozen heart. ...Or so she thought.

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204 Chs

Part 1 - War.

This wasn't a battle. It was war.

Everything was being turned upside down. Aragon was in complete defense mode, while Raziah was attacking him from every angle. King Eleazar must have held her in such high esteem to have gifted her with a sword made of the strongest material on earth, that even overwhelming strength could not crush it or else Aragon's claws would have shattered it by now.

The fight was brutal, with no side faltering or willing to back down. Even as they fought, they kept studying each other's moves seeking to find an opening to strike down the other.

Aragon did not like Raziah's goal. Does she even understand the gravity of what she wants to do? But could he continue to blame her? He had turned her into this with his own hand. Now, he would carry it upon himself to stop her with everything he's got.