
Oh, He Will Suffer


When we get to Gaffney's Memorial Hospital, I hurry out of the SUV and carefully get Arlo out of the car. I'm not patient enough to wait for the driver to go inside to get somebody to help him. That will take forever and I am chomping at the bit as it is. Sasha helping me to carry Arlo to the ER catches me off guard. I'd like to think that he changed his attitude towards Arlo, but I know that at this point, he is just trying to score some brownie points with me.

Or maybe he is just worried that I'll let Tyler know how callous he was with Arlo.

Whatever his reason for helping me, I'm glad that he does because the nurses inside know him. In a few minutes, they have already scrambled and found a doctor. The doctor is an older alpha with red hair. He takes his time to observe Arlo's stomach keenly.

"He got into a car accident," I say.